Intermediate Swift iOS App Development with UIKit

  • Lucas Derraugh

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Press forward into intermediate Swift programming after having mastered the basics. In this video you’ll pick up iOS app development with UIKit and learn enough of the language needed to create a professional app. Lead off with functions, which are important to understand to use SwiftUI well. You’ll cover function types and how those can be passed around like any other type. Then work with enumerations for Swift with Error, Result, and various other value types that are implemented using enums. You’ll also see the differences between value types (struct) and reference types (class).

Because SwiftUI is struct based and UIKit is class based, you’ll focus on the basics of properties and methods, which are the contents of your structs and classes. You’ll explore some small differences between methods on classes vs. structs or other value types, then use initializers to initialize structs and classes while learning the rules for values before properties can be used.

Finally, class inheritance will show how setting up a class hierarchy can help manage base functionality that will be common to all subclasses. Once you’ve worked through the video, you’ll have a toolkit of skills ready to take you from “Hello, World!” to an app worthy of distribution or at least demoing to a potential buyer or employer.

What You Will Learn

  • Handle Swift Error enums

  • Initialize structs and classes

  • Set up class hierarchies

Who This Video Is For

Apple platform developers working in iOS and macOS interested in taking their basic knowledge to a more professional level. Also students learning Swift who want to outpace their peers in iOS app development.

This video takes you forward into intermediate Swift programming after having mastered the basics. You’ll pick up iOS app development with UIKit and learn enough of the language needed to create a professional app. Lead off with functions, which are important to understand to use SwiftUI well.

About The Author

Lucas Derraugh

Lucas Derraugh founded the AppleProgramming YouTube channel in 2010 and continues to produce content on programming for Apple’s various platforms to this day. The channel has over 22k subscribers and over 2 million views. He worked at Apple on the Photos team for three years develo** in-house Mac and iOS applications.


About this video

Lucas Derraugh
Online ISBN
Total duration
59 min
Copyright information
© Lucas Derraugh 2020

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Video Transcript


Hello, and welcome to intermediate swift, foundations for Apple platforms. In this series, you’ll obtain the knowledge required to begin using Apple’s frameworks across all their platforms. We’ll dive in to Swift’s container types and learn how to use them, but maybe even more importantly, when to use each one given the situation. And by the end of it, you’ll come away with a very strong understanding of the Swift programming language as a whole, so much so that you’ll understand a majority of the code written by others, and you’d be able to contribute a lot of your own.

From this series, you have the ability to branch into your own interests. Whether that be swift UI for graphical user interfaces, on Apple’s platforms like Mac OS, iOS, TDoS, or even WatchOS, SwiftUI is relatively easy to learn once you’ve learned these fundamentals of Swift. You can alternatively learn about Swift on the servers that you could write your own server code using the Swift programming language.

Lastly, you could learn more about advanced Swift topics, and you really won’t be lost when you’re trying to learn them. This series will be a strong foundation for that. Specifically what we’ll learn are the following topics here. Functions, enumerations, structs and classes, properties, methods, inheritance, and initializers. And with that, we will set a very strong foundation for you in your swift programming learning experience.