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    Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I

    An Introduction to Parasitology through the Parasites of Rana temporaria, R. esculenta and R. pipiens

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth (1980)

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    The Ecology of Rana species in relation to their Parasite Fauna

    This species, known as the ‘brown frog’ or ‘common frog’ in England, ‘grenouille rouse’ in France and ‘Gräsfröch’ in Germany, is the only species of Rana which is indigenous to the British Isles. It is a northern...

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth in Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I (1980)

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    Experimental Methods: Trematodes

    Snails collected from the places frequented by frogs are likely to be parasitised by larval stages of amphibian trematodes. The quickest way to determine if the snails are infected is to dissect a sample of th...

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth in Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I (1980)

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    Most protozoa are best examined when they are alive, suspended in saline on a slide; the addition of a drop of Neutral Red (0.01 %) or Janus B. Green (0.01 %) sometimes helps to show up the internal structure....

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth in Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I (1980)

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    Cestodes are found comparatively rarely in amphibia, but both adult and larval (plerocercoid and tetrathyridium) stages occur. In R. temporaria, R. esculenta and R. pipiens, those species most commonly encountere...

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth in Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I (1980)

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    The Acanthocephala are readily distinguishable from all other groups of parasitic worms by the possession of an invaginable proboscis, armed with hooks, from which the common name ‘spiney headed’ worm is deriv...

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth in Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I (1980)

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    Experimental Methods: Protozoa

    The best general fixative for protozoa is Schaudinn’s fluid: The solution keeps indefinitely; some workers prefer to add the acetic acid just p...

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth in Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I (1980)

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    Examination for Parasites: Basic Procedures

    Frogs act as hosts to all the major groups of animal parasites—Protozoa, Trematoda, Cestoda, Acanthocephala and Nematoda—and provide a rich parasite fauna for laboratory study and experimentation. The life cyc...

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth in Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I (1980)

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    For details of a modern classification of the group, consult the ‘CIH Keys to the Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates’3. In R. temporaria, R. esculenta and R. pipiens, however, relatively few species of nematodes c...

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth in Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I (1980)

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    Fresh specimens of trematodes and nematodes will probably have been obtained from the lungs, intestine, etc. and stored in saline. If these have not yet been separated from the tissues and placed in clean sali...

    J. D. Smyth, M. M. Smyth in Frogs as Host-Parasite Systems I (1980)