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    Vielfalt als alltägliche Normalität: Interaktionen und Einstellungen in deutschen Städten

    Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Beziehungen zwischen migrationsbezogener Vielfalt in Wohnvierteln, verschiedenen Formen sozialer Interaktionen zwischen alteingesessenen Deutschen und MigrantInnen sowie Diversitä...

    Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann in Handbuch Lokale Integrationspolitik (2018)

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    A concluding eighth chapter summarizes major findings and points out consequences for theories about diversity and contact.

    Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann in Diversity and Contact (2016)

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    Introduction: Research Context and Hypotheses

    The first chapter outlines major research findings and controversies and places the book in this context.

    Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann in Diversity and Contact (2016)

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    Diversity in Germany and Its Urban Neighbourhoods

    This chapter first briefly outlines the history and structure of immigration to Germany. It then explains the diversity of its cities and of city neighbourhoods. This includes discussion of immigrant concentra...

    Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann in Diversity and Contact (2016)

  5. No Access


    Five Stories of Neighbourhood, Social Life, and Diversity

    This chapter explores the connections between neighbourhood features, intergroup interaction and attitudes to diversity further in portraits of five selected neighbourhoods. We use both survey results as well ...

    Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann in Diversity and Contact (2016)

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    The Immigrant Perspective

    While the previous chapters focused on the impact of diversity on neighbourhood populations more generally, sometimes contrasting the non-immigrant and the immigrant parts of such populations, this chapter foc...

    Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann in Diversity and Contact (2016)

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    The Diversity and Contact Project (DivCon)

    This chapter explains the design of the Diversity and Contact study and the methods used. We explain how the 50 neighbourhoods were selected and provide details about the panel survey, the area explorations an...

    Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann in Diversity and Contact (2016)

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    Interactions Across Boundaries in More and Less Diverse Contexts

    This chapter turns to core results of the project. We outline the social interactions between those without and those with migration background. Here we present results for three different interactions: contac...

    Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann in Diversity and Contact (2016)

  9. No Access


    Attitudes Towards Immigration-Related Diversity

    This chapter we investigate perceptions of diversity and attitudes to others with data from our survey, specifically by way of the three-wave panel data. These data allow a more convincing analysis of causal m...

    Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Jörg Hüttermann in Diversity and Contact (2016)

  10. No Access


    Germany: Reluctant Steps Towards a System of Selective Immigration

    Fachkräftemangel, the shortage of skilled labour, is a much debated issue in Germany. Nevertheless, resistance to any large-scale liberalization of immigration remains strong. The chapter discusses why this is...

    Karen Schönwälder in Wanted and Welcome? (2013)

  11. No Access


    Ethnizität in der Zuwanderungsgesellschaft Deutschland

    Die deutsche Gesellschaft ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten zunehmend heterogener geworden – auch als Konsequenz von Migrationsbewegungen. Diese Migrationsbewegungen, in die fast ein Fünftel der Bevölkerung direk...

    Karen Schönwälder, Helen Baykara-Krumme in Berichterstattung zur sozioökonomischen En… (2012)

  12. No Access


    „Fairer, faster and firmer“: Einwanderungs- und Flüchtlingspolitik in Großbritannien

    Nach 18 Jahren kam 1997 wieder eine von der Labour Party gestellte Regierung ins Amt. Im Wahlprogramm hatte Labour keine großen Versprechungen hinsichtlich der Flüchtlingspolitik und seiner Haltung gegenüber d...

    Karen Schönwälder in Zuwanderung im Zeichen der Globalisierung (2000)

  13. No Access


    Minority Rights at Home and Abroad: the German Debate

    Germany is a champion of minority rights. This has been especially so since the break-up of the socialist regimes in Eastern and Central Europe has provided new opportunities for Germany to push for an improve...

    Karen Schönwälder in Politics of Identity (2000)

  14. No Access



    The relationship between German speakers and German states, on the one hand, and their non-German counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe, on the other, has been a fundamental feature of European history. I...

    Roger Bartlett, Karen Schönwälder in The German Lands and Eastern Europe (1999)

  15. No Access


    ‘Persons persecuted on political grounds shall enjoy the right of asylum — but not in our country’: asylum policy and debates about refugees in the Federal Republic of Germany

    ‘There is the so-called “right of asylum” but it is much more a right on the part of the Government to grant asylum than a right on the part of the alien to have it.’ This is how David Renton explained the pos...

    Karen Schönwälder in Refugees, Citizenship and Social Policy in Europe (1999)

  16. No Access


    Invited but Unwanted? Migrants from the East in Germany, 1890–1990

    Over the centuries, thousands of Germans have migrated from the territories between the rivers Rhine and Elbe to regions further east. This migration has been a focus not only of historiographical but also of ...

    Karen Schönwälder in The German Lands and Eastern Europe (1999)

  17. No Access


    Schutz ethnischer Minderheiten

    „Der Staat achtet die Identität der ethnischen, kulturellen und sprachlichen Minderheiten“: so lautete Artikel 20b der dem Bundestag im Oktober 1993 von der Gemeinsamen Verfassungskommission (im folgenden GVK)...

    Karen Schönwälder in Revision des Grundgesetzes? (1997)

  18. No Access


    Babeuf, François Noel

    B. war Zeitgenosse der Französischen Revolution, seine Auffassungen aber weisen über diese hinaus. Indem er den ersten Versuch unternahm, eine kommunistische Utopie nicht nur zu entwerfen, sondern sie auch pol...

    Karen Schönwälder in Metzler Philosophen Lexikon (1995)

  19. No Access



    In seiner Heimatstadt hielt man ihn wohl für eine Art Original. »Die prägnantesten Äußerungen seines gelegentlichen Witzes«, heißt es, »waren zu Dutzenden in Umlauf«. Ohne Unterschied des Standes oder des Fass...

    Hans-Rüdiger Schwab, Karen Schönwälder, Ulrich Prill in Metzler Philosophen Lexikon (1989)