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  1. No Access


    Physische und soziale anhedonie Die evaluation eines forschungsinstruments zur messung einer psychopathologischen basisstörung

    Scales for the measurement of social and physical anhedonia, the lowered ability to experience pleasure, were investigated. Both scales were devised by Chapman et al. German versions of these two scales of psy...

    Gabriele Burgdörfer, Martin Hautzinger in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1987)

  2. No Access


    Zur sprachlichen manifestation schizophrenen denkens au\erhalb akuter krankheitsepisoden

    Seventy texts, which had been produced spontaneously but in standardized contexts by (non-acute) schizophrenic patients and by non-schizophrenic subjects, were analysed linguistically in order to investigate t...

    K. Schonauer, G. Buchkremer in European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences (1986)

  3. No Access


    Über die beziehungen zwischen halluzinationen im alkoholdelir and testpsychologisch objektivierbaren persönlichkeitsvariablen

    In 83 alcoholics admitted to the University of Würzburg mental hospital with delirium tremens, the relationship was studied between hallucinations occurring in the delirium and psychological variables in the p...

    P. Steck, E. Holzbach in European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences (1986)

  4. No Access


    Zur Bedeutung des informationsverarbeitenden systems für schizophrene erkrankungen, dargestellt am beispiel defizitärer gedächtnisfunktionen

    The occurrance of interference as a basic disturbance in sensory input and information processing in schizophrenic patients is explained both by means of a theoretical model implying a deficit in filtering, as...

    Klaus Jost in European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences (1986)

  5. No Access


    Arachidonsäure-metabolismus nach aneurysmaruptur

    Imbalance between the two arachidonic acid metabolites, prostacyclin (PGI2) and thromboxane A2 (TXA2), is thought to be at least in part responsible for the development of cerebral vasospasm following aneurysm ru...

    V. Seifert, D. Stolke, V. Kaever, H. Dietz in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1986)

  6. No Access


    Die doppler-sonographische beurteilung der funktionsfähigkeit extra-intracranieller anastomosen

    We report on the results obtained by means of directional continuous-wave Doppler sonography in 33 patients with superficial temporal-to-middle cerebral artery anastomoses. Recurrent transient ischaemic attack...

    Stefan Biedert, Ralph Winter, Heribert Betz in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1986)

  7. No Access


    Konsiliarisch-psychiatrische versorgung eines Allgemeinkrankenhauses im zusammenhang mit stationärer kriseninterventio

    This study examined the psychiatric care given at a general hospital associated with a clinical crisis-intervention ward in Munich. The correlations between frequency of suicide attempts, psychiatric crisis an...

    Christian Vogel, Cord-Michael Haf in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1986)

  8. No Access


    Fatale eosinophile meningoencephalitis nach lackintoxikation

    The authors report about a 43-year-old male patient, who suffered from an acute toxic brain injury. Twelve days prior to death, after sealing his floor, he experienced progressively increasing headache without...

    R. Kleinert, G. Kleinert, G. F. Walter in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1986)

  9. No Access


    Hirnelektrische korrelate der cerebralen musikverarbeitung beim menschen

    (1) Slow brain potentials were recorded during musical tasks in 60 healthy subjects (42 right-handers and 18 left-handers). In period I the tasks (pitch comparison or distinguishing of chords) were solved and ...

    Eckart Altenmüller in European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences (1986)

  10. No Access


    Diagnose und therapie der allergischen granulomatose Churg-Strauss

    Three cases of allergic granulomatosis (Churg-Strauss syndrome) are reported. The patients all presented 2–10 years after the onset of pulmonary symptoms with a mononeuritis multiplex, accompanied by sharp pai...

    P. Berlit, B. Storch, H. P. Schmitt in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1986)

  11. No Access


    Die Doppler-sonographische diagnose von basilarisstenosen und -obliterationen

    We have examined 10,162 patients during the past 5 years using directional continuous-wave Doppler sonography of the vertebral arteries. On the basis of 1,989 retrograde brachial angiograms, we have developed ...

    Stefan Biedert, Heribert Betz in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1986)

  12. No Access


    Einfluß der aufgabenkomplexität auf hirnorganische reaktionsbeeinträchtigungen —hirnschädigungs- oder patienteneffekt?

    The contradictory results concerning the influence of task complexity on reaction time impairments following brain damage were reconsidered in this study. Patients with damage of the right or left cerebral hem...

    W. Sturm, A. Büssing in European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences (1986)

  13. No Access


    Ökologische faktoren und rehospitalisierungsrisiko bei psychotisch erkrankten

    The present study investigates the relationship between ecological factors and the community tenure patients with functional psychoses. Data were gathered from the records of three psychiatric hospitals in the...

    D. Klusmann, M. C. Angermeyer in European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences (1986)

  14. No Access


    Die Doppler-sonographie bei intracraniellen zirkulationsstörungen der A. carotis interna Eine Doppler-sonographisch-angiographische vergleichsuntersuchung

    During the past 33 months we have investigated 6,587 patients using directional continuous-wave Doppler sonography of the carotid arteries. On the basis of 1,671 retrograde brachial and direct carotid angiogra...

    Stefan Biedert, Ralph Winter, Heribert Betz in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1985)

  15. No Access


    Dimensionen der Hamilton-Depressionsskala (HAMD)

    The results of factor analysis of HAMD are not unitary. Studying the stability in course and the independence of selection criteria for the population we rated two groups (n = 107, n = 98) of inpatients with HAMD...

    Wolfgang Maier, Michael Philipp in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1985)

  16. No Access


    Kasuistischer Beitrag zum lipofibromatösen Hamartom des Nervus medianus: Neuropathologischer Bericht von zwei fällen

    Es wird über zwei Fälle von lipofibromatösem Hamartom des Nervus medianus berichtet, bei denen die vollständige operative Entfernung eine detaillierte neuropathologische Untersuchung ermöglichte. Die Diskussio...

    R. Schober, N. Nicola, W. Wechsler in Acta Neuropathologica (1985)

  17. No Access


    Beeinflußt das geschlecht die zuweisung zur stationären psychiatrischen behandlung?

    Since 1968, a comprehensive community mental health care system was implemented step by step in Mannheim. This concept includes arrangements with respect to the accessibility to inpatient care. We analyzed dat...

    Wolfram an der Heiden, Bertram Krumm in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1985)

  18. No Access


    Die zahlenagraphie

    One hundred and seventy-five aphasic patients (50 total, 50 mixed, 50 motor-amnesic and 25 sensory-amnesic aphasics) were tested for the writing to dictation of numbers with more than one digit. Twelve types o...

    A. Fradis, A. Leischner in European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences (1985)

  19. No Access


    Kognitive Störungen bei schizophrenen Patienten

    In a controlled study, the cognitive functions measured by different association tests in a group of 40 schizophrenic inpatients (ICD 295.1/.3/.6) were compared to those of a control group that was matched acc...

    W. Bender, P. Vaitl, H. Schnattinger in European archives of psychiatry and neurol… (1985)

  20. No Access


    Die Hamburger Schätzskala für Psychische Störungen nach Herzoperationen (HRPD)

    A brief psychiatric inventory has been developed from the AMP/AMDP system for the assessment and classification of psychic disturbances after open heart surgery in a random sample of 99 patients operated upon....

    P. Götze, B. Dahme, M. Wessel in European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences (1985)

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