Recent Advances in the study of Chinese Historical Syntax

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This chapter reviews research on Chinese historical syntax undertaken during the last 30 years. We will focus on the following topics: the application of grammaticalization theory and Construction Grammar, Chinese word order typology, verb categorization, the relations between nouns and verbs, the emergence of Chinese aspect markers and the mechanisms of their emergence, latest research development of a few important sentence structures, and finally a brief overview of the most important monographs on Chinese historical syntax. In conclusion, we aim at laying out potential prospects for future research directions and developments in Chinese historical syntax.

This chapter was originally written in Chinese by Changcai Zhao. The English version is a translation by Peng **njia 彭馨葭 and Zhao Lüyuan 赵绿原.

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Changcai 赵长才, Z. (2021). Recent Advances in the study of Chinese Historical Syntax. In: Ye, Z. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Chinese Language Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

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