Attachment and Behavioral Addictions

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Handbook of Substance Misuse and Addictions
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Attachment can be defined as a bond that is established between the child and a specific person, resulting in a search for proximity and continuous contact over time. This would contribute to the physical and psychological survival of the subject, providing the person with a secure way of knowing the world and allowing them to form internal representation models that structure their link with the world and with the significant others. Ainsworth identified three types of attachment: secure attachment, insecure avoidant attachment, and insecure anxious-ambivalent attachment, which are established in infancy and remain stable throughout life. The type and quality of this early bonding has later repercussions on the individual’s mental, behavioral, and social health. Moreover, there is evidence that insecure attachment is related to behavioral addictions (gambling disorder, sex addiction, social media addiction, video game addiction, emotional dependency, etc.) and substance addictions.

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Estévez, A., Macía, L., Momeñe, J., Etxaburu, N. (2022). Attachment and Behavioral Addictions. In: Patel, V.B., Preedy, V.R. (eds) Handbook of Substance Misuse and Addictions. Springer, Cham.

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