
1 Introduction

Rapid urbanization in China has incited a conundrum of architectural style disarray, necessitating urgent preservation of vanishing features. Façade enhancement, a vital aspect of architectural style, demands collecting, organizing, analyzing, evaluating, and redesigning extant styles. Traditionally, this labor-intensive process yielded subjective outcomes. This study focuses on generating building façades via stable diffusion, initially establishing a dataset of neo-Chinese architectural façades based on component types and distribution patterns. Subsequently, this dataset evaluates the performance of four stable diffusion methods for façade images and tests existing labeled façade datasets.

Related work. Over the past decade, generative image synthesis has been extensively researched and applied, particularly in architectural design. GANs [4], which is the model we will be using for this paper, further improved the training efficiency for generating high resolution images by first encoding the input into latent variable using an encoder network and then feed the lower dimension latent variables into a DDPM-like U-Net architecture for image generation.

2 Methodology

We propose in this paper to use fine-tuned Stable Diffusion, an implementation of Latent Diffusion Model to conduct façade generation and compare the effect of various diffusion model training methods and parameter sets have on the final generated façades. We also compare the quality of generated façades with previous work on generative architectural façade using earlier methods such as cGAN (Figs. 2 and 3).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An illustration of img-to-img generation. To the left is the original architecture imageFootnote

Original architecture images are from CRCV· The second National Architectural Design Competition of Songyang Rural Revitalization.

taken at Song Yang country, Zhejiang Province of China, and to the right are four img-to-img images generated with respect to the prompts listed in the middle.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The architecture for training and tuning LDM to perform façade design tasks. Random seed is also included to add more variety in generated contents.

2.1 Introduction to Diffusion Training Methods

2.1.1 Textual Inversion

Textual Inversion is a feature in the Stable Diffusion model, which allows for personalizing the model by training a small part of the neural network with custom images. This way, the model can be guided to generate new images based on the concepts taught through Textual Inversion. The Textual Inversion process involves feeding a set of images into the model, which then outputs a vector that represents a specific concept. This vector can then be used in the text-to-image generation process to generate new images based on the taught concepts.

2.1.2 Hypernetwork

Hypernetwork is a novel concept used to fine-tune models without touching any weights. This technology is widely used in style transfer and has better generalization performance compared to textual inversion. In Stable Diffusion refers to an additional layer that is processed after an image has been rendered through the model. It tends to skew all results from the model towards the training data, essentially changing the model.

The learning rate for the Hypernetwork may be different than the learning rate for the embedding, with a lower value for the Hypernetwork (Table 1).

Table 1. Comparison of three experiments on Hypernetwork structureFootnote

Test code from

For the training set we selected, the learning rate of the third experiment achieved a good effect, about 70% of the performance can be restored. LN makes sense for training to be more stable by preventing overfitting. Enabling Dropout can prevent hypernetwork overfitting. Custom dropout ratio is not currently supported, with a default of 0.3. Although the extended layer structure can obtain good training effect, the pt file with layer structure 1, 2, 1 occupies about 83.8 MB of real-time memory, while the PT file with layer structure 1, 2, 2, 1 occupies about 167 MB.

2.1.3 DreamBooth

DreamBooth [9] is an innovative tool for refining text-to-image diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion, enabling subject-driven generation. The fine-tuning process entails retraining the model with minimal subject-specific images and identifiers, resulting in a model adept at discerning subjects, isolating them from existing contexts, and accurately synthesizing them within new desired settings. Described as a photo booth by its Google research team creators, DreamBooth facilitates the customization of personalized diffusion models with limited training data. Utilizing Imagen as its foundation, the model can be exported as.ckpt, easily integrated into various UIs. While heralded as the preeminent image generation model, it demands a mid-tier gaming GPU and restricts simultaneous usage with other models.

2.1.4 LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation for Fast Diffusion Fine-Tuning

LoRA [10] is a technique for adapting pre-trained language models to new tasks by freezing the original model's weights and adding trainable rank decomposition matrices to each Transformer layer. This approach significantly reduces storage requirements while maintaining input and output dimensions. Implemented as a Python package called loralib, it integrates with PyTorch models like HuggingFace. LoRA introduces minimal inference latency and capitalizes on the inherent low-rank characteristics of large models by adding a bypass matrix, simulating full fine-tuning. This method presents a simple, effective solution for lightweight fine-tuning.

3 Experiments

We conduct three types of experiments. First one is a comparison of diffusion model with GAN, pix2pix in particular; second one is a comparison of different parameter tunings among LDM, including sampling methods, steps, CFG Scales, img2img redraw etc.; the last one is a comparison of different training methods, Textual Inversion, Hypernetwork, DreamBooth and LoRA on our own generated dataset. We aim to find an efficient, high quality parameter and training methods that can fulfill the exact needs of architects.

3.1 Comparison of Façades Generated by Pix2Pix and Latent Diffusion Model

We first compare Conditional GAN Pix2Pix with the LDM model used by Stable Diffusion. Pix2Pix is one of the most used generative GAN models in many different fields and it has yielded decent quality and accuracy in the area of architectural façade design. Qiu et al. experimented with Pix2Pix on façade design and trained their network on CMPFootnote 3 Façade dataset by Tylecek et al. for 100 epochs. We use the same dataset and train our LDM and presents a comparison of generated façades as in Figure. As can be seen in the comparison, LDM can achieve better quality and se-mantic understanding in the generated façades then those of the Pix2Pix models (Figs. 4, 5 and 6).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

CMP Façade dataset

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Homemade Façade dataset

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Comparison of architecture façades generated from img-to-img translation using Pix2Pix from Qiu et al.’s work and Stable Diffusion from our tuning.

Another advantage of LDM over Pix2Pix is that LDM is an unsupervised model that does not require any labeling on data for training. We used only the original images in CMP Façade dataset for training while Pix2Pix network also used the label images to assist in training to yield optimal results.

3.2 Comparison of Images Generated by Different Prompts

Stable Diffusion, a prompt-based text-to-image model, comprises two key components: Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) [8.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Prompt replacement—CFG Scale X-Y graphs

3.3 Comparison of Images Generated by Sampling Method, Sampling Steps, Classifier Free Guidance Scale, Img-to-Img Redraw Amplitude

The diffusion model generates clear images from noisy counterparts via a forward noise-adding process and a backward denoising process. This sampling method, crucial for image generation, affects denoising, quantization, and operational speed. This study compares popular methods, including Euler a, DDIM, and the DPM series. Non-linear iterative methods like DPM a and Euler a exhibit declining quality beyond a certain iteration count, while linear iterative methods, such as DDIM/Euler, display an opposing tendency, with quality relying on iteration count. However, marginal effects limit significant improvements beyond a certain point (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Sampling Steps–Sampling Methods X-Y graphs

As shown in the figure, the image generation performance is better with the Euler a sampling method and Sampling Steps between 50 and 60.

The Classifier Free Guidance Scale (CFG Scale) balances sample quality and diversity by jointly training conditional and unconditional diffusion models without using a sampler. Higher prompt relevance yields increased prompt frequency and reduced object-environment fusion, while lower relevance allows greater AI creativity and enhanced fusion.

When the Denoising strength is less than 0.5, local modifications will be made directly on the original image. When the Denoising strength is greater than 0.6, elements that match the original image will be rarely seen (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Denoising strength—CFG Scale X-Y graphs

As shown in the figure, the image generation performance is better with the CFG Scale is between 7 and 10, and the Denoising is 0.59.

3.4 Comparison of Images Generated by the Training Methods: Textual Inversion, Hypernetwork, DreamBooth, LoRA

After the training models are completed, the variables are strictly controlled and the tags of the generated embedding and DB model are tested (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Training models—Hypernet Strength X-Y graphs

Hypernetworks differ from Textual Inversion as they fine-tune the model, leading to better generalization and better training aesthetics. DreamBooth can generate good results with just a few input images of a specific object and its corresponding class name (e.g., dog), along with a unique identifier implanted in different textual descriptions. DB is better than Textual Inversion as it inserts training data into the output, leading to high similarity and great results.

LoRA approximates full fine-tuning expressiveness by setting rank r equal to pre-trained weight matrices' rank, with increasing trainable parameters. Consequently, LoRA converges to the original model, whereas adapter-based methods converge to an MLP and prefix-based methods to a model restricted by input sequence length (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12.
figure 12

LoRA's datasets composition schematic

With the assistance of textual prompts, the training dataset for LoRA can be more guided, resulting in more directed and desirable style transfer outcomes.

LoRA offers a lightweight, efficient alternative to full model fine-tuning of Stable Diffusion, outperforming DreamBooth in speed and adaptability. Low-rank adaptation yields compact results (1-6MB) for easy sharing and compatibility with diffusers and inpainting. In some cases, LoRA surpasses full fine-tuning, with potential for checkpoint merging, recipe creation, and enhanced fine-tuning via CLIP, Unet, and tokens. Offering multi-vector pivotal tuning inversion, LoRA models are smaller than 2GB + DB counterparts, enabling rapid training, art style replication, and DB training with minimal VRAM requirements.

3.5 Using Loopback Method to Optimize Images

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Using Loopback method to improve image quality

Loopback is a method by Stable Diffusion to use generated image output, in our case, generated façades, as input for the next round of generation. The process is similar to a cycle of repeating image-to-image translation. We set the iteration steps to 2 steps and Fig. 13 is the yielded result. It can be seen that Loopback can provide better details in generated façades.

3.6 Using ControlNet to Guide the Façade Generation Process

ControlNet is a method proposed by Zhang [17] to control the output of a pretrained Diffusion model to achieve better accuracy. It is achieved by having a locked neural network(the original pretrained model) and trainable copy of the original network at the same time and feed the control conditions(i.e., a edge map or line sketch) to the trainable copy and then connect the copy with the locked model layer-wise.

Best practices for using ControlNet is to convert original image into an edge map. Edges or scratches can effectively control the output into desired results. Some edge detection methods we have tested and resulted decent output includes:

  1. (i)

    Holistically-Nested Edge Detection Boundary (HED Boundary) [18], a convolutional neural network based edge detection model trained on labelled datasets that is capable of learning the hierarchical relations and other complicated spatial relations in image and combine these information when converting into edge maps;

  2. (ii)

    Semantic Segmentation using Uniformer [19], a transformer based architecture that utilizes 3D convolution and spatiotemporal attention mechanism to achieve better compute efficiency and accuracy in various tasks, including segmentation on images.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Holistically-Nested Edge Detection in img-to-img

Fig. 15.
figure 15

Semantic Segmentation in img-to-img

ControlNet along with edge detection and segmentation techniques enables architects to generate façades designs using a sketch drawing or an existing façade image with better accuracy and better alignment to the user’s intentions. Edge detection technology plays a crucial role in controlling the creation of images in the Img-to-Img framework, allowing designers to achieve the desired rendering effects in the generated images, as shown in Fig. 14. The involvement of semantic segmentation allows for more accurate differentiation of the various elements in the original image, facilitating better subsequent translation: architectural elements are replaced with new architectural elements, and so on, resulting in better facade generation and better surrounding environment, as shown in Fig. 15.

To apply lighting to generated images, upload the light source image to the image generation area and place the original image in ControlNet, selecting the Depth model, as shown in Fig. 16. Depth [20], a valuable intermediate representation for actions in physical environments, facilitates realistic rendering in scenes by comparing pixel depth values and preventing distant objects from obscuring closer ones.

Fig. 16.
figure 16

Img-to-img combined with ControlNet--take Depth as an example

Due to the inherent principle of img-to-img, which generates images based on the original image with added Gaussian noise, color block distribution is generally similar, but controlling finer details is challenging. With ControlNet's intervention, the model, initially guided by text generation, can now comprehend information extracted from images. Combined with img-to-img, this yields more desirable control outcomes.

ControlNet also supports the combination of multiple models, enabling multi-condition control of images. For example, by setting up two ControlNets, the first one controls building façade contours using HED, while the second one manages background composition through Seg or Depth. Adjusting ControlNet weights, such as prioritizing HED over Depth, ensures accurate façade structure recognition, followed by content and style control through prompt words and style models.

4 Conclusion and Discussion

Stable Diffusion outperforms earlier models like Pix2Pix in architecture façade generation, excelling in content quality and training efficiency. By adding a bypass matrix, based on the model's low-rank characteristics, LoRA achieves lightweight fine-tuning effectively.

This method offers potential in architectural style consistency and coherence. Despite some non-functionality, the generated images preserve the original photo's composition and color tone, with the structure well-extracted and translated, resulting in logical façade compositions. Utilizing this method during the sketch stage enables designers to evaluate color, form, and composition across multiple schemes.

However, Stable Diffusion has limitations, including potential inaccuracies in recognizing environmental factors, regulations, and engineering functionality. Thus, human experts should review and refine generated façades for feasibility.

Architectural AI's future is promising, providing assistance and inspiration for façade designs and allowing architects to focus on innovative tasks, elevating productivity. While serving as a valuable tool, it should not replace designers' emotional judgment and final decisions. The technology's success depends on the collaborative synergy between designers and AI tools, capitalizing on each other's strengths and weaknesses (Fig. 17).

Fig. 17.
figure 17

Extra effect display

Despite personal constraints in data collection and hardware configurations, this study addresses key issues in historical and cultural preservation. It targets challenges like updating historical core buildings, maintaining architectural style and quality, ensuring seamless style transitions in transitional zones, and integrating traditional design elements with modern urban functionality. Additionally, the research leverages digital technologies, including diffusion models, semantic ontology methods, and rough set screening, to develop innovative façade design strategies in preservation areas.

Future research will quantify image data for the training method, enhancing the generation of effective, realistic architectural images. Due to the extensive data required for optimal diffusion model training, subsequent work could explore data collection and preprocessing collaborations with academic and commercial institutions, as well as employing automated tools for data identification and refinement. This research holds significant implications for urban design and preservation, with potential applications extending beyond the study's scope.