Characterization of Biomaterials for Tissue Repair

  • Conference paper
Biological Matrices and Tissue Reconstruction


Even in 1909 Bergel [3] recognized the value of fibrin as a scaffold structure for tissue regeneration. At about the same time Grey [25] and Harvey [26] described independently from one another the use of fibrin tampons to accelerate local hemostasis. Harvey studied the resorption of fibrin and discovered that xenogenous fibrin produces a foreign body reaction [26]. During the Second World War Cohn and colleagues [11] developed plasma fractionation through ethanol in the U.S.A. Seegers [47] isolated prothrombin and formed thrombin from it. These work groups were forerunners for the broad application of clotting factors in medicine. In 1943 Michael and Abbott [37] used the plasma derivatives fibrinogen and thrombin in plastic and neurosurgery. Cronkite et al. [12] used resorbable wound dressings on a basis of oxidised cellulose together with human fibrinogen and human thrombin for local hemostasis on soldiers during the Second World War. The renaissance of fibrin gluing is based on fundamental work done by Matras et al. [36] in joining severed nerves using fibrin, as well as by Spängler [48] in applying fibrinogen and thrombin for topical hemostasis.

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Stemberger, A., Altmeppen, J., Bader, F., Calatzis, A. (1998). Characterization of Biomaterials for Tissue Repair. In: Stark, G.B., Horch, R., TÁczos, E. (eds) Biological Matrices and Tissue Reconstruction. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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