
1 Introduction

Tourism can be a powerful tool for the economic and social development of local communities. However, in practice, tourism can generate significant challenges and imbalances (Deery et al., 2012). Tourism research that seeks to enhance social impact focuses on addressing these challenges and harnessing the positive potential of tourism to generate significant change (Viana-Lora, 2023). Researchers must understand the effects of tourism on local communities so that their research can maximise benefits and minimise negative impacts (Viana-Lora et al., 2022). This calls for research into ways to strengthen local economies, promote entrepreneurship and job creation, and ensure that the profits generated by tourism are redistributed fairly and equitably (Ozanne et al., 2017). This involves investigating how tourism can respect and value local traditions, beliefs and practices, and promote respectful and meaningful interaction between visitors and host communities (Deery et al., 2012).

The potential to generate positive social impact through scientific research is undeniable. However, to maximise such impact, it is necessary to establish a theoretical framework to guide the research process and ensure the relevance and applicability of the results (Viana-Lora et al., 2023). It will be essential to ensure that tourism is a positive force for local communities, the environment and culture. For this reason, this research explores the importance of enhancing the social impact of tourism research through the design of a theoretical framework that outlines the key aspects and steps to be followed by the researcher.

2 Method

The methodology used consisted of designing a framework to enhance the social impact of tourism research. To this end, an analysis of the existing literature on the social impact of research has been carried out to enable us to extract the key theories and concepts published up to May 2023. The systematic literature review is an evidence-based technique that allows us to conduct an objective and theoretical discussion (Rother, 2007). The publications for the analysis were extracted from the Web of Science.Footnote 1 This database guarantees quality scientific content and has access to multiple databases with research in all areas of study (Mikki, 2009).

The stages carried out in this systematic literature review are depicted in Fig. 1. In this regard, the first phase consisted of searching for publications in the database through the following search algorithm:

“social impact of research” OR ”social impact of the research” OR “societal impact of research” OR “societal impact of the research” OR “social benefits of research” OR “social benefits of the research” OR “social benefits of research” OR “benefits of research in society” OR “benefits of research on society”

Fig. 1
A flow diagram. It involves searching and identifying records through W o S, screening of records, removing 26 records, kee** 77 records for the next screening, and selecting 77 final included papers.

Review protocol. Own elaboration

A filter was applied to ensure that these key terms were present in the abstract, author keywords and Keywords Plus, and the publication types “Article”, “Review Article” and “Early Access” were selected. The search strategy yielded 103 publications. The second phase consists of filtering the publications. To do this, the information is downloaded into an Excel sheet and a first filtering is carried out by reading the keywords and the title and a second filtering by reading the full text. In this process, articles whose objective is not the social impact of the research and which are in a language other than English are discarded. This resulted in 77 publications. The third phase was based on the analysis of publications. The 77 selected articles were read, reviewed and analysed to design a framework that seeks to enhance the social impact of tourism researchers, the results of which are in the following section.

This rigorous and evidence-based methodological approach allowed us to identify and synthesize the main concepts related to the social impact of tourism research, thus laying the groundwork for the development of effective strategies aimed at maximizing this impact on society.

3 Results

3.1 Key Issues for the Framework

After analysing the publications, the key aspects to be considered by researchers in order to enhance the social impact of their research are identified.

Identifying Social Problems

The first step in enhancing the social impact of research is to identify and understand the relevant social problems that require attention (Molas-Gallart & Tang, 2011). This involves analysing and assessing society's needs and challenges in different areas, such as health, education, environment, poverty, gender equality, the pursuit of the SDGs provides this opportunity (Dorta-González & Dorta-González, 2023; Viana Lora & Nel-lo-Andreu, 2020). The development of mobile applications and online surveys allows for the collection of data and information from affected communities and other stakeholders. This creates a closer connection between academia and society at large (De Jong et al., 2014). Research should be oriented towards addressing problems and contributing to their solution (Chen et al., 2023). Using big data analysis tools to identify whether social problems are being analyzed in related scientific publications can help researchers prioritize research areas.

Stakeholder Involvement

To achieve significant social impact, it is essential to involve relevant stakeholders from the early stages of the research (De Silva et al., 2017; Ozanne et al., 2017). This may include affected communities, non-governmental organisations, local governments, businesses, academics or residents, and other stakeholders (Senn et al., 2022). The involvement of these actors allows for a deeper understanding of social problems to develop effective strategies and evidence-based policies through co-creation and effective implementation of research findings (Soler-Gallart & Flecha, 2022; Viana-Lora & Nel-lo-Andreu, 2023). Real-time communication technologies, such as videoconferencing and webinars, can be used to facilitate interaction and dialogue between researchers and stakeholders, especially when they are unable to meet in person.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Solving complex social problems often requires a holistic perspective that integrates various disciplines and approaches (Senn et al., 2022). This collaboration between different disciplines, such as social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, technology and humanities, promotes interculturality and knowledge sharing, generating innovative perspectives and more effective solutions (Díaz Mariño et al., 2021). Fostering multidisciplinarity will allow a comprehensive approach to the social, economic, cultural and environmental aspects associated with social problems (Olmos-Peñuela et al., 2014).

Ethics and Positive Impact

An ethical approach is also essential to enhance the social impact of research (Sigurðarson, 2020). This involves ensuring respect for human rights, protection of participants’ privacy and confidentiality, and responsible handling of data (Khomyakov, 2021). In addition, research should be guided by an approach based on equity, social justice and collective benefit (Huanhuan et al., 2021). The main goal should be to generate positive social impact and contribute to the well-being of society as a whole (Chams et al., 2020).

Effective Communication

Enhancing the social impact of research allows for greater democratisation of knowledge (Olmos-Peñuela et al., 2014). Science and research should not only be accessible to the academic community, but also to the general public (Viana-Lora & Nel-lo-Andreu, 2021). Using technological tools that enable data visualization to present research findings in a clear and understandable way for different audiences ensures that the information is accessible to different audiences and its findings can help inform and educate, influence public policy, and promote social change (Eschenbach, 2017; Viana-Lora & Nel-lo-Andreu, 2022). For example, the use of online platforms such as social networks, blogs and websites to disseminate research results in an open manner. This empowers people, giving them the opportunity to understand social issues, participate in the discussion and be agents of change in their own communities (Aiello et al., 2021).

Impact Assessment

A rigorous assessment of the impact of research on society will also be essential (Viana-Lora & Nel-lo-Andreu, 2021). Potential impact will be assessed in a pre-analysis (ex ante evaluation), an evaluation at an intermediate stage (in itinere evaluation), and an evaluation at the end of the research (ex post evaluation) (Holbrook & Frodeman, 2011; Viana-Lora et al., 2022). This involves measuring and analysing how the research results have contributed to addressing the identified social problems, how the proposed solutions have been implemented and what changes have been achieved (Redondo-Sama et al., 2020). Impact evaluation provides feedback to improve future research strategies and ensure greater effectiveness in generating social impact (Hill, 2016). The results of this evaluation will be stored and shared in online databases and repositories accessible to other researchers and the general public.

3.2 Steps to Follow

To enhance the social impact of tourism research, a number of interconnected steps must be followed. First, it is essential to identify and engage a variety of relevant tourism stakeholders (Ozanne et al., 2017). Each of these stakeholders brings valuable perspectives and knowledge to address societal challenges (De Silva et al., 2017). Clear and specific objectives should then be set that focus on generating knowledge for responsible and sustainable tourism, aligning them with existing societal challenges and ensuring that they are measurable (Viana-Lora et al., 2022).

Research should be based on real problems, identifying specific challenges and using appropriate approaches to analyse and solve them (Fecher & Hebing, 2021). To achieve this, collaboration and dialogue between stakeholders should be fostered, promoting a multidisciplinary approach involving experts from different fields to comprehensively address the social and environmental aspects of tourism (Díaz Mariño et al., 2021). In addition to generating theoretical knowledge, it is crucial that research produces concrete recommendations and actions that can be implemented in practice, such as policies, business practices, training programmes and awareness-raising campaigns (Viana-Lora & Nel-lo-Andreu, 2023).

To ensure the dissemination of results, it is essential to communicate them in an accessible way through reports, presentations and participation in community events, taking advantage of the media to reach a wider audience (Olmos-Peñuela et al., 2014). Finally, the social impact of tourism research should be evaluated periodically, measuring the change generated by the proposed recommendations and actions, and collecting comments and feedback from stakeholders involved (Viana-Lora et al., 2022). These continuous evaluations allow the framework to be improved and adapted to the changing needs of society (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
A flow diagram presents 6 steps involved in the planning, implementation, dissemination, and evaluation phases. It involves identifying stakeholders, defining clear objectives, designing approaches, generating concrete recommendations and actions, disseminating results, and assessing social impact.

Steps to follow. Own elaboration

4 Discussion

This framework is based on a participatory and multidisciplinary approach, involving diverse stakeholders and focusing on the generation of knowledge that promotes responsible and sustainable tourism. This framework aims to address current gaps in the connection between tourism research and social impact, ensuring that research not only produces theoretical knowledge, but also concrete recommendations and actions that generate positive change in society. By following this framework, researchers can focus their efforts on addressing specific social problems, work collaboratively with relevant stakeholders, use a combination of appropriate research methods and generate concrete recommendations and actions to foster more responsible and equitable tourism.

5 Conclusions

Scientific research has the power to transform societies, address complex challenges and generate positive change. Its potential to generate knowledge and deep understanding of diverse phenomena is undeniable. However, the mere act of generating knowledge is not enough to address the complex and urgent challenges we face today. Maximizing the social impact of research has become an imperative in the scientific community and in society in general. This approach involves going beyond the generation of knowledge and focuses on the practical application of results to address social problems and improve people's quality of life. For this reason, this article proposes a theoretical framework to help researchers enhance the social impact of research and harness its full transformative potential. This approach allows us to move towards a more just and sustainable future, where scientific research is a catalyst for positive change and social progress. This involves not only solving current problems, but also anticipating and addressing the challenges we will face in the coming decades. Scientific research, when used effectively, has the power to catalyze positive change and social progress. As a society, we must recognize and support this transformative capacity of science by promoting collaboration among researchers and encouraging active engagement in the application of research for the benefit of all. Ultimately, enhancing the societal impact of research is essential to building a more resilient, equitable and sustainable world for future generations.