Measurement is the foundation of quantitative science. It is especially crucial for psychological and behavioral sciences, as research results are highly susceptible to random and systematic measurement errors in the instruments used. As a result, measurement invariance, the condition that an instrument measures one or more constructs in the same way across groups, has been a major research focus. For example, a quick search on the PsycINFO database found 826 articles with the phrase “measurement invariance” or “measurement equivalence” in the title or in the abstract, in just years 2018 and 2019. While a main goal of evaluating measurement invariance is to detect the presence of problematic items so that those items can be replaced or improved, establishing invariance is also important because statistical inferences based on observed scores may be compromised when invariance is violated for one or more items (Horn & McArdle, 1992). The current paper thus focuses on methods for obtaining valid inferences when measurement invariance does not hold.

Methodological scholars have shown that when one or more items in an instrument show systematic bias across groups, a condition known as partial invariance, parameter estimates and inferences of group comparisons on the latent construct will likely be biased (Meredith, 1993). One way to correct for the bias is to use a partial invariance model, where measurement parameters of the biased items are estimated without constraints across groups. Although previous simulation studies found that using a partial invariance model resulted in valid estimates and inferences of the latent parameters (e.g., Guenole & Brown, 2014; Hsiao & Lai, 2018, Shi, Song, Liao, Terry, & Snyder, 2017), these studies mostly presumed that researchers already knew which item(s) were invariant and could thus specify the correct model. In practice, as pointed out in the review by Schmitt and Kuljanin (2008), researchers usually engage in sequential specification search—iteratively freeing invariance constraints—to identify biased items and form a partial invariance model. However, due to sampling error, the specification search step may not identify the correct partial invariance model (MacCallum, Roznowski, & Necowitz, 1992), resulting in model uncertainty. As a result, using a partial invariance model based on a specification search may lead to less optimal estimates and inferences than what previous studies suggested.

As a simple heuristic example to illustrate model uncertainty, consider a scenario with a construct measured by four items in two groups, where item 4 is noninvariant, and the true latent mean difference, δ, is 0. Given a moderate sample size, using specification search has an 80% chance of getting the correct partial invariance model in the sample (i.e., with item 4 correctly identified as noninvariant), in which case the expected estimate of δ is 0. However, the specification search has a 20% chance of getting a wrong partial invariance model where item 4 is identified as invariant, which leads to biased δ estimates, with an expected estimate of, say, 0.2. Therefore, δ is unbiasedly estimated only when the correct partial invariance model is selected. When incorporating the model uncertainty, using specification search thus results in a bias of (.80) (0) + (.20) (.20) - 0 = .04 when estimating δ; however, when evaluating the performance of the specification search method, previous studies have generally ignored model uncertainty.

On the other hand, when the main goal of research is to obtain valid statistical inferences instead of detecting noninvariant items, several methods based on the concept of approximate invariance—holding loadings and intercepts to be approximately, but not exactly, equal—have been proposed. These include the alignment optimization (AO) (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2014) and the Bayesian approximate invariance with small variance priors methods (Muthén & Asparouhov, 2013). A potential advantage of them is they do not require an iterative search process, but instead rely on an approximate invariance model that do not impose exact invariance assumptions for any items (i.e., they do not force any loadings or intercepts to be exactly equal across groups).Footnote 1 Previous research (e.g., Marsh et al., 2018; Kim, Cao, Wang, & Nguyen, 2017) has found that AO performed well in recovering latent parameters when the number of groups is large. However, given that a vast majority of measurement invariance research focused on two or three groups (Putnick & Bornstein, 2016), a critical question is whether these newer methods are effective for adjusting partial invariance in few groups, as compared to the conventional specification search method, which was developed in context with a few groups.

In the current paper, we present results from three Monte Carlo simulation studies comparing the accuracy of point estimates and coverage rates of interval estimates from specification search and several AO and approximate invariance methods. Unlike previous studies, the simulation studies take into account the model uncertainty in the specification step. Study 1 focuses on comparing various approaches in recovering the latent means with two groups, while study 2 aims to replicate the findings of study 1 with four groups. Study 3 focuses on latent regression coefficients of a latent predictor on an observed outcome. Below we first introduce the model notations and definitions of measurement invariance under the common factor model framework. We then describe each method to be compared in more detail and reviewed previous research findings, before transitioning to the design of the studies in the current paper.

Measurement and factorial invariance

Consider a scale of p items measuring a latent construct η. Let yij (i = 1, 2, …, N; j = 1, 2, …, p) be the score of the i th person on the j th item. A measurement model links y and η stochastically by specifying the conditional distribution P(yij|ηi;𝜗) with parameters 𝜗. Formally, measurement invariance holds when the conditional distribution of the observed items is the same across subgroups (Mellenbergh, 1989; Meredith, 1993), such that for every subgroup k (k = 1, 2, … , K), like gender and ethnicity,

$$P(y_{ijk} | \eta_{ik}) \text{ does not depend on }k.$$

In other words, measurement invariance means that any two persons with the same η score have the same propensity to endorse any value on all items in the scale. Assuming the correct measurement model, measurement invariance holds when 𝜗 is the same across groups.

With continuous items, the common factor model (Thurstone, 1947) is usually used, represented as

$$ y_{ij} = \nu_{j} + \lambda_{j} \eta_{i} + {\upvarepsilon}_{ij}, $$

where νj is the measurement intercept, λj is the factor loading, and εij is the unique factor. It is commonly assumed that ε is normally distributed with constant variance θj, so that yij is also normally distributed conditioned on ηi. In addition, the local independence assumption is usually applied such that, when conditioned on ηi, \({Cov}(y_{ij}, y_{ij^{\prime }} | \eta _{i}) = 0\) for \(j \neq j^{\prime }\), implying that the covariance matrix of εs is diagonal. When there are K groups, the model can be represented as

$$ y_{ijk} = \nu_{jk} + \lambda_{jk} \eta_{ik} + {\upvarepsilon}_{ijk}. $$

When a common factor model holds, measurement invariance requires that the measurement parameters, meaning νj, λj, and θj for the model in Eq. 1, to be the same across groups, a condition called factorial invariance (Meredith, 1993). A common framework for evaluating factorial invariance includes four stages (e.g., Vandenberg & Lance, 2000): (a) configural invariance, which requires the configuration of the factor loadings to be the same across groups (Horn & McArdle, 1992), meaning that each group should have the same number of latent constructs and each latent construct is measured by the same set of items across groups; (b) metric invariance, which requires, in addition to configural invariance, that the factor loadings are equal (i.e., λjk = λj for all j s and k s) to ensure that the difference between two values in the latent construct is comparable across groups; (c) scalar invariance, which requires, in addition to metric invariance, that the measurement intercepts to be the same (i.e., νjk = νj for all j s and k s) to ensure that the latent construct has the same zero point across groups; (d) strict invariance, or strict factorial invariance, which requires all measurement parameters (νj, λj, and θj for all j s) to be equal across groups.

Specification search

When there is evidence for violation of a stage of factorial invariance, researchers commonly conduct a specification search to identify biased items (Schmitt & Kuljanin, 2008). In practice, researchers commonly go through the four factorial invariance stages in a sequential order (e.g., Kline 2016), and identify biased items within a stage if the equality constraints for that stage are rejected. For example, one first conducts a likelihood ratio test (LRT) comparing the configural invariance and the metric invariance models. If the LRT is statistically significant (usually at .05 level), indicating at least one of the p × K loadings is different from others, a specification search is conducted by consulting modification indices (MI; Sörbom 1989), and the loading with the largest MI will be freed. We referred this process as the forward specification search (FS) in this paper.Footnote 2Footnote 3 In the modified model, MIs will be recomputed, and the process of freeing loadings and recomputing MIs is repeated until none of the MIs of the loadings is larger than a prespecified cutoff, usually 3.84, which is the 95th percentile of a χ2 distribution with one degree of freedom. Moving on to the next stage, this partial metric invariance model is then compared to a model with equality constraints on the intercepts of only the items that are found metric invariant. Using MIs, one again identifies noninvariant intercepts sequentially until none of the MIs of the intercepts is larger than the cutoff, resulting in a partial scalar invariance model.Footnote 4

When the number of items is large, specification search can involve substantial capitalization on chance (MacCallum et al., 1992). Consider an example by Skriner and Chu (2014), in which the authors evaluated measurement invariance of the 20-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) across four ethnic groups, before conducting latent mean comparisons. If we just consider invariance constraints on intercepts, there were 60 of them (i.e., number of items × [number of groups - 1]). Theoretically, there were 260 possible partial invariance models the researcher could have ended up with, thus a lot of model uncertainty. For example, MacCallum et al., (1992) studied the problem of specification search in structural equation modeling, the underlying framework for the current discussion of factorial invariance. The authors showed that, for sample data sets simulated from the same data generating model, specification search may lead to the selection of very different models when the sample size is small to moderate (i.e., 400 or less). Therefore, there could be a lot of model uncertainty in a specification search to identify a partial invariance model. Furthermore, the standard errors (SE s) obtained in the final partial invariance model does not capture the model uncertainty due to the search and may underestimate the sampling variability of the parameter estimates, leading to inflated type I errors and suboptimal coverage rates of the sample confidence intervals (CIs).Footnote 5

Previous research has shown that FS worked well in identifying biased items, although they usually relied on the design with two groups, six items, and high composite reliability of above .90 (Jung and Yoon, 2016; Yoon & Kim, 2014; Yoon & Millsap, 2007). Yoon and Kim (2014) showed, in a simulation study with six items and two groups, that sequential specification search performed well in terms of correctly identifying the biased items while kee** the false positive rate of flagging an invariant item to less than 3%. Jung and Yoon (2016) further suggested that using a more conservative cutoff of 6.635 on modification indices reduced the false detection rates. However, unlike conventional statistical inferences, when it comes to adjusting for partial invariance, false positives may be less costly than false negatives,Footnote 6 as demonstrated in Shi et al., (2017). On the other hand, Marsh et al., (2018) evaluated FS using the ΔCFI criterion (Cheung and Rensvold, 2002) in conditions of 15 groups with five items when all items were biased. They found that FS performed poorly in terms of biases and mean squared errors (MSEs) for the measurement and structural parameter estimates, compared to the alignment method to be discussed below. However, it should be noted that the change in CFI criterion resulted in more false negatives as it tends to keep constraints that may have large modification indices, especially in large samples. To our knowledge, however, there have been no previous studies evaluating parameter estimations following FS with sequentially relaxed constraints based on MIs.

Approximate invariance methods

Alignment optimization

Different from the specification search methods (e.g., FS) for noninvariant item detection, which involve many model comparisons when the number of items and number of groups are large, alignment optimization (AO) simplifies noninvariance detection by minimizing small noninvariances while retaining large noninvariances, and can be used across many groups (2–100; Asparouhov & Muthén, 2014; Muthén & Asparouhov, 2018). While AO still examines noninvariance under a factor model, it does not require a specific stage of factorial invariance (e.g., scalar invariance) for meaningful group comparisons; instead it aims to reach an approximate invariance condition that has the minimum number of highly noninvariant parameters across groups (Muthén & Asparouhov, 2018).

Specifically, under the one factor model in Eq. 2, the alignment algorithm first evaluates a configural model by standardizing latent factors across all K groups for identifications (i.e., αk = 0 and ψk = 1) and freely estimating factor loadings λk,0 and intercepts νk,0; we denote this baseline configural model M0. Given that there are infinitely many possible sets of {αk,ψk,λk,νk} that would give the same model-implied means and covariances for y, for k > 1, AO obtains αk and ψk that minimize a simplicity function (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2014)

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} F &=& \sum\limits_{j}\sum\limits_{k_{1}<k_{2}}w_{k_{1},k_{2}}f(\lambda_{jk_{1},1} - \lambda_{jk_{2},1})\\ &&+ \sum\limits_{j}\sum\limits_{k_{1}< k_{2}}w_{k_{1},k_{2}}f(\nu_{jk_{1},1} -\nu_{jk_{2},1}), \end{array} $$

where \(\lambda _{jk_{1},1}\) and \(\lambda _{jk_{2},1}\) denote factor loadings of item j in groups k1 and k2 under model M1; \(\nu _{jk_{1},1}\) and \(\nu _{jk_{2},1}\) denote the intercepts; \(w_{k_{1},k_{2}} = \sqrt {N_{k_{1}}N_{k_{2}}}\) is a weight coefficient based on the geometric mean of group sample sizes, and f(⋅) is some component loss function. Asparouhov and Muthén (2014) suggested a good choice of f(⋅) that prefers few large noninvariant parameters and many small pairwise differences in factor loadings and intercepts (i.e., approximate invariance) is

$$ f(x) = \sqrt{\sqrt{x^{2} + \epsilon}}, $$

with a small 𝜖 such as .01 (which is the default in Mplus).

As a result, the AO model has the same fit as the baseline configural invariance model, but the parameter estimates, including the latent means and variances, are directly interpretable as they are set on a metric that is comparable across groups. If identification of noninvariant items is of interest, AO evaluates whether a measurement parameter in one group is different from those in other groups by iteratively identifying an invariant set for each parameter via pairwise comparison tests, with more details described in Asparouhov and Muthén (2014). Asparouhov and Muthén (2014) further distinguished between FIXED and FREE AO estimation. For FIXED AO, factor mean in the first group is α1 = 0; for FREE AO, it estimates α1.

Given that AO is relatively new, there has been limited, but increasing, research efforts to evaluate its performance. Asparouhov and Muthén (2014) found that, for a model with five continuous items and at most one noninvariant item, AO yielded relatively unbiased parameter estimates across conditions of sample sizes (100 or 1000) and numbers of groups (2 to 60), but with larger biases for conditions with small numbers of groups and sample size (e.g., 20% for latent mean estimates). They also compared AO with maximum likelihood and the Bayesian version of AO with noninformative priors (denoted as BAO in this paper), and found that coverage rates of 95% CI of AO and credible interval (CrI) of BAO were close to or above 95% except for some conditions with small number of groups. Muthén and Asparouhov (2014) suggested that, when there are many groups, AO can produce trustworthy results when the percentage of noninvariant parameters was less than 25%. Similarly, Flake and McCoach (2018), in a simulation study with a two-factor model and 14 polytomous items, found AO performed well in recovering measurement and structural parameters with 29% or less noninvariance (bias ≤ 8%), but showed more biases (up to 23%) in conditions with 43% noninvariance. Marsh et al., (2018) found that AO outperformed specification search method using CFI in terms of bias and MSE of parameter estimates in a simulation with 15 groups and noninvariance on all items. Kim et al., (2017), in a simulation study with a one-factor model with six items, also supported the use of AO to correctly identifying noninvariant items with many groups (25 or 50). On the contrary, Pokropek, Davidov, and Schmidt, (2019) compared correctly specified partial invariance model, AO, and SV priors (without alignment) in conditions with large number of groups (24), large sample size (1500), and small number of items (3 to 5), and found that AO only performed reasonably in recovering latent mean estimates with good coverage of 95% CIs when there were no more than 20% noninvariant items.

While previous results of AO were promising especially in many groups, it is not clear how it performs in a smaller number of groups with varying numbers of items and proportions of noninvariance. More importantly, as a majority of empirical studies evaluating measurement invariance focused on demographic subgroups, which involves only a few groups, the question remains how AO performs relative to specification search in recovering measurement and structural parameters and how this depends on other factors such as sample size.

Bayesian approximate invariance

In the context of factorial invariance, Muthén and Asparouhov (2013) proposed the use of small variance (SV) priors under the Bayesian framework, in which researchers assign N(0,σd) priors for some small values of σd (e.g., σd = 0.1, corresponding to a variance of 0.01) on the differences of loadings and intercepts across groups. Such priors represent the a priori belief that approximate measurement invariance holds so that the differences in intercepts and loadings are relatively small, thus a less restrictive assumption than in partial invariance models where some loading and intercept differences are exactly zero (van de Schoot et al., 2013). In other words, approximate invariance allows a “wiggle room” in the form of small degree of parameter differences across groups in an attempt to balance invariance assumption and model fit (van de Schoot et al., 2013). The use of SV priors is considered more realistic as exact scalar or strict invariance may be too ideal to reach (Marsh et al., 2018). However, as discussed in Pokropek, Schmidt, and Davidov (2020), the choice of the scale value in SV priors could affect the coverage rates of the latent means, and the use of SV priors worked best when the prior scale approximately matched the actual variability of the noninvariant parameters in the data.

Muthén and Asparouhov (2013) performed a simulation study with six continuous items across 10 groups to evaluate the statistical power of using SV priors for detecting item biases. Based on the 95% credible interval (CrI) of the posterior distributions of loading/intercept differences, SV priors had high detection rates for small violations of noninvariance. They found, however, that the use of SV priors sometimes produced biased estimates of factor means and variances In another simulation study with a one-factor model and four continuous items for two groups, van de Schoot et al., (2013) found the use of SV priors with variances of 0.01 or 0.005 for intercept differences performed well in recovering latent mean parameters, but had overestimated standard errors due to the alignment issue as described in Muthén and Asparouhov (2013), which relates to the factor indeterminacy issue as the scale of the latent variable is not set (see also Levy & Mislevy, 2016). Both Asparouhov and Muthén (2014) and van de Schoot et al., (2013) suggested resolving this issue by using the alignment optimization technique, described in the previous section, together with SV priors. However, to our knowledge, this approach, which we denoted as BAIA (Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment) in this study, had not been systematically evaluated. Therefore, in the current paper, we also examine two methods based on Bayesian approximate invariance with SV priors and AO.

Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment (BAIA)

To resolve the factor inderterminacy issue with the use of SV priors, both Asparouhov and Muthén (2014) and van de Schoot et al., (2013) suggested using the alignment optimization technique to set the scale of the latent variable, an approach we denoted as BAIA in this study. The BAIA method is similar to BAO, but uses SV priors on the differences of the loadings and the intercepts across groups. As such, BAIA combines Bayesian approximate invariance with AO. Muthén and Asparouhov (2013) discussed several advantages of BAIA, including the possibility of modeling unique factor covariances with strong regularizing priors, better interpretability of alignment results, and stabilized alignment estimations. To our knowledge, however, BAIA has not been evaluated in the simulation studies by Muthén and Asparouhov (2013) nor in other previous studies, so our study will provide insights on whether combining SV priors and AO would be desirable.

Two-step Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment (BAIA-2S)

Muthén and Asparouhov (2013) also proposed a two-step procedure, which runs Bayesian approximate invariance in the first step; however, rather than using the parameter estimates on the measurement and structural parameters from the approximate invariance model, the goal of the first step is to identify noninvariant loadings and intercepts using the pairwise comparisons tests described in Asparouhov and Muthén (2014). In the second step, a partial factorial invariance model is fit to the data with invariance constraints only on parameters that were not flagged as noninvariant in the first step, and like FS, the parameter estimates of this two-step approach will be from the partial invariance model in the second step.

In a simulation with ten groups, Muthén and Asparouhov (2013) found that the two-step approach gave better factor means and variances estimates than BAO, although the CI coverage rates for the factor variances were suboptimal. The two-step approach by Muthén and Asparouhov (2013), however, did not incorporate the alignment method later developed. While to our knowledge this two-step approach with alignment—BAIA-2S—has not been evaluated in the literature, van de Schoot et al., (2013) suggested that including alignment helped solve the factor indeterminacy issue and further improved the estimates under Bayesian approximate invariance. Therefore, we include BAIA-2S in the list of methods in the simulation.

Current studies

In the current research, we compared the performance of forward specification search (FS) and four approximate invariance methods: frequentist alignment optimization (AO), Bayesian AO with noninformative priors (BAO), Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment (BAIA), and two-step BAIA (BAIA-2S), in recovering structural (i.e., α, ψ, and path coefficient) and measurement (i.e., λ and ν) parameters in small numbers of groups. Given inferences based on FS ignored the model uncertainty in the search, we expected it would yield SE s that are too small and CIs that are too narrow. On the other hand, by avoiding the instability in searching for a partial invariance model, the approximate invariance methods may yield parameter estimates with higher efficiency (as measured by MSE), as previously demonstrated in Marsh et al., (2018), for the latent parameters.

For each simulation study, we report how we determined our design conditions, the number of replications, and all evaluation measures of the simulation results.

Study 1

In study 1, we compared five methods for adjusting item bias using a one-factor model with two groups, which is commonly seen in a variety of research. Given that previous simulation studies examining FS have only focused on relatively small numbers of items and two groups (van de Schoot et al., 2013; Yoon and Kim, 2014; Jung & Yoon, 2016), in study 1 we expanded the design conditions to include larger numbers of items. The data generating model followed a factor model with latent means and variances of α1 = 0 and ψ1 = 1 for group 1 and ψ2 = 1.3 for group 2; α2 was manipulated as one of the design conditions. All invariant loadings were chosen to be 0.7 and all invariant intercepts were 0. The loading and intercept patterns for noninvariant items were described in the design factors below. In addition, to introduce model misspecification so that the simulated data resembled more closely to those in actual research, we used a procedure similar to MacCallum and Tucker (1991) by adding minor unique factor covariances with magnitudes between -0.1 and 0.1 to the data. The unique factor covariance matrix was simulated by first sampling from an LKJ distribution for correlation matrices (Lewandowski et al., 2009), and then dividing by 10 so that the maximum absolute value was 0.1. When fully invariant data were simulated, the analytic model had a population RMSEA of .057, which was around the typical value of an acceptable model in real research (Hu & Bentler, 1999).Footnote 7 The unique factor covariance matrix with p = 6 is shown in the ??. For all conditions, the unique factor variance of each item was set as \(1 - 0.1 - \lambda _{j1}^{2}\) for both groups so that the total variance = 1 for all items in group 1.

Design conditions

Sample size per group (n)

The sample size was kept the same across groups with n = 100 or 500, which was similar to previous simulation studies (e.g., Yoon & Kim, 2014).

Number of items (p)

The number of items was p = 6, 12, or 24. Yoon and Kim (2014) and Jung and Yoon (2016) showed that sequential specification search methods effectively identified biased items for models with p = 6, and most of the previous simulation studies had similarly small p (e.g., Asparouhov & Muthén, 2014; van de Schoot et al.,, 2013). With larger p the composite reliability increased, but there was also potentially more capitalization on chance as demonstrated in MacCallum et al., (1992).

Pattern of noninvariant parameters

We simulated four patterns of noninvariance based on the proportion of noninvariant parameters (rni; not the proportion of noninvariant items) and the direction of bias. Noninvariant loadings and intercepts were present simultaneously. Specifically, there were one condition with rni = 0, two conditions with rni = 1/3 (balanced vs. skewed directions), and one condition with rni = 2/3.Footnote 8Footnote 9 When rni = 1/3, the first p/3 items (e.g., items 1 to 8 when p = 24) were simulated to have noninvariant loadings; the first p/6 items and items p/2 + 1 to p/2 + p/6 (e.g., items 1 to 4 and 13 to 16) were simulated to have noninvariant intercepts. With this pattern, p/6 items had both noninvariant loadings and intercepts, p/2 items had invariant loadings and intercepts, and the remaining items had either noninvariant loadings or noninvariant intercepts. When rni = 2/3, the first 2p/3 items were simulated to have noninvariant loadings, and the first p/3 items and items p/2 + 1 to p/2 + p/3 were simulated to have noninvariant intercepts. As a result, only p/6 items had both invariant loadings and invariant intercepts.

In half of the conditions with rni = 1/3, the direction of bias was balanced across items; it was skewed in the other half. Specifically, for the 1/3-balanced noninvariance condition, half of the noninvariant items had larger loadings (and intercepts) in group 1 than in group 2, whereas the other half had larger loadings (and intercepts) in group 2. For the 1/3-skewed noninvariance condition, all noninvariant items had larger loadings (and intercepts) in group 1 than in group 2.

The magnitudes of noninvariance were chosen according to the effect size benchmarks from Nye, Bradburn, Olenick, Bialko, and Drasgow (2018), based on a review of the organizational literature. Specifically, half of the noninvariant parameters had a medium effect size (i.e., Δλ = 0.2, Δν = 0.5), whereas the other half had a small effect size (i.e., Δλ = 0.1, Δν = 0.25). Table 1 shows the loading and intercept pattern with p = 12 for the manipulated noninvariance patterns.

Table 1 Factor loadings and intercepts for different noninvariance patterns in the data generating model of study 1

Latent mean of group 2 (α 2)

We manipulated α2 to be 0 and 0.5. The zero condition allowed evaluation of empirical type I error rates, and 0.5 was a typical effect size value deemed minimally clinically important as suggested by Angst, Aeschlimann, and Angst (2017).

Analytic models

We analyzed each simulated data set with five approaches as described below. Because the data were simulated with unique covariances, there were model misspecification in all five approaches as they assumed no unique covariances.

Forward Stepwise Specification Search (FS)

As previously described, with FS, invariance constraints at a particular stage were sequentially freed based on modification indices, until none of the modification indices were above the 3.84 cutoff. We used R and the lavaan package (Version 0.6.7; Rosseel, Jorgensen, & Rockwood, 2020) to implement the FS procedure.

Alignment Optimization (AO)

Maximum likelihood estimation was used with the AO method, using the ALIGNMENT=FIXED option in Mplus. We used the default 𝜖 = .01 for the component loss function (see Eq. 4).

Bayesian Alignment Optimization (BAO)

BAO used MCMC (with Gibbs sampling) in Mplus (Version 8.3) with the ESTIMATOR=BAYES option. We used the default noninformative priors in Mplus (i.e., uniform priors from \(-\infty \) to \(\infty \) or from 0 to \(\infty \)) for all parameters. The Gibbs sampling algorithm drew at least 10,000 samples, and stopped when the potential scale reduction factor dropped to below 1.01 (Vehtari, Gelman, Simpson, Carpenter, & Bürkner, 2020). The first half of the posterior samples were discarded as burn-ins. As described in Asparouhov and Muthén (2014) and van de Schoot et al., (2013), alignment was then performed for each MCMC iteration (post burn-in) to improve interpretability using the ALIGNMENT=FIXED option.

Bayesian Approximate Invariance With Alignment (BAIA)

Given that Nye et al., (2018) suggested that a difference in standardized loadings less than 0.1 and a difference in intercepts less than 0.25 were considered negligible, we specified a N(0,0.1) prior for the difference of each pairs of loadings and a N(0,0.25) prior for the difference of each pair of intercepts across groups.Footnote 10 Following Asparouhov and Muthén (2014), alignment was then performed using the ALIGNMENT=FIXED(BSEM) option.

Two-Step BAIA (BAIA-2S)

From the output of BAIA, we obtained the Mplus test results that indicated which loadings and intercepts were found noninvariant, based on pairwise Wald tests with significance level at .001 (as described in Asparouhov & Muthén, 2014). We then used lavaan to specify a partial invariance model according to the Mplus output.

In addition, we fitted the partial scalar invariance model with the correct constraints on the loadings and intercepts (but not for the unique factor covariances), denoted as PI.

Data generation

We used R and lavaan to simulate 2500 data sets for each condition, which would be sufficient to keep the Monte Carlo error to less than 2% of the SE s of the parameters. For type I errors, 2500 replications corresponded to a margin of error of less than 0.5 percentage points, which satisfied the stringent criterion defined by Bradley (1978). The simulateData() function in lavaan was used to simulate normally distributed data for two groups.

Each simulated data set was analyzed using the methods described above. For models fitted in Mplus, the results were then imported into R using the MplusAutomation package (Version 0.8; Hallquist & Wiley, 2018). For all methods, the models were identified by fixing α1 = 0 and ψ1 = 1. In each analysis, we obtained point (maximum likelihood or posterior median), uncertainty (standard error or posterior SD), and interval (95% Wald CI or symmetric Bayesian CrI) estimates for α2 and ψ2, the latent mean and variance of group 2, as well as for all loadings (λ s) and intercepts (ν s) of both groups.

Evaluation criteria

For each parameter 𝜗 and analytic method in each simulation condition, we evaluated the following.


The bias was computed as

$$\bar{\hat{\vartheta}} - \vartheta, $$

where \(\bar {\hat {\vartheta }}\) = \(\frac {{\sum }_{r = 1}^{R} \hat \vartheta _{r}}{R}\) is the mean of the \(\hat \vartheta _{r}\) estimates across 2,500 replications, and 𝜗 is the population parameter value. We computed absolute bias for α2 and ψ2, as biases for the λ s and ν s might cancel out, and estimation performance for these parameters was better captured by the relative efficiency.

Relative efficiency

An unbiased estimator may not be preferred over a slightly biased estimator if the former has a much larger sampling variance. This is particularly true for Bayesian methods, as Bayes estimators tend to be slightly biased but may have smaller sampling variability, so that overall it tends to be closer to the true value on average. To compare the different methods balancing the bias-variance tradeoff, we computed the relative efficiency (RE) of each method relative to the estimator based on the correctly specified partial invariance model (PI). Specifically, for an estimator based on method M,

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \text{RE}(\hat \vartheta^{M}, \hat \vartheta^{\text{PI}}) & =& \frac{\text{MSE}(\hat \vartheta^{\text{PI}})}{\text{MSE}(\hat \vartheta^{M})} \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} & =& \frac{{\sum}_{r = 1}^{R} (\hat \vartheta_{r}^{\text{PI}} - \bar{\hat{\vartheta}}^{\text{PI}})^{2} / R}{{\sum}_{r = 1}^{R} (\hat {\vartheta_{r}^{M}} - \bar{\hat{\vartheta}}^{M})^{2} / R}, \end{array} $$

where MSE is the mean squared error and R is the number of replications. An RE larger than one means that method M should be preferred over PI. For λ s and ν s, we computed REs as ratios of average MSEs across p items.

Error rate of 95% CI and CrI

For each method and simulated data set we obtained either (for maximum likelihood) the 95% Wald CI by \(\hat \vartheta \pm z_{.975} \hat {{\mathit {SE}}}(\vartheta )\), where z.975 is the 97.5th percentile in a standard normal distribution, or (for Bayesian) the 95% symmetric CrI as the 2.5th and the 97.5th percentiles of the posterior distribution. The empirical error rates, denoted as α, was calculated as the proportion of times the constructed CI or CrI failed to contain the population 𝜗 value (i.e., 1 −coverage rates). A valid 95% CI or CrI should have an error rate of at most 5%.

We used the SimDesign (Version 2.2; Chalmers & Adkins, 2020) package in R to structure the simulation studies.


The simulation results are shown in Fig. 1 (bias), Fig. 2 (RE), and Fig. 3 (CI/CrI error rate). Here we summarize the results for each approach for adjusting partial invariance.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Bias of studied estimators relative to the correctly specified partial invariance model in study 1. FS = Forward stepwise specification search. AO = Alignment optimization. BAO = Bayesian alignment optimization. BAIA = Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment. BAIA-2S = two-step BAIA. α = latent mean (for group 2). ψ = latent factor variance (for group 2). The solid lines represent median biases across sample size and number of items conditions. The dashed lines represent bias = 0

Fig. 2
figure 2

Relative efficiency (RE) of studied estimators relative to the correctly specified partial invariance model in study 1. FS = Forward stepwise specification search. AO = Alignment optimization. BAO = Bayesian alignment optimization. BAIA = Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment. BAIA-2S = two-step BAIA. λ = factor loading. ν = intercept. α = latent mean. ψ = latent factor variance. The solid lines represent median REs across sample size and number of items conditions. The dashed lines represent RE = 1.0, indicating that the estimator was as efficient as the correctly specified partial invariance model

Fig. 3
figure 3

Percentage error rates of 95% confidence (or credible) intervals in study 1. FS = Forward stepwise specification search. AO = Alignment optimization. BAO = Bayesian alignment optimization. BAIA = Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment. BAIA-2S = two-step BAIA. λ = factor loading. ν = intercept. α = latent mean. ψ = latent factor variance. The solid lines represent median error rates across sample size and number of items conditions. The dashed lines represent error rate = 5%


The performance of FS, in terms of absolute bias, RE, and error rate, was sensitive to the amount of noninvariant parameters (rni) and sample size. Biases of FS were close to zero for most conditions (median bias = 0.04). However, for α s, FS yielded the highest biases (up to 0.29) among tested methods for the condition with 2/3-balanced noninvariance pattern. Overall, FS maintained good REs for ν s, α, and ψ for most conditions, except with rni = 2/3. For λ s, FS showed lower REs (median RE = 0.73), but they were still comparable to AO and BAO. When rni = 2/3 and n = 500, FS demonstrated inflated error rates for all parameters (median = 37.15%) and decreased REs. The increase in bias and error rates was most prominent in estimating α (with error rates up to 83.48%); the decrease in efficiency was most noticeable in estimating ν s and α s.


Compared to all other tested methods, AO in general gave the most desirable performance in terms of bias, RE, and error rate. AO well controlled the bias close to zero for most conditions (median bias = 0.03). When the pattern of noninvariance was 1/3-skewed, although biases of AO were substantially above zero for ψ s, other methods yielded comparable or even larger biases. AO maintained good REs (median RE = 0.90) and error rates close to the 5% nominal level (median error rate = 5.88%) across varying degrees of noninvariance and sample sizes. For conditions with the 1/3-skewed noninvariance pattern, AO gave slightly worse estimates of α and ψ, especially with larger sample size (n = 500).


The performance of BAO was similar to AO, in terms of error rate and bias, but was more sensitive to sample size. BAO, just as AO, controlled bias close to zero for most conditions (median bias = 0.04), except for ψ s when the noninvariance pattern was 1/3-skewed. When estimating λ s, it consistently had lower REs particularly when n = 100, but had higher REs than AO and generally outperformed the correctly specified PI (i.e., RE > 1) in small samples for α and ψ. The error rates of CrIs were higher for λ with p = 24 and n = 100 (median error rate = 17.45%), and for α with the 1/3-skewed noninvariance pattern (median error rate = 14.44%), than for other conditions.


Similar to BAO, BAIA was consistently less efficient in yielding estimates of λ s, and was even less efficient when sample size was small (n = 100), but had similar REs as BAO when n = 100 for α, and better REs for those parameters when p = 6. In terms of bias, it produced unstable estimates of ψ s across conditions. In terms of error rates, it performed poorly in small samples for λ s and ψ, and in large samples for α.


The performance of BAIA-2S had a similar pattern as FS in terms of bias and RE. BAIA-2S had biases close to zero for most cases but increased biases for the conditions with the 1/3-skewed and the 2/3-balanced noninvariance patterns. It also had good REs when the data were fully invariant but gradually dropped off when rni increased. Like FS, it generally had better performance for estimating ν s and α in larger samples, but better performance for estimating λ and ψ in small samples. The inflation of error rates of CIs increased with larger rni, but to a lesser degree than FS.

Overall, AO showed the best performance in terms of bias and RE across parameters and in terms of maintaining good coverage rates of CIs, but BAO yielded estimates with higher precision in small samples. FS also performed well for most conditions as long as the proportion of noninvariant parameters was no more than 1/3, but it had a substantial drop-off with a larger proportion of noninvariant parameters. Because the data were simulated with misspecification in the covariance structure, the results also showed that FS was more sensitive to misspecification with increased error rates in λ and ψ, whereas AO and BAO were more robust.

We also did a follow-up analysis to compare parameter bias between invariant and noninvariant loadings and intercepts for the four conditions with N = 500, p = 12, and 1/3-balanced and 2/3-balanced noninvariance patterns. Whereas the absolute parameter bias was generally larger for noninvariant than invariant loadings and intercepts, in general it was smallest for AO (average absolute bias = 0.01 and 0.02 for invariant and noninvariant loadings) than for FS (average absolute bias = 0.02 and 0.05 for invariant and noninvariant loadings). The biases of FS were similar to those of BAIA-2S, and were larger than those of BAO and BAIA. The same pattern was observed for both rni = 1/3 and rni = 2/3. Full results can be found in the Supplemental Material at the project’s Open Science Framework page (

Study 2

In study 2, we attempted to replicate the findings in study 1 in a four-group setting. The design factors were the same as in study 1, except that we excluded the p = 24 conditions, and used n = 50 or 500 per group as the sample size conditions. The two conditions of α patterns were {0, 0, 0, 0} and {0, .5, -.25, .125}. For all conditions, ψ s had the pattern {1, 1.3, 1, 1.3}. In addition, whereas in study 1 we simulated some items with small bias and some with medium bias, in study 2 we simulated those items with either small bias or large bias (i.e., 0.3 in loadings and 0.75 in intercepts). Because there were three freely estimated α s and ψ s, we calculated REs using the average MSEs and the average error rates of CIs (or CrIs), the same way we did for λ s and ν s in study 1.

As shown in Figs. 4 and 5, the results were highly similar to those in study 1, in that AO overall gave good REs across conditions and with good CI error rates. However, with four groups BAO performed almost identically to AO in large samples but outperformed AO in small samples for ν s, α s, and ψ s, with similar error rates. Similar to study 1, FS and BAIA-2S performed similarly except when there were 2/3 noninvariant parameters, where BAIA-2S was better. The small variance priors in BAIA resulted in increased REs for estimating α s when n = 50, p = 12, and all α s = 0, but generally showed poor REs for estimating λ s and ψ s when n = 50 and p = 12 with highly inflated error rates. Overall, with four groups, BAO and AO should be the methods of choice for adjusting partial invariance, with BAO being more efficient in small samples.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Relative Efficiency (RE) of Studied Estimators in study 2. FS = Forward stepwise specification search. AO = Alignment optimization. BAO = Bayesian alignment optimization. BAIA = Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment. BAIA-2S = two-step BAIA. λ = factor loading. ν = intercept. α = latent mean. ψ = latent factor variance. The solid lines represent median REs across sample size and number of items conditions. The dashed lines represent RE = 1.0

Fig. 5
figure 5

Percentage error rates of 95% confidence (or credible) intervals in study 2. FS = Forward stepwise specification search. AO = Alignment optimization. BAO = Bayesian alignment optimization. BAIA = Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment. BAIA-2S = two-step BAIA. λ = factor loading. ν = intercept. α = latent mean. ψ = latent factor variance. The solid lines represent median error rates across sample size and number of items conditions. The dashed lines represent error rate = 5%

For the 16 conditions with equal α s across groups (i.e., αk = 0 for all k), we also obtained the empirical Type I error rates for the omnibus test α1 = α2 = α3 = α4. The likelihood ratio test (LRT) with three degrees of freedom was used to compare the model without constraints on the α s and that with equality constraints on the α s for the correctly specified PI, FS, and BAIA-2S, whereas the Wald test was used for AO (as LRT was not available with alignment). Significance tests were not available from BAO and BAIA in Mplus at the time of writing.

As expected and shown in Table 2, when rni = 0, all methods yielded reasonable empirical Type I error rates (αs), but AO was slightly conservative in small samples (1.4% to 2.0%). With rni = 1/3, AO generally maintained acceptable α except with the 1/3-skewed noninvariance pattern and n = 500 (9.0%), whereas both FS and BAIA-2S had inflated αs between 6.4% and 10.6%. With rni = 2/3, both FS and BAIA-2S had highly inflated α (> 75% for FS, > 17% for BAIA-2S), while AO performed much better but still had inflated α of 8% to 10% when n = 500.

Table 2 Percentage empirical type I error rates for latent mean differences in study 2

When score reliability is low

As the simulation conditions in study 2 had high composite reliability with Cronbach’s alphas = .852 when p = 6 and .920 when p = 12, we would like to investigate whether the results would change when the composite reliability is low. Thus, we simulated additional data as in study 2 but with the standardized loadings reduced to .4, resulting in Cronbach’s alphas = .533 when p = 6 and .696 when p = 12. The pattern of the results was in general consistent with conditions with high reliability, so we only reported a few key findings (with the full results available in the Supplemental Material). Specifically, while FS had worse REs when there were 2/3 noninvariant parameters, it performed as good as AO in other conditions, and had better REs in estimating λ s and ψ s. However, FS suffered from even higher error rates of CIs in low reliability conditions, so while they produced good parameter estimates, the standard errors were underestimated as it did not take into account the model uncertainty in the search process. Across conditions with low reliability, BAO had consistently higher REs than AO, especially p = 6 (i.e., when reliability is low), and maintained good error rates except for some conditions of n = 500 and p = 12 (with median error rate = 7.2%), while AO had more acceptable error rates across conditions. Both BAIA and BAIA-2S also had unacceptably high error rates (up to 99.8% and 40.5% in some conditions). Therefore, BAO should be preferred in small sample size and low reliability situations, while both AO and BAO should be preferred over FS if researchers want to obtain valid inferences.

When there was no misspecification

As one of the reviewers pointed out, our finding that AO performed better than FS may be sensitive to model misspecification. To examine that, we run an additional simulation using the same conditions as in study 2, except that there were no unique covariances in the data generating model. The results were essentially identical to those of study 2, and readers can find more details in the Supplemental Material.

Study 3

In study 3, we compare the specification search and approximate invariance approaches to adjust for partial invariance in estimating path coefficients and their differences across groups (i.e., interaction effects). As noted in Marsh et al., (2018), currently both AO and BAO can only be used for confirmatory factor analytic (CFA) models, meaning that one cannot simultaneously do alignment and estimate structural relations of latent variables with other predictors or outcomes. However, because the alignment model is just one of the infinitely many possible configural invariance model, Marsh et al., (2018) proposed the alignment-within-CFA (AwC) approach by including covariates or outcome variables in the second step and constrained the loading and intercept of one anchor variable to be the same as the alignment solution for each latent factor. By doing so, the definition of the latent variable would generally be highly similar to the alignment solution. Marsh et al., (2018) showed that AwC with maximum likelihood performed well in recovering latent means for 15 groups; however, to our knowledge no previous studies had directly investigated the performance of AwC in recovering structural coefficients.

Specifically, in study 3, we evaluated various approaches to estimating path coefficients of a latent predictor on an observed outcome for three groups. We denoted the path coefficient as β1. We compared the specification search approach that identifies a partial invariance model in the first step and includes the outcome as the second step, as well as several variants of the AwC methods, including AO, BAO, and BAIA. In addition, we also included two approaches discussed in Muthén and Asparouhov (2013), including (a) BAIA-2S as in studies 1 and 2, in which a partial invariance model was identified using BAIA in step 1, and (b) a one-step simultaneous Bayesian method with small variance priors on the loading and intercept differences and with the outcome variable also included in the model, but without alignment optimization, which we denoted as BAI.

We generated data similar to those in studies 1 and 2 but with an additional outcome variable. Specifically, we simulated data with three groups in three scenarios: β1 = {0,0,0}, β1 = {.3,.3,.3}, and β1 = {.3,.1,−.1}. The simulation conditions in study 3 were similar to those of studies 1 and 2, with a 3 (β1) × 2 (N = 50 or 500) × 4 (fully invariant, 1/3-balanced, 1/3-skewed, or 2/3 noninvariant parameters) design. Here we only studied p = 12 as study 1 showed that the number of items had little impact on the results. Similar to study 1, we introduced minor unique factor covariances among the 12 items as well as the external outcome variable by randomly simulating a covariance matrix from an LKJ distribution divided by 10. For each condition and method, we evaluated the relative efficiency (RE) and error rate of the point and interval estimates. In addition, for the 16 conditions with equal β1 values across groups (i.e., with no interactions), we evaluated the empirical Type I error rates.


Given that the results for the loadings, intercepts, latent means, and latent variances were highly similar to those in studies 1 and 2, we only presented the results for the latent regression coefficient estimates. As shown in Fig. 6, in general, AO performed the best with REs close to 1 for all conditions with rni = 0 and with the 1/3-balanced noninvariance pattern, and REs > .90 for conditions with 1/3-skewed and 2/3 noinvariance patterns. FS performed similarly well with only a slight drop-off with 1/3-skewed and 2/3 noinvariance patterns. BAIA-2S generally also performed well with REs above 0.86. BAO had good performance only when n = 500, whereas both BAI (without alignment) and BAIA (with alignment) both performed poorly in most conditions.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Relative efficiency for estimating latent regression coefficients of the studied estimators in study 3. FS = Forward stepwise specification search. AO = Alignment optimization. BAO = Bayesian alignment optimization. BAI = Bayesian approximate invariance without alignment. BAIA = Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment. BAIA-2S = two-step BAIA. The solid lines represent the median bias across sample size and number of items conditions. The dashed lines represent relative efficiency = 1.0

As shown in Fig. 7, in terms of CI (or CrI) error rate, all methods generally had error rates less than 6% except for BAI, with AO (median = 5.27%) performing the best overall and FS performing reasonably well except in conditions with rni = 2/3. Overall, FS showed better performance for recovering latent regression coefficient parameters than for latent means.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Error rates of 95% confidence (credible) intervals for estimating latent regression coefficients of the studied estimators in study 3. FS = Forward stepwise specification search. AO = Alignment optimization. BAO = Bayesian alignment optimization. BAI = Bayesian approximate invariance without alignment. BAIA = Bayesian approximate invariance with alignment. BAIA-2S = two-step BAIA. The solid lines represent median biases across sample size and number of items conditions. The dashed lines represent error rate = 5%

Table 3 shows the type I error rates (α) for detecting differences in β1 across groups. All methods yielded values close to 5% and below the 7.5% benchmark (Bradley, 1978) for all conditions, except for one condition for BAIA and for BAIA-2S when rni = 2/3 (7.6% and 8.3%, respectively). Overall, BAO had the best control on α (3.8% to 6.1%) across conditions.

Table 3 Percentage empirical type I error rates for latent mean differences in study 3


Traditionally, researchers have relied on comparing multiple models to evaluate factorial invariance, and use sequential specification search methods to relax invariant constraints to obtain adjusted estimations and inferences on measurement and latent structural parameters. While previous research has generally supported the use of specification search with two groups, a small number of items, and high reliability conditions (Yoon & Kim, 2014; Jung & Yoon, 2016), the corresponding results ignored the model uncertainty induced in the specification search process as researchers might identify the wrong set of items. On the other hand, newer approaches, such as the Bayesian approximate invariance and the alignment optimization methods, showed promising results for large number of groups (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2014; Kim et al., 2017; Marsh et al., 2018), but it was unclear whether they had advantages over the specification search method in smaller number of groups. To provide more concrete recommendations for applied researchers interested in valid comparisons of latent variables across a few groups (i.e., 2 to 4 groups), in this paper we conducted three simulation studies. To our knowledge the current study was first in comparing forward specification search (FS), alignment optimization with both maximum likelihood (AO) and Bayesian estimation (BAO), and Bayesian approximate invariance methods (BAIA and BAIA-2S), in terms of the estimation and inferences of model parameters. In addition, we also examined the alignment-within-CFA approaches proposed by Marsh et al., (2018) in comparison to FS for estimating latent regression coefficients while adjusting for partial invariance.

Summary of simulation results

Across studies 1 to 3, we found, consistent with Yoon and Kim (2014), that FS performed well when the proportion of noninvariant parameters was no more than 1/3, but its performance rapidly dropped off in terms of relative efficiency and CI error rate with 2/3 noninvariant parameters, especially for measurement intercepts and latent means. Whereas previous studies showed that the use of a correctly specified partial invariance model could produce accurate parameter estimates with only a small proportion of invariant items (e.g., Pokropek et al. 2019; Shi, Song, Liao, et al., 2017), when model uncertainty is taken into account, which represents a more realistic situation in practice, FS only works when the proportion of noninvariant parameters is relatively small (≤ 1/3) and when the reliability of the item scores is relatively high (i.e., > .80).

On the other hand, our studies show that both AO and BAO are at least as good as FS in terms of RE and error rate for most conditions and are much better with 2/3 noninvariant parameters. In small samples (n = 100 in study 1 and n = 50 in study 2), the use of Bayesian methods also makes BAO more efficient in estimating latent means and variances. Thus, whereas previous literature has shown that AO works well in large number of groups with relatively few large noninvariant parameters (e.g., Flake & McCoach, 2018; Kim et al.,, 2017; Marsh et al.,, 2018; Pokropek et al., 2019), the current results show AO and BAO also work well in two to four groups.

The use of small variance priors with alignment, on the contrary, generally biases the parameter estimates, which is consistent with Muthén and Asparouhov (2013) and Pokropek et al., (2019), and leads to inflated error rates in credible intervals. Whereas in some conditions it provides more efficient latent mean estimates in small sample conditions, its performance is inconsistent across conditions.

Recommendations for research

Based on the simulation results, if researchers’ goal is to obtain valid and efficient comparisons on the means or regression coefficients across groups, we recommend the use of AO for both measurement and structural parameters. In the case of small samples (i.e., n ≤ 100 per group), we also recommend the use of BAO with noninformative priors as it gives more efficient parameter estimates of latent means and variances (but not latent regression coefficients). The traditional FS approach generally also works well for estimating intercepts, latent means, and latent regression coefficients, as long as researchers are confident that there are no more than 1/3 noninvariant parameters and the reliability is high, but it should be cautioned that FS may be more sensitive to model misspecifications than AO and BAO.

On the other hand, our results do not inform the choice between FS and AO when researchers are interested in detecting the source of noninvariance. For research problems involving many groups, readers should consult Kim et al., (2017); future research is needed to compare the performance of FS and AO for detecting noninvariant items in few groups.


As with other studies, there are several limitations in the current study that may limit the generalizability of the results and require further investigations in future studies. First, as with the majority of previous simulation studies, our data generating models only had one latent variable. Whereas (Flake and McCoach, 2018) had shown that the alignment optimization method (AO) performed well with two correlated factors, future research is needed to evaluate how specification search and Bayesian approximate invariance methods performed with multiple latent factors in adjusting latent means and latent regression coefficients among factors. Second, we only simulated continuous indicators that satisfied the normality assumption, and it is unclear to what degree results may be similar or different with nonnormal and categorical indicators. Yoon and Kim (2014) suggested that specification search had somewhat higher false positive rates with polytomous data, while Flake and McCoach (2018) found AO performed well with polytomous data in large-scale studies. However, more comprehensive comparisons that include Bayesian methods is needed for nonnormal data.

Third, in our simulation studies, we assumed that researchers did not have any substantive knowledge in terms of which items were biased. While this is generally the norm in the existing measurement invariance literature (e.g., Schmitt & Kuljanin, 2008), both specification search and Bayesian methods with small variance priors can incorporate researcher knowledge. In the case of specification search, researchers can choose to only evaluate a subset of the items for noninvariance; in the case of small variance priors, researchers can place such priors only on a subset of items they consider close to invariant. The performance of these two methods may improve with the incorporation of such knowledge, and future studies can further evaluate this possibility.

Finally, while Muthén and Asparouhov (2014) previously suggested a rule of thumb that AO worked well in recovering the ordering of the means with 25% or less noninvariant parameters when the number of groups is large (e.g., > 20), our simulation results showed that in situations with few groups, AO works reasonably well with 33% noninvariant parameters, or with 67% noninvariant parameters provided that the direction of noninvariance balanced out approximately. Our results are thus more consistent with the findings from Marsh et al., (2018), who found that AO worked well with 15 groups, five items, and 100% noninvariant items (most of which were small noninvariances, but some were large). This suggested that the performance of AO may depend on both the number of groups and the magnitudes of noninvariance, and future studies are needed to further refine the rule of thumbs of when AO may be reasonable to use.

Open practices statement

The R and Mplus codes for all simulation studies will be available on the Open Science Framework (