
Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction [1]. They always allocate virtual machine (VM)-based computing resources on demand through the virtualization technology, and deploy different kinds of fundamental software onto virtual machines, which are finally provided in a service-oriented style. Nowadays, more and more software applications are built or migrated to run in a cloud, with the goal of reducing IT costs and complexities. This trend brings unprecedented challenges to system management of Cloud, which mainly comes from the following two aspects:

First, the virtualization not only makes the physical resources easier to share and control but also increases the complexity of management [2]. For instance, there are different kinds of Cloud resources, which include CPU, memory, storage, network, virtual machines and different types of software, such as web servers and application servers. All these resources have to be managed together.

Second, there are kinds of personalized management requirements. In some scenarios, administrators need to manage different kinds of resources together; while in other scenarios, administrators have to manage Cloud resources in appropriate styles [2]. For instance, a 3-tier JEE (Java Enterprise Edition) application typically has to use the web server, EJB server and DB server. These servers have different management mechanisms. An EJB server should comply with JMX management specification and rely on the JMX API, while a DB server is usually managed through the SQL-like scripts. In addition, the EJB server could usually sustain running of several applications simultaneously. What’s more, all of the platforms are in a resource sharing and competing environment [3]. Administrators have to carefully coordinate each part to make the whole system work correctly and effectively.

Actually, Cloud management is the execution of a group of management tasks, from the view of system implementation. A management task is a group of management operations on one or more kinds of Cloud resources. A management operation is an invocation of a management interface provided by Cloud resources themselves or a third-party management service. Due to the specificity and large scale of Cloud, management tasks of different Clouds are not the same. For instance, Amazon EC2 [4] mainly manages infrastructure level Cloud resources such as virtual machines, while Google App Engine [5] manages platform-level Cloud resources such as operating systems execution environment. To satisfy the personalized management requirements, Cloud administrators usually conduct redevelopment based on the existing management systems. However, the redevelopment is usually implemented in general purpose programming languages like Java and C/C++, which can bring enough power and flexibility but also cause high programming efforts and costs. For instance, the existing VM and middleware platforms have already provided adequate proprietary APIs (e.g., JMX) to be used by monitoring and executing related code. Administrators first have to be familiar with these APIs and then build programs upon them. Such a work is not easy due to diverse resources and personalized requirements. In a management program, proper APIs have to be chosen for use and different types of APIs (e.g., JMX and scripts) have to be made interoperable with each other. Such “boring” work is not the core of management logics compared with analyzing and planning related code, but it has to be done to make the whole program run effectively. During this procedure, the irrelevant APIs as well as the collected low-level data can sometimes make administrators exhausted and frustrated. Furthermore, the programs are built on the code that directly connects with runtime systems, so they are not easy for reuse. Administrators have to write many different programs to manage different cloud applications and their platforms, even their management mechanisms are the same.

The fundamental challenge faced by the development of management tasks is the conceptual gap between the problem and the implementation domains. To bridge the gap, using approaches that require extensive handcraft implementations such as hard-coding in general purpose programming languages like Java will give rise to the programming complexity. Software architecture acts as a bridge between requirements and implementations [6]. It describes the gross structure of a software system with a collection of managed elements and it has been used to reduce the complexity and cost mainly resulted from the difficulties faced by understanding the large-scale and complex software system [7]. It is a natural idea to understand management tasks through modeling the architecture of the system. Current researches in the area of model driven engineering (MDE) also support systematic transformation of problem-level abstractions to software implementations [8].

To address the issues above, we try to leverage architecture-based runtime model for the management of diverse Cloud resources. An architecture-based runtime model is a causally connected self-representation of the associated system that emphasizes the structure, behavior, and goals of the system from a problem space perspective [9],[10]. It has been broadly adopted in the runtime management of software systems [11]-[13]. With the help of runtime models, administrators can obtain a better understanding of their systems and write model-level programs for management. We have developed a model-based runtime management tool called SM@RT (Supporting Model AT Run Time [14]-[16]), which provides the synchronization engine between a runtime model and its corresponding running system. SM@RT makes any state of the running system reflected to the runtime model, as well as any change to the runtime model applied to the running system in an on-the-fly fashion.

In this paper, we present an architecture-based approach to the integrated management of diverse Cloud resources. First, we construct the architecture-based runtime model of each kind of Cloud resource (Cloud resource runtime model) automatically based on its architecture meta-model and management interfaces. Second, we define a customized model which satisfies the specific management requirement, and describe map** relationships between the customized model and Cloud resource runtime models. Then any operation on the customized model is transformed to one on Cloud resource runtime models automatically. Finally, management tasks are carried out through executing operating programs on the customized model, which could benefit from many model-centric analyzing or planning methods and mechanisms such as model checkers [17]. The whole approach only needs to define a group of meta-models and map** rules, thus greatly reduces the workload of hand coding. As an additional contribution, we apply the runtime model to a real Cloud system, which is a practical evaluation on architecture-based integrated management of diverse Cloud resources.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II gives a motivating example of the architecture-based approach to managing diverse Cloud resources. Section III presents the construction of Cloud resource runtime models. Section IV describes the construction of the customized model. Section V illustrates a real case study and reports the evaluation. Section VI discusses the related works. Section VII concludes this paper and indicates our future work.

Motivating example

In order to satisfy personalized requirements, Cloud administrators conduct redevelopment based on existing management systems. However, it may result in several difficulties of integrated management in general approach. For instance, management scenarios may consist of different types of resources which need to be managed collaboratively. Administrators have to be familiar with the APIs and then build programs upon them. While conducting redevelopment, they have to choose proper APIs for use and make different types of APIs interpretable with each other, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1
figure 1

Example of invoking management interfaces.

Such code fragments are not the core of management logics, but it has to be developed to make the whole management program run effectively. Many similar code fragments are required for a simple task. As shown in Figure 1, the code fragment for fetching the value of the “maxThreads” attribute in a JOnAS (a popular open source Java application server) through JMX API is more than 20 LOC (Line of Code). During this procedure, the irrelevant APIs as well as the collected low-level data can sometimes make administrators exhausted and frustrated. Furthermore, as programs are built on the code that directly connect with the running systems, they are not easy for reuse. Administrators have to write different programs to satisfy similar requirements even their management objectives are the same.

When using our approach, the procedure becomes much simpler and shorter. Figure 2 shows an overview of the runtime model based approach to integrated management of Cloud resources. The architecture-based runtime models can shield administrators from the relatively low-level details of redevelopment.

Figure 2
figure 2

Overview of the architecture-based approach to managing diverse Cloud resources.

There are two steps in our approach. First, we construct runtime models of Cloud resources. The Cloud resource runtime model is abstracted from the software architecture of this kind of resources and the correct synchronization between the runtime model and the running system is ensured, which shields the heterogeneity of management interfaces. Second, according to the specific management style, we construct a customized model and ensure its correct synchronization with Cloud resource runtime models through model transformation. In our approach, we only need to define a group of meta-models, map** rules and model-level programs, so the workload of hand coding can be greatly reduced.

Construction of cloud resource runtime models

There are many different kinds of resources in Cloud. For example, there are virtual machine platforms such as Xen, VMware and KVM, operating systems such as Windows and Linux, application servers such as JOnAS, JBoss and WebLogic, web servers such as Apache, IIS [18] and Nginx [19], database servers such as MySQL, SQL server and Oracle. We construct their runtime models in order to manage them in a unified manner. The runtime model is abstracted from their software architecture. It is done easily with the help of SM@RT (The source code of SM@RT can be downloaded from [16]), which is proposed in our previous work [14],[15].

SM@RT consists of a domain-specific modeling language (called SM@RT language) and a code generator (called SM@RT generator) to support model-based runtime system management. The SM@RT language allows developers to specify: (1) the structure of the running system by a UML-compliant meta-model; (2) how to manipulate the system’s elements by an access model. With these two models, the SM@RT generator can automatically generate the synchronization engine to reflect the running system to the runtime model. The synchronization engine not only enables any states of the system to be monitored by the runtime model, but also any changes to the runtime model to be applied on the running system. Thus we can manage the resources through operations on the runtime models, and these operations will finally propagate to the underlying cloud resources. For instance, in Figure 3, the synchronization engine builds a model element in the runtime model for the running JOnAS platform. When the model element of JOnAS is deleted, the synchronization engine is able to detect this change, identify which platform this removed element stands for and finally invoke the script to shut down the JOnAS platform. Due to page limitation, the details of the runtime model construction with SM@RT can be found in [20]-[22].

Figure 3
figure 3

Synchronization between the runtime model and the running system.

Construction of the customized model

There are different management requirements in Cloud environment due to diverse Cloud resources and management styles. Different types of resources usually need to run collaboratively to support the Cloud application and the resources should be managed in an appropriate management style. In our approach, administrators just need to construct a customized model and define a set of map** rules, in order to satisfy a specific management requirement. The customized model is abstracted from the software architecture of the required management system. The correct synchronization between the customized model and Cloud resource runtime models is ensured through model operation transformation, which is completed automatically according to the map** rules.

Map** rules definition

Map** rules are used to describe map** relationships between the customized model and Cloud resource runtime models. Every element in the customized model is related with one in Cloud resource runtime models. As shown in Figure 4, there are three types of basic map** relationships between model elements. Any other map** relationship can be demonstrated as a combination of them.

Figure 4
figure 4

Three types of basic map** relationships between model elements.

One-to-one map** relationship

One element in the customized model is related to a certain element in Cloud resource runtime models. Particularly, the attributes of elements in the customized model are also corresponding to the ones of related elements in Cloud resource runtime models. For instance, the Flavor element in the customized model and the MachineType element in Cloud resource runtime models both represent the configuration of virtual machine. The id, name, memoryMb, imageSpaceGb and guestCpus attributes of the Flavor element are related to the id, name, ram, disk and vcpus attributes of the MachineType element.

Many-to-one map** relationship

One type of element in Cloud resource runtime models is related to two or more types of elements in the customized model. Particularly, the attributes of a certain type of the element in Cloud resource runtime models are related to the attributes of two or more types of elements in the customized model. For instance, Image and Kernel elements in the customized model are both used to describe the information about the type of virtual machine. In Cloud resource runtime models, all the related information is described in the Image element. However, in the customized model, there is not any attribute of the Image element, related to the kernelDescription attribute of the Image element in Cloud resource runtime models. The related attribute is in the Kernel element, which is indicated by the preferredKernel attribute of the Image element in the customized model.

One-to-many map** relationship

One type of elements in the customized model is related to two or more types of elements in Cloud resource runtime models. For instance, Server elements in the customized model represent virtual machines, and Apache, JOnAS and MySQL elements in Cloud resource runtime models represent virtual machines with software deployed. During model transformation, any Server element is mapped to one of Apache, JOnAS and MySQL elements, according to its imageId attribute.

As shown in Table 1, we have defined some keywords and presented the method to describe map** relationships between the customized model and Cloud resource runtime models.

  1. 1.

    Helper: The “helper” tag is used to describe the map** relationship between elements. There are usually three attributes in the “helper” tag, the key attribute, the value attribute and the type attribute. The value attribute describes the target element in the customized model and the key attribute describes the target element in Cloud resource runtime models. The type attribute describes the type of the map** relationship. When its value is “basic”, it is a one-to-one map** relationship or a many-to-one map** relationship. When its value is “multi”, it is a one-to-many map** relationship. The “helper” tag is used to describe the map** relationship between elements. Elements often have attributes or other elements, so the “helper” tag usually nests “helper” tags, “mapper” tags and “query” tags.

  2. 2.

    Mapper: The “mapper” tag is used to describe the map** relationship between attributes of elements. There are usually two attributes in the “mapper” tag, the key and value attributes. The value attribute describes the target attribute in the customized model and the key attribute describes the target attribute in Cloud resource runtime models. The element, which the attributes belong to, is defined in the outer “helper” tag.

  3. 3.

    Query: The “query” tag is used to describe the map** relationship between attributes of elements. There are usually four attributes in the “query” tag. The key and value attributes in the “query” tag are similar with the ones in “mapper” tag. But the element, which the attribute belongs to, is defined by the node and condition attributes; the node attribute describes the type of the target element and the condition attribute describes the constraint that the target element should follow. The “query” tag is usually used in the descriptions of many-to-one map** relationships between elements.

Table 1 Keywords used to describe map** relationships

Based on the key words above, we could define the map** rules between elements, according to their map** relationships. As shown in Figure 5, there are three cases of basic map** relationships between elements.

Figure 5
figure 5

Descriptions of basic map** relationships between elements.

One-to-one map** relationship

The first case is to describe the One-to-One map** relationship between Flavor elements in the customized model and MachineType elements in Cloud resource runtime models. The “helper” tag is used to describe this map** relationship. The value of the key attribute is “machineType” and the value of the value attribute is “flavor”. The “mapper” tags are used to describe the map** relationships between the attributes of Flavor and MachineType elements.

Many-to-one map** relationship

The second case is to describe the Many-to-One map** relationship between Image, Kernel elements in the customized model and Image elements in Cloud resource runtime models. The “helper” tag is used to describe this map** relationship. The “mapper” tag is for describing the map** relationships between the attributes of Image elements in the models above. The “query” tag is to describe the map** relationship between description attributes of Kernel elements in the customized model and kernelDescription attributes of Image elements in Cloud resource runtime models. The related Kernel element is indicated by the preferredKernel attribute of Image element in the customized model.

One-to-many map** relationship

The third case is to describe the One-to-Many map** relationship between Server elements in the customized model and Apache, JOnAS, MySQL elements in Cloud resource runtime models. The “helper” tag is used to describe the One-to-Many map** relationship, so the value of its type attribute is “multi”. The condition attribute in the “helper” tag is to describe the map** precondition. For instance, if the value of the imageId attribute of the Server element is “1”, the Server element is mapped to the JOnAS element.

Model operation transformation

Model operations are aimed to monitor some system parameters or execute some management tasks. There are five basic types of model operations, including “Get”, “Set”, “List”, “Add” and “Remove”. In order to ensure the correct synchronization between the models, operations on the customized model need to be transformed to ones on Cloud resource models, as shown in Figure 2.

We define the description and execution effect of each type of basic model operation, as shown in Figure 6. When Cloud administrators operate on the customized model, an operation file will be generated automatically, which is described in the form of “action” tag. If the type of operation is “Get” or “List”, the result file is required, which is describe in the form of “return” tag. Particularly, the condition attribute of the operation or result tag usually describes the identification of objective element, such as “id = f9764071”.

Figure 6
figure 6

Basic Types of Model Operations.

As shown in Figure 5, there are three types of basic map** relationships between model elements. We have defined the model operation transformation rules, as shown in Table 2. Then the operations on the element in the customized model can be transformed to the operations on the related element in Cloud resource runtime models automatically, according to the map** relationships.

Table 2 Map** rules of model operation transformation

One-to-one map** relationship

For instance, A elements in the customized model are mapped to B elements in Cloud resource runtime model. Thus, operations to add, remove and list A elements are mapped to the same operations on related B elements. The operation to get or set the value of A’s attribute is mapped to the same operation on the related attribute too.

Many-to-one map** relationship

For instance, A elements in the customized model are mapped to B elements in Cloud resource runtime model, but some attributes of B element are related to ones of C element in the customized model too. Thus, the operation to get or set the value of the attribute of A or C element is mapped to the same operation on the related attribute of B element. The operation to add, remove or list A elements is also mapped to the same operation on related B elements. In addition, when a B element is created, the initial values of properties come from both of A and C elements.

One-to-many map** relationship

For instance, A elements in the customized model are mapped to B or C elements in Cloud resource runtime models. Thus, the operations are mapped to the same ones on the related elements or attributes. Particularly, the operation to list A elements is mapped to the operation to list all of related B and C elements.

Case study

In a Cloud environment, the hardware and software resources of virtual machines need to be managed together in order to optimize allocation of resources. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is currently no open source product to satisfy the requirement above. There are many Cloud management systems provide solutions to manage different kinds of Cloud resources. For instance, OpenStack [23] is an open source product which is used to manage Cloud infrastructure. Hyperic [24] is an open source product which is used to manage different kinds of software including web servers, application servers, database servers, and so on.

In order to validate the feasibility and efficiency of our approach, we implement a prototype for integrated management of the hardware and software resources of virtual machines based on OpenStack and Hyperic. Then we conduct some experiments on the prototype to make an evaluation.

Construction of cloud resource runtime models

OpenStack is used to manage the entire life cycle of virtual machines. The management elements in OpenStack include Project, Server, Flavor, Image and so on, as shown in Figure 7. The virtual machine (the Server element) is the basic unit of resource allocation, each of which is included in a project. The resources of infrastructure are divided into several projects. The configuration of virtual machine contains the image, which describes the file system of virtual machine, and the flavor, which describes the hardware resource of virtual machine. The Images element contains a list of images which are related to the project. The Image element is regarded as one type of image (For instance, web server image and DB server image). The Flavors element contains a list of flavors which are related to the project. The Flavor element describes one type of hardware resource configuration (such as tiny-flavor: CPU 1G, Memory 512 M; large-flavor: CPU 4G, memory 8G).

Figure 7
figure 7

Architecture-based meta-models of OpenStack (up-left), Hyperic (up-right) and the required management system.

Hyperic provide management interfaces of middleware software products, which is based on the agents (the Agent element) deployed on each managed node. Due to the large number of management interfaces, the model of Hyperic in this case only contains the main management interfaces of Apache, JOnAS and MySQL, as shown in Figure 7. The attributes of Apache, JOnAS and MySQL elements represent the metrics and configurations of middleware platforms.

Given the architecture-based meta-models, we also need to identify the changes enabled by the models [22]. There are hundreds of management interfaces in OpenStack and Hyperic, so we can model them into the Access Models [14] through specifying how to invoke the APIs to manipulate each type of elements in the models. For instance, Figure 8 provides several management operations about the virtual machine. For each operation we detail the management operation names, the required arguments and the changes enabled by the operation. As shown in Figure 8, all types of manipulations of model elements are summarized and management operations are also classified.

Figure 8
figure 8

Definitions of runtime changes.

Based on architecture-based meta-models and Access Models, the correct synchronization between runtime models and management systems can be guaranteed by the SM@RT tool. Thus, administrators are capable to manage the hardware and software resource at an architecture level separately.

Construction of the customized model

According to the management requirement above, the virtual machine and the software deployed can be regarded as an appliance [25], which is the basic managed unit. Several appliances compose a project that provides the infrastructure and software resources to a distributed application system. We construct a customized model, according to this management style. Figure 7 shows the main elements in the customized model. The Project element contains an Appliances element, which is regarded as a list of appliances. The Appliances element contains a list of Apache elements, a list of JOnAS elements and a list of MySQL elements, which are all regarded as appliances. The elements of each appliance contain configurations of the hardware and software resources. For instance, the Apache element contains an ApacheSwConfig element and an HwConfig element. Therefore, management tasks could be described as the sequences of operations on the customized model.

In order to ensure the correct synchronization between the customized model and Cloud resource runtime models, we define the map** rules between them according to their map** relationships, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9
figure 9

Snippets of map** rules.

The key challenge is to describe the map** from Apache, JOnAS and MySQL elements in the customized model to Server and Agent elements in runtime models of OpenStack and Hyperic. We take the Apache element for an example.

  1. 1.

    The Apache element is mapped to the Server element in the OpenStack model. It is a one-to-one map** relationship. The id, applicanceId, name and ip attributes of Apache element are mapped to the id, tenant_id, name and ip attributes of Server element. The flavor and status attributes of HwConfig element, are mapped to the flavorId and status attributes of Server element. In addition, the Apache element in the customized model represents the appliance with Apache platform deployed and the id of the certain type of virtual machine image is “6ebf952c”. So the imageId attribute of the related Server element in the OpenStack runtime model should be “6ebf952c” too.

  2. 2.

    The Apache element in the customized model is mapped to the Agent element in the Hyperic model. It is a one-to-one map** relationship. The Apache element in the customized model contains the ApacheSwConfig element, which describes the configurations of Apache instance, as the same as the Apache element in the Hyperic model. So the ApacheSwConfig element in the customized model is mapped to the Apache element in the Hyperic model. The attributes of ApacheSwConfig element are also mapped to the ones of Apache element.

According to the map** rules, the operations on the element in the customized model can be mapped to the operations on the related element in runtime models. Figure 10 shows an example of model operation transformation. The original operation is to create an Apache element and it is described as follows:

  1. 1.

    Query: Find the Appliances element whose id is “f9764071”.

  2. 2.

    Add: Create an Apache element.

  3. 3.

    Set: Assign property values of the Apache element.

Figure 10
figure 10

Example of model operation transformation.

The original operation is mapped to the operation to create a Server element in the OpenStack runtime model. Model operation transformation is executed instruction-by-instruction. For instance, the action to query the Appliances node is mapped to the action to query the Servers node, whose tenant_id is “f9764071”. The action to add an Apache node is mapped to the action to add a Server node. The actions to set the property values are mapped to the actions to set the values of related attributes too. According to the map** relationships, the imageId attribute of related Server element should be “6ebf952c”, so there is an extra action to assign the property value.

The generated operation file is transferred to the OpenStack runtime model. When the operation is executed, changes of the runtime model will be applied on the running system.


We evaluate our approach from three aspects.

1) Development of the architecture-based tool for integrated management of the hardware and software resources

For constructing Cloud resource runtime models, we just need to define the architecture-based meta-models and the Access Models on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) [26]. The runtime model will be generated automatically by our SM@RT tool. Construction of Cloud resource runtime models is one-off work, so it is acceptable for Cloud administrators. The existing forms of models and model operations are documents in XML format, and the process of model operation transformation is fulfilled in XML format based on map** rules.

We have developed an architecture-based tool for integrated management of the hardware and software resources of virtual machines, as shown in Figure 11. Every Appliance element stands for a virtual machine with software deployed and these elements compose the runtime model of the running system. Administrators can manage the resources at an architecture level and the operations are transformed to the invocations of management interfaces of underlying Cloud resources. Particularly, we just reuse and reorganize management interfaces provided by OpenStack and Hyperic, instead of modifying underlying systems. We manage a cloud infrastructure, which consists of 15 physical servers and supports about 100 appliances, through our runtime model based tool. It has been proved that management tasks could be fulfilled exactly by the tool. Furthermore, complex management tasks could be carried out through executing operating programs on the customized model, which may benefit from existing model-centric analyzing or planning methods and mechanisms.

Figure 11
figure 11

Architecture based integrated management of the hardware and software resources of virtual machines.

2) Comparison of programming difficulty between general languages and model languages

According to our previous work [22], for the same management tasks, the programs are simpler to write in model languages like QVT [27], compared with in general languages like Java. With the help of the architecture-based model, Cloud administrators can focus on the logics of management tasks without handling different types of low-level management interfaces. In addition, model languages usually provide model operations such as “select” and “sum”, which makes it simpler to do programming.

3) Comparison of performance between management interfaces and the runtime model

To evaluate the performance of our approach, we develop Java and QVT programs to execute two groups of management tasks, respectively based on the management interfaces or the runtime model. The first group of management tasks is to query properties of the appliances, and the second group of management tasks is to create a set of appliances, as shown in Table 3. The execution time of Java programs is less than QVT ones. The main reason is that the two sets of programs are based on the same APIs and there are some extra operations in the runtime model based approach, which are aimed to ensure synchronization between the architecture-based models and the underlying systems. However, the difference is small and completely acceptable for Cloud management.

Table 3 Comparison of performance between management interfaces and the runtime model

Related work

There are many management systems, which are used to manage different types of Cloud resources. For instance, Eucalyptus [28] and OpenStack help administrators manage infrastructure level Cloud resources, while Tivoli [29] and Hyperic help administrators manage platform-level Cloud resources. However, most of these systems lack of efficient mechanisms to adjust or extend their management interfaces for personalized requirements.

There are some research works which try to integrate existing management functions based on service-oriented architecture. A solution to system management in a distributed environment is proposed in the work [30], which encapsulates management functions into RESTful services and makes them subscribed by administrators. In our previous work [31],[32], a “Management as a Service (MaaS)” solution is proposed from the reuse point of view. However, management services are not so good as system parameters for reflecting the states of running systems, and service subscription and composition are also more complicated, which may lead to extra difficulties in Cloud management.

Runtime models have been widely used in different systems to support self-repair [33], dynamic adaption [34], data manipulation [35], etc. We have made lots of research in the area of model driven engineering. For a given meta-model and a given set of management interfaces, SM@RT [14],[36] has provided an MOF meta-model extension mechanism with support for upward compatibility and automatically generates a model transformation for model integration, and the work implemented on architecture-level fault tolerance [37] can also compensate for this to a degree. We have tried to construct the runtime model of a real-world Cloud and develop management programs in a modeling language [22],[38]. The approach in this paper is built on our previous works. In addition, the approach is not intrusive, that is, neither instructs non-manageable systems nor extends inadequate APIs. Therefore, it is a general-purpose approach and is capable to interwork with other similar works like Pi-ADL [39].

Conclusion and future work

Due to the diversity of Cloud resources and personalized management requirements, Cloud management is faced with huge challenges. To satisfy a new management requirement, the most common way is conducting redevelopment based on existing management systems. However, the difficulty and workload of redevelopment are very high. This paper proposed an architecture-based approach to integrated management of diverse Cloud resources. For a new management requirement , we construct runtime models of Cloud resources and the customized model which satisfies the requirement. The operations on the customized model are mapped to the ones on Cloud resource runtime models through model operation transformation. Thus, administrators could focus on the core of management logics and all the management tasks could be carried out through executing operating programs on the customized model, which greatly reduces the workload of hand coding.

As future work, we plan to give more support for administrators to manage Cloud resources. On one hand, we plan to perform further analysis such as model checking to ensure a deeper correctness and completeness of the generated causal link between the runtime model and underlying systems. On the other hand, we also plan to add some more advanced management functions with the help of model techniques to ease management tasks of Cloud.