1 Introduction

The variational inequality was first introduced and studied in the finite-dimensional Euclidean space by Giannessi [1]. Variational inequality problems play a critical role in many fields of science, engineering, and economics. In the last four decades, since the time of the celebrated Hartman-Stampacchia theorem (see [2, 3]), the existence of a solution of a variational inequality, a generalized variational inequality, and other related problems has become a basic research topic which continues to attract the attention of researchers in applied mathematics (see for instance [413], and the references therein).

In 1995, Chang et al. [14] introduced and studied the problem of the existence of solutions and the perturbation problem for some kind of variational inequalities with monotone and semimonotone map**s in nonreflexive Banach spaces. Recently, Verma [15] studied a class variational inequality relaxed monotone map**. Moreover, Fang and Huang [16] obtained the existence of solutions for variational-like inequalities with relaxed η-α monotone map**s in reflexive Banach spaces. In 2003, Facchinei and Pang [17, 18] used the degree theory to obtain a necessary and sufficient condition of variational inequality problems for continuous pseudomonotone map**s in a finite-dimensional space. In 2008, Kien et al. [19] proposed some extensions of the results of Facchinei and Pang [17, 18] to the case of variational inequalities and generalized variational inequalities in infinite-dimensional reflexive Banach spaces.

On the other hand, Bai et al. [20] introduced the new concept of relaxed η-α pseudomonotone map**s. By using the KKM technique, they obtain some existence results for variational-like inequalities with relaxed η-α pseudomonotone map**s in reflexive Banach spaces. In 2007, Wu and Huang [21] introduced the two new concepts of relaxed η-α pseudomonotonicity and relaxed η-α demipseudomonotonicity in Banach spaces. In 2009, Pourbarat and Abbasi [22] tried to replace some conditions of the work of Wu and Huang [21] with some new conditions. Moreover, they present the solvability of variational-like inequalities with relaxed η-α monotone map**s in arbitrary Banach spaces (see also in [2, 1520] and [2328]).

Inspired and motivated by [19], we introduce a new definition of relaxed η-α pseudomonotone map**s and prove the existence of solutions for variational-like inequality and generalized variational-like inequality with relaxed η-α pseudomonotone map**s and strictly η-quasimonotone map**s in Banach spaces by using KKM technique. The results presented in this paper improve and extend some corresponding results of several authors.

2 Preliminaries

Let X be a real reflexive Banach space with dual space X and , denoted the pairing between X and X. Let K be a nonempty subset of X, and 2 X denote the family of all the nonempty subset of X and Φ:K 2 X and η:K×KX be map**s. The generalized variational-like inequality defined by K and Φ, denoted by GVLI(K,Φ), is the problem of finding a point xK such that

x Φ(x), x , η ( y , x ) 0yK.

The set of all xK satisfying (2.1) is denoted by SOL(K,Φ). If Φ(x)={F(x)} for all xK, where F:K X is a single-valued map**, then the problem GVLI(K,Φ) is called a variational-like inequality and the abbreviation VLI(K,F) is the problem of finding an xK such that

F ( x ) , η ( y , x ) 0yK.

We introduce the definition of relaxed η-α pseudomonotone for α map** which comes from a family of functions which contains all map**s α given in [20]. In fact, the new definition is an extension of Definition 2.1 in [20]. Then we recall some definitions and results which are needed in the sequel.

We introduce the family

A= { α α : X R ; lim sup t 0 + α ( t η ( x , y ) ) t = 0 ( x , y ) K × K } .

We note that if α(tx)=k(t)α(x), for all xX where k is a function from (0,) to (0,) with lim t 0 k ( t ) t =0, then αA.

Definition 2.1 The map** F:K X is said to be:

  1. (i)

    Relaxed η-α pseudomonotone if there exist η:K×KX and α:XR with αA, such that for every distinct points x,yK,

    F ( y ) , η ( x , y ) 0 F ( x ) , η ( x , y ) α ( η ( x , y ) ) .

    If η(x,y)=xy for all distinct points x, y in K, then (2.3) becomes

    F ( y ) , x y 0 F ( x ) , x y α(xy),

    and F is said to be relaxed α pseudomonotone.

  2. (ii)

    Strictly η-quasimonotone if there exist η:K×KX such that for every distinct points x,yK,

    F ( y ) , η ( x , y ) >0 F ( x ) , η ( x , y ) >0.

    If η(x,y)=xy for all distinct points x, y in K, then (2.4) becomes

    F ( y ) , x y >0 F ( x ) , x y >0,

    and F is said to be strictly quasimonotone.

Definition 2.2 The map** Φ:K 2 X is said to be:

  1. (i)

    Relaxed η-α pseudomonotone if there exist η:K×KX and α:XR with αA,

    y , η ( x , y ) 0 , y Φ ( y ) x , η ( x , y ) α ( η ( x , y ) ) , x Φ ( x ) , x , y X .
  2. (ii)

    Strictly η-quasimonotone if there exist η:K×KX such that

    F ( y ) , η ( x , y ) > 0 , y Φ ( y ) F ( x ) , η ( x , y ) > 0 , x Φ ( x ) , x , y X .

Example 2.3 If F:(,0][0,+) define by F(x)= x 2 and


where c>0, then the map** F is a relaxed η-α pseudomonotone map** with

α(z)={ [ | z | ] , z > 0 , [ | z | ] , z 0 .

But it is not a relaxed α-pseudomonotone map**. In fact, if we let x=1, y=0, F(y),xy0, but F(x),xy<α(xy), which is a contradiction.

Example 2.4 If F:(,1)R define by F(x)= x 2 1 and


where c>0. Then the map** F is strictly η-quasimonotone but fails to be strictly quasimonotone since if x(1,1) and y<1, then we have F(y),xy0 but F(x),xy<0.

Definition 2.5 ([20])

Let F:K X and η:K×KX be two map**s. F is said to be η-hemicontinuous if, for any fixed x,yK, the map** f:[0,1](,+) defined by f(t)=F(x+t(yx)),η(y,x) is continuous at 0+.

If η(x,y)=xy x,yK, then F is said to be hemicontinuous.

Definition 2.6 ([29])

A map** F:K 2 X is said to be a KKM map** if, for any { x 1 ,, x n }K, co{ x 1 ,, x n } i = 1 n F( x i ), where co{ x 1 ,, x n } denotes the convex hull of x 1 ,, x n .

Lemma 2.7 ([29])

Let K be a nonempty subset of a Hausdorff topological vector space X and let F:K 2 X be a KKM map**. If F(x) is closed in X for every x in K and compact for some x 0 K, then

x K F(x).

Lemma 2.8 (Michael selection theorem [30])

Let X be a paracompact space and Y be a Banach space. Then every lower semicontinuous multivalued map** from X to the family of nonempty, closed, convex subsets of Y admits a continuous selection.

3 Generalized variational-like inequality with relaxed η-α pseudomonotone map**s

In this section, we will discuss the existence of solutions for the following variational-like inequality and generalized variational-like inequality with relaxed η-α pseudomonotone map**s.

Theorem 3.1 Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of a real reflexive Banach space X. Let F:K X and η:K×KX be map**s. Assume that:

  1. (i)

    F is an η-hemicontinuous and relaxed η-α pseudomonotone;

  2. (ii)

    η(x,x)=0 for all xK;

  3. (iii)

    η(tx+(1t)z,y)=tη(x,y)+(1t)η(z,y) for all x,y,zK, t[0,1].

Then xK is a solution of VLI(K,F) if and only if

F ( y ) , η ( y , x ) α ( η ( y , x ) ) yK.

Proof Suppose that xK is a solution of VLI(K,F). Since F is relaxed η-α pseudomonotone, we have

F ( y ) , η ( y , x ) α ( η ( y , x ) ) yK,

and hence xK is a solution of (3.1). Conversely, suppose that xK is a solution of (3.1) and yK be any point. Letting x t =ty+(1t)x, t(0,1], we have x t K. It follows from (3.1) that

F ( x t ) , η ( x t , x ) α ( η ( x t , x ) ) .

By the conditions of η, we have

F ( x t ) , η ( x t , x ) = F ( x t ) , η ( t y + ( 1 t ) x , x ) = t F ( x t ) , η ( y , x ) + ( 1 t ) F ( x t ) , η ( x , x ) = t F ( x t ) , η ( y , x ) .

It follows from (3.2) and (3.3) that

t F ( x t ) , η ( y , x ) = F ( x t ) , η ( x t , x ) α ( η ( x t , x ) ) t(0,1].

So, we have

F ( x t ) , η ( y , x ) α ( η ( x t , x ) ) t = α ( t η ( y , x ) ) t t(0,1].

Letting t 0 + , we get

F ( x ) , η ( y , x ) 0yK.


Theorem 3.2 Let X be a real reflexive Banach space and KX be a closed convex set. Let F:K X and η:K×KX be are map**s. Assume that:

  1. (i)

    F is a relaxed η-α pseudomonotone map** and η-hemicontinuous;

  2. (ii)

    η(x,x)=0 for all xK;

  3. (iii)

    η(tx+(1t)z,y)=tη(x,y)+(1t)η(z,y) for all x,y,zK, t[0,1] and η is lower semicontinuous;

  4. (iv)

    α:XR is lower semicontinuous.

Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (a)

    There exists a reference point x ref K such that the set

    L < ( F , x ref ) := { x K : F ( x ) , η ( x , x ref ) < α ( η ( x , x ref ) ) }

    is bounded (possibly empty).

  2. (b)

    The variational-like inequality VLI(K,F) has a solution.

    Moreover, if there exists a vector x ref K such that the set

    L ( F , x ref ) := { x K : F ( x ) , η ( x , x ref ) α ( η ( x , x ref ) ) }

    is bounded and η(x,y)+η(y,x)=0 for all x, y in K, then the solution set SOL(K,F) is nonempty and bounded.

Proof Suppose that there exists a reference point x ref K, which satisfies (a). Then there exists an open ball, denoted by Ω such that

L < ( F , x ref ) { x ref } Ω.

We combine this with the obvious property Ω L < (F, x ref )=. Thus F(x),η(x, x ref )α(η(x, x ref )) xKΩ. Define the set-valued map**s T,S:K 2 X , for any xK, by

T(x)= { y K Ω ¯ : F ( y ) , η ( x , y ) 0 }


S(x)= { y K Ω ¯ : F ( x ) , η ( x , y ) α ( η ( x , y ) ) } .

We claim that T is a KKM map**. Indeed, if T is not a KKM map**, then there exists { x 1 , x 2 ,, x n }K such that co{ x 1 , x 2 ,, x n } i = 1 n T( x i ). That is, there exists a x 0 co{ x 1 , x 2 ,, x n }, x 0 = i = 1 n t i x i , where t i 0, i=1,2,,n, i = 1 n t i =1, but x 0 i = 1 n T( x i ). By the definition of T, we have

F ( x 0 ) , η ( x i , x 0 ) <0,i=1,2,,n.

Since i = 1 n t i =1 for t i 0 (i=1,2,,n), it follows that

i = 1 n t i F ( x 0 ) , η ( x i , x 0 ) <0.

On the other hand, we note that

i = 1 n t i F ( x 0 ) , η ( x i , x 0 ) = F ( x 0 ) , η ( i = 1 n t i x i , x 0 ) = F ( x 0 ) , η ( x 0 , x 0 ) = 0 .

It is a contradiction and this implies that T is a KKM map**. Now we show that T(x)S(x) for all xK. For any given xK, let yT(x). Thus, we have F(y),η(x,y)0. Since F is a relaxed η-α pseudomonotone, we obtain F(x),η(x,y)α(η(x,y)). This implies that yS(x) and so T(x)S(x) for all xK. It follows that S is also a KKM map**.

From the assumptions, we know that S(x) is weakly closed. In fact, since η and α are lower semicontinuous, we see that S(x) is a weakly closed subset of K Ω ¯ . Since K Ω ¯ is a weakly compact and S(x) is a weakly closed subset of K Ω ¯ , we see that S(x) is weakly compact for each xK. Thus, the conditions of Lemma 2.7 are satisfied in the weak topology. By Lemma 2.7 and Theorem 3.1, we have

x K T(x)= x K S(x).

It follows that there exists zK Ω ¯ such that

F ( z ) , η ( x , z ) 0xK.

Hence zSOL(K,F).

Assume that (b) holds. We take any x ref SOL(K,F). That is,

F ( x ref ) , η ( x , x ref ) 0xK.

By the relaxed η-α pseudomonotonicity of F, we have

F ( x ) , η ( x , x ref ) α ( η ( x , x ref ) ) xK.

Hence L < (F, x ref )= and (a) is valid.

Finally, suppose that there is some x ref K such that the set L (F, x ref ) is bounded. Then SOL(K,F) is nonempty by virtue of the implication (a) ⇒ (b). To prove that SOL(K,F) is bounded, it suffices to show that SOL(K,F) L (F, x ref ). Assume that xSOL(K,F), but x L (F, x ref ). Thus, we have

F ( x ) , η ( y , x ) 0yK


F ( x ) , η ( x , x ref ) >α ( η ( x , x ref ) ) .

Substituting y= x ref into the inequality in (3.4), we have

F ( x ) , η ( x ref , x ) 0.

This implies that F(x),η(x, x ref )0. From (3.5) and (3.6), we have α(η(x, x ref ))<0. By (3.6) and F is relaxed η-α pseudomonotone, we obtain

F ( x ref ) , η ( x ref , x ) α ( η ( x ref , x ) ) .

It implies that F( x ref ),η(x, x ref )α(η(x, x ref )). By Theorem 3.1 and (3.5), we get F( x ref ),η(x, x ref )0. Hence

0 F ( x ref ) , η ( x , x ref ) α ( η ( x , x ref ) ) <0.

It is a contradiction. Therefore x L (F, x ref ). □

Theorem 3.3 Let X be a real reflexive Banach space and KX be a closed convex set. Let Φ:K 2 X and η:K×KX be are map**s. Assume that:

  1. (i)

    Φ is a lower semicontinuous multifunction with nonempty closed convex values, where X is endowed with the norm topology;

  2. (ii)

    Φ is a relaxed η-α pseudomonotone map**;

  3. (iii)

    η(x,x)=0 for all xK;

  4. (iv)

    η(tx+(1t)z,y)=tη(x,y)+(1t)η(z,y) for all x,y,zK, t[0,1] and η is lower semicontinuous;

  5. (v)

    α:XR is lower semicontinuous.

Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (a)

    There exists a reference point x ref K such that the set

    L < ( Φ , x ref ) := { x K : inf x Φ ( x ) x , η ( x , x ref ) < α ( η ( x , x ref ) ) }

is bounded (possibly empty).

  1. (b)

    The generalized variational-like inequality GVLI(K,Φ) has a solution.

Proof Since Φ is lower semicontinuous multifunction with nonempty closed convex values, by Michael’s selection theorem (see for instance [30]) it admits a continuous selection; that is, there exists a continuous map** F:K X such that F(x)Φ(x) for every xK. If (a) holds, then there exists an open ball, denoted by Ω such that

L < ( Φ , x ref ) { x ref } Ω.

We combine this with the obvious property Ω L < (Φ, x ref )=. Thus, we have

F ( x ) , η ( x , x ref ) inf x Φ ( x ) x , η ( x , x ref ) α ( η ( x , x ref ) ) xKΩ.

Applying Theorem 3.2, we get SOL(K,F). For any xSOL(K,F), if we choose x =F(x) then

x , η ( y , x ) 0yK.

It follows that SOL(K,F)SOL(K,Φ).

We prove that (b) ⇒ (a). Assume that (b) holds. We take any x ref SOL(K,Φ). Thus there exists x Φ( x ref ) satisfying

x , η ( y , x ref ) 0yK.

Because Φ is a relaxed η-α pseudomonotone, we obtain

y , η ( y , x ref ) α ( η ( y , x ref ) ) yK, y Φ(y).

It follows that

inf y Φ ( y ) y , η ( y , x ref ) α ( η ( y , x ref ) ) yK.

Hence L < (Φ, x ref )= and (a) is valid. □

4 Generalized variational-like inequality with strictly η-quasimonotone map**s

In this section, we will discuss the existence of solutions for the following variational-like inequality and generalized variational-like inequality with strictly η-quasimonotone map**s.

Theorem 4.1 Let K be a nonempty closed convex subset of a real reflexive Banach space X. Let F:K X and η:K×KX be map**s. Assume that:

  1. (i)

    F is η-hemicontinuous and strictly η-quasimonotone;

  2. (ii)

    η(x,x)=0 for all xK;

  3. (iii)

    η(x,y)+η(y,x)=0 for all x,yK;

  4. (iv)

    for any fixed y,zK, the map** xTz,η(x,y) is convex.

Then xK is a solution of VLI(K,F) if and only if

F ( y ) , η ( y , x ) 0yK.

Proof Suppose that xK is a solution of VLI(K,F). That is F(x),η(y,x)0 yK. To show that F(y),η(y,x)0 yK. Assume that there exists y 0 K such that F( y 0 ),η( y 0 ,x)<0. By the property of η, we have F( y 0 ),η(x, y 0 )>0. Since F is strictly η-quasimonotone, we have F(x),η(x, y 0 )>0. By the property of η again, we get F(x),η( y 0 ,x)<0. It is a contradiction. Hence F(y),η(y,x)0 yK.

Conversely, suppose that xK is a solution of (4.1) and yK is arbitrary. Letting x t =ty+(1t)x, t(0,1], we have x t K. It follows from (4.1) that

F ( x t ) , η ( x t , x ) 0.

By assumption, we have

F ( x t ) , η ( x t , x ) = F ( x t ) , η ( t y + ( 1 t ) x , x ) t F ( x t ) , η ( y , x ) + ( 1 t ) F ( x t ) , η ( x , x ) = t F ( x t ) , η ( y , x ) .

It follows from (4.2) and (4.3) that

F ( x t ) , η ( y , x ) 0t(0,1].

Since F is η-hemicontinuous and letting t 0 + , we get

F ( x ) , η ( y , x ) 0yK.


Theorem 4.2 Let X be a real reflexive Banach space and KX be a closed convex set. Let F:K X and η:K×KX be are map**s. Assume that:

  1. (i)

    F is a strictly η-quasimonotone map** and η-hemicontinuous;

  2. (ii)

    η(x,x)=0 for all xK;

  3. (iii)

    η(x,y)+η(y,x)=0 for all x,yK;

  4. (iv)

    for any fixed y,zK, the map** xTz,η(x,y) is convex and η is lower semicontinuous.

Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (a)

    There exists a reference point x ref K such that the set

    L < ( F , x ref ) := { x K : F ( x ) , η ( x , x ref ) < 0 }

is bounded (possibly empty).

  1. (b)

    The variational-like inequality VLI(K,F) has a solution.

Moreover, if there exists a vector x ref K such that the set

L ( F , x ref ) := { x K : F ( x ) , η ( x , x ref ) 0 }

is bounded, then the solution set SOL(K,F) is nonempty and bounded.

Proof Suppose that (a) holds. Then there exists a reference point x ref K and an open ball, denoted by Ω such that

L < ( F , x ref ) { x ref } Ω.

We combine this with the obvious property Ω L < (F, x ref )=. Thus F(x),η(x, x ref )α(η(x, x ref )) xKΩ. Defined the set-valued map**s T,S:K 2 X , for any xK, by

T(x)= { y K Ω ¯ : F ( y ) , η ( x , y ) 0 }


S(x)= { y K Ω ¯ : F ( x ) , η ( x , y ) 0 } .

Since η is lower semicontinuous, we find that T(x) and S(x) are weakly closed subsets of K Ω ¯ . We claim that T is a KKM map**. Similar to the proof of Theorem 3.2 we show that T is a KKM map**. Now we show that T(x)S(x) for all xK. For any given xK, we let yT(x). That is, F(y),η(x,y)0. Since F is strictly η-quasimonotone, we have F(x),η(x,y)0. This implies that yS(x) and so T(x)S(x) for all xK. It follows that S is also a KKM map**. Since K Ω ¯ is weakly compact and S(x) is a weakly closed subset of K Ω ¯ , we find that S(x) is weakly compact for each xK. Thus, the condition of Lemma 2.7 is satisfied in the weak topology. By Lemma 2.7 and Theorem 4.1, we have

x K T(x)= x K S(x).

It follows that there exists zK Ω ¯ such that

F ( z ) , η ( x , z ) 0xK.

Hence zSOL(K,F).

Assume that (b) holds. We take any x ref SOL(K,F), that is,

F ( x ref ) , η ( x , x ref ) 0xK.

By the strict η-quasimonotonicity of F, we have

F ( x ) , η ( x , x ref ) 0xK.

Hence L < (F, x ref )= and (a) is valid.

Finally, suppose that there is some x ref K such that the set L (F, x ref ) is bounded. Then SOL(K,F) is nonempty by virtue of the implication (a) ⇒ (b). To prove that SOL(K,F) is bounded, it suffices to show that SOL(K,F) L (F, x ref ). Assume that xSOL(K,F). Thus, we have

F ( x ) , η ( y , x ) 0yK.

Substituting y= x ref into the inequality in (4.4), we have

F ( x ) , η ( x ref , x ) 0.

This implies that F(x),η(x, x ref )0. Therefore x L (F, x ref ). □

Theorem 4.3 Let X be a real reflexive Banach space and KX be a closed convex set. Let Φ:K 2 X and η:K×KX be are map**s. Assume that:

  1. (i)

    Φ is a lower semicontinuous multifunction with nonempty closed convex values, where X is endowed with the norm topology;

  2. (ii)

    Φ is a strictly η-quasimonotone map**;

  3. (iii)

    η(x,x)=0 for all xK;

  4. (iv)

    η(x,y)+η(y,x)=0 for all x,yK;

  5. (v)

    for any fixed y,zK, the map** xTz,η(x,y) is convex and η is lower semicontinuous.

Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. (a)

    There exists a reference point x ref K such that the set

    L < ( Φ , x ref ) := { x K : inf x Φ ( x ) x , η ( x , x ref ) < 0 }

is bounded (possibly empty).

  1. (b)

    The generalized variational-like inequality GVLI(K,Φ) has a solution.

Proof Since Φ is a lower semicontinuous multifunction with nonempty closed convex values, by Michael’s selection theorem (see for instance [30]) it admits a continuous selection; that is, there exists a continuous map** F:K X such that F(x)Φ(x) for every xK. If (a) holds, then there exists an open ball, denoted by Ω, such that

L < ( Φ , x ref ) { x ref } Ω.

We combine this with the obvious property Ω L < (Φ, x ref )=. Then we have

F ( x ) , η ( x , x ref ) inf x Φ ( x ) x , η ( x , x ref ) 0xKΩ.

Applying Theorem 4.2, we get SOL(K,F). For any xSOL(K,F), if we choose x =F(x) then

x , η ( y , x ) 0yK.

It follows that SOL(K,F)SOL(K,Φ).

We prove that (b) ⇒ (a). Assume that (b) holds. We take any x ref SOL(K,Φ). Thus there exists x Φ( x ref ) satisfying

x , η ( y , x ref ) 0yK.

Because Φ is strictly η-quasimonotone and Theorem 4.1, we obtain

y , η ( y , x ref ) 0yK, y Φ(y).

It follows that

inf y Φ ( y ) y , η ( y , x ref ) 0yK.

Hence L < (Φ, x ref )= and (a) is valid. □