
In the last 50 years, China have remarkable growth in agricultural production. This has created the so called “Miracle in China” with 7% of the world’s arable land feeding 22% of the world’s population. The intensification of crop production over the last 50 years has been achieved through the use of modern high-yielding varieties and major benefits have been realized by using chemical fertilizers1. China is currently the world’s largest consumer of mineral fertilizer, the consumption of which has increased almost linearly because farmers prefer to use greater amounts of chemical fertilizers to attain higher yields. Unfortunately, this high increment of mineral fertilizer consumption coexists with extremely low fertilizer nutrient use efficiency, which is attributed to widespread environmental damages2,3. Therefore, government is planning to reduce the consumption of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in future years while maintaining high crop production. The partial replacement of chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers is an alternative way to achieve this goal.

Since China has large livestock and poultry breeding industries4, the use of the organic wastes can reduce chemical fertilizer input easily and thus maintain high crop production to meet the food requirement of the large population and improve the soil qualityFull size image

Network analysis between soil enzyme profile and soil ionomic profile

Network inference was employed to explore co-occurrence patterns between the soil enzyme activity profile and the soil ionomic profile (Fig. 4, Table S1). In general, there were fewer correlations in the CF than in the COF soils. In the CF soils, the network had 25 nodes and 46 edges (26 positive correlations), the modularity was 0.344 with 2 communities and the α- and β-glucosidase activities were the most active factors. For the COF soils, the network had 26 nodes and 53 edges (27 positive correlations), the modularity was 0.295 with 3 communities and the α-glucosidase, acid phosphomonoesterase and β-D-xylosidase activates were the most active factors. In the networks, we selected α-glucosidase activity as the generalist because it had the most connections in both CF and COF. Most of the connections (72.7% in both CF and COF) of α-glucosidase were negative, which indicated that it may provide a certain contribution on stabilizing the ion availability.

Figure 4
figure 4

Network of CF and COF based on correlation analysis between ionomic and enzymatic profiles.

Red nodes indicate enzymatic affiliation and blue nodes indicate ionomic categories. A connection indicates a significant (P < 0.05) correlation. The red and green edges stand for negative and positive correlations, respectively. The size of each node is proportional to the number of connections (that is, degree). CF means the treatment applied with only chemical fertilizer and COF means the treatment applied with both organic and inorganic fertilizer.

Network analysis within the soil ionome

We further explored co-occurrence patterns within the soil ionome by using network inference based on Pearson’s significant correlations (Fig. 5, Table S1). The network analysis was markedly different for the CF and COF samples and the connections in the CF samples were much more complicated than were those in the COF samples. In the CF, the network had 19 nodes and 88 edges (53 positive correlations), with 4.632 average degrees (connections). For the COF, the network had 19 nodes and 64 edges (43 positive correlations), with 3.368 average degrees (connections). More active ions (with high degrees), such as Pb, Co, Al, Na, Ca, As, La, B, Cu, K, P and Zn, were found in CF, the degrees of which were greater than 10. In the COF, only Mn, Ni and Zn were found to have the degree greater than 10. In this network, Zn was active in both the CF and COF samples. Most of the positive connections of Zn, which were 80% and 90% in the CF and COF samples, respectively, were found, which indicated that Zn could play a certain role in inter-activating ion availability.

Figure 5
figure 5

Network of CF and COF based on correlation analysis among ionomic profiles.

Nodes indicate ionomic categories. A connection indicates a significant (P < 0.05) correlation. The red and green edges stand for negative and positive correlations, respectively. The size of each node is proportional to the number of connections (that is, degree). CF means the treatment applied with only chemical fertilizer and COF means the treatment applied with both organic and inorganic fertilizer.