
Network systems1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 typically display a modular organization, reflecting the existence of special affinities among vertices in the same module, which may be a consequence of their having similar features or the same roles in the network. Such affinities are revealed by a considerably larger density of edges within modules than between modules. This property is called community structure or graph clustering9,10,11,12,13: detecting the modules (also called clusters or communities) may uncover similarity classes of vertices, the organization of the system and the function of its parts.

The community structure of complex networks is still rather elusive. The definition of community is controversial and should be adapted to the particular class of systems/problems one considers. Consequently it is not yet clear how scholars can test and validate community detection methods, although the issue has lately received some attention14,15,16,17,18. Also, in order to deliver possibly more reliable results, methods should ideally exploit all features of the system, like edge directedness and weight (for directed and weighted networks, respectively) and account for properties of the partitions, like hierarchy19,20 and community overlaps21,22. Very few methods are capable to take all these factors into consideration23,24. Another important barrier is the computational complexity of the algorithms, which keep many of them from being applied to networks with millions of vertices or larger.

In this paper we focus on another major problem affecting clustering techniques. Most of them, in fact, do not deliver a unique answer. The most typical scenario is when the seeked partition or individual clusters correspond to extrema of a cost function25,26,27, whose search can only be carried out with approximation techniques, with results depending on random seeds and on the choice of initial conditions. Allegedly deterministic methods may also run into similar difficulties. For instance, in divisive clustering methods9,28 the edges to be removed are the ones corresponding to the lowest/highest value of a variable and there is a non-negligible chance of ties, especially in the final stages of the calculation, when many edges have been removed from the system. In such cases one usually picks at random from the set of edges with equal (extremal) values, introducing a dependence on random seeds.

In the presence of several outputs of a given method, is there a partition more representative of the actual community structure of the system? If this were the case, one would need a criterion to sort out a specific partition and discard all others. A better option is combining the information of the different outputs into a new partition. Exploiting the information of different partitions is also very important in the detection of communities in dynamic systems29,30,31,32, a problem of growing importance, given the increasing availability of time-stamped network datasets

Figure 1
figure 1

Effect of consensus clustering on community structure.

Schematic illustration of consensus clustering on a graph with two visible clusters, whose vertices are indicated by the squares and circles on the (I) and (II) diagrams. The combination of the partitions (I), (II), (III) and (IV) yields the (weighted) consensus graph illustrated on the right (see Methods). The thickness of each edge is proportional to its weight. In the consensus graph the cluster structure of the original network is more visible: the two communities have become cliques, with “heavy” edges, whereas the connections between them are quite weak. Interestingly, this improvement has been achieved despite the presence of two inaccurate partitions in three clusters (III and IV).

In this paper we present the first systematic study of consensus clustering. We show that the consensus partition gets much closer to the actual community structure of the system than the partitions obtained from the direct application of the chosen clustering method. We will also see how to monitor the evolution of clusters in temporal networks, by deriving the consensus partition from several snapshots of the system. We demonstrate the power of this approach by studying the evolution of topics in the citation network of papers published by the American Physical Society (APS).