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Extended Data Fig. 4: scRNA-seq analysis of murine islet cells after the induction of Mycl expression. | Nature Metabolism

Extended Data Fig. 4: scRNA-seq analysis of murine islet cells after the induction of Mycl expression.

From: MYCL-mediated reprogramming expands pancreatic insulin-producing cells

Extended Data Fig. 4

a. Histology of the pancreas in adult control, Mycl ON and Mycl ON-OFF mice. Enlarged islets on histological sections are observed in both Mycl ON and Mycl ON-OFF mice. Scale bars: 1 mm. b. Proportion of hormone-positive area in islets of adult control, Mycl ON and Mycl ON-OFF mice. The quantification in each mouse is shown. Data are presented as means ± s.d. Numbers in parentheses are the numbers of mice analysed. Total numbers of analysed islets are: 52 (control), 60 (Mycl ON), and 41 (Mycl ON-OFF) for INS and SST expression; 48 (control), 58 (Mycl ON), and 55 (Mycl ON-OFF) for GCG and PP expression. c. Expression levels and distribution of representative marker genes for each cell type on a UMAP plot in Fig. 3c. d. Dot plot showing the expression of cell cycle-related genes in islet cells. e. RT-qPCR for representative genes that exhibit the altered expression levels after Mycl induction in scRNA-seq analysis. Isolated islets from control (No Dox) and Mycl ON mice were used in this analysis. Data are presented as means ± s.d. of biological triplicates. Numbers in parentheses are the numbers of mice analysed. The mean expression level of Mycl, Stmn1, and Cdk4 in Mycl ON islets and that of Mafa in control islets was set to 1, respectively. Unpaired two-tailed t test. f. Expression levels and distribution of genes associated with immature islet cells. g. Expression levels and distribution of genes associated with common pancreatic progenitor cells.

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