
Over the last decades, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been very successful in detecting genetic variants associated with human complex traits or diseases1,2,3. At the same time, a vast majority of GWAS summary statistics obtained from single-trait tests are publicly available, which contain the estimated marginal effect sizes, the corresponding standard deviations, \(Z\) scores or p-values. Normally, raw genotypes and phenotypes are not easy to be accessed as a result of privacy concerns and some logistical considerations, thus motivating an extensive interest in develo** statistical methods based on GWAS summary statistics4,5,6. On the other hand, because multiple related phenotypes are often measured as indicators for one specific trait, considering the correlated structure between multiple phenotypes and jointly analyzing these phenotypes may increase statistical power in association studies7,8,9,10,11,12.

Recently, many multiple phenotype association tests based on GWAS summary statistics have been proposed. CPASSOC13 contains two separate tests (Hom and Het), where Hom is more powerful when the genetic variant has homogeneous effects on the phenotypes; Het is more powerful when heterogeneous effects are present, whereas Monte-Carlo simulations are needed to calculate the p-value of Het when the number of traits is large, which is computationally intensive. SSU14,15 is a test statistic based on the sum of squared \(Z\) scores, which follows a mixture of chi-squared distributions under the null hypothesis. PCFisher16 has the test statistic that combines all p-values of independent principal components using Fisher’s method, where allocates larger weights to PCs with smaller eigenvalues. The classical Wald test16 uses the \(Z\) score vector and the inverse matrix of the correlation matrix among phenotypes to construct a quadratic test statistic. The adaptive multi-trait association test (aMAT)17 builds a group of multi-phenotype association tests (MATs) that may have good performance in a specific scenario and then integrates the testing results adaptively.

In our previous studies, we developed the Clustering Linear Combination (CLC) method18 and a computationally efficient CLC (ceCLC) method19 to test the association between multiple phenotypes and a genetic variant based on individual level genotypes and phenotypes. Both of these methods perform very well compared with other multiple phenotypes association tests especially for phenotypes that have natural grou**. In this research, we develop a novel approach called CLC based on GWAS summary statistic (sCLC). In sCLC, we use the LD score regression20,21 to estimate the correlation matrix among phenotypes. It has been shown that the LD score regression which has been commonly used in recent years can control the potential confounders such as population stratification, unknown sample overlap, cryptic relatedness, and so forth20,21,22. In our simulation studies, we consider a range of simulation settings and compare sCLC with other five commonly used methods for multiple phenotype association studies using GWAS summary statistics to evaluate the performance of sCLC. The simulation results show that sCLC can control the Type I error rate well and has the highest power in most scenarios. We also apply the sCLC method to UK Biobank GWAS summary statistics for 70 related musculoskeletal system and connective tissue phenotypes in the XIII category of UK Biobank. The results show that sCLC identifies the most number of significant SNPs, and most of these SNPs can be matched to the genes that have been reported in the GWAS catalog to be associated with the phenotypes in the XIII category. Furthermore, sCLC also identifies some novel signals that were missed by standard GWAS. The new identified signals may provide new insight into the potential genetic factors of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue phenotypes.

Materials and methods

We consider a GWAS with \(M\) SNPs and \(K\) correlated phenotypes of interest. Each time, a single SNP \(j\) is considered, then we repeat the same procedure for all SNPs, \(j=1, \cdots ,M\). For SNP \(j\), we assume that we have \(Z\) score vector \({{\varvec{Z}}}_{{\varvec{j}}}={({Z}_{1j}, {Z}_{2j},\cdots , {Z}_{Kj})}^{T}\) across \(K\) phenotypes from GWAS summary statistics. If \(Z\) score is not provided, we can compute the \(Z\) score as \({Z}_{kj}=\frac{{\widehat{\beta }}_{kj}}{\widehat{se}({\widehat{\beta }}_{kj})}\), \(k=1, \cdots ,K\), where \({\widehat{\beta }}_{kj}\) is the estimated effect size of SNP \(j\) on phenotype \(k\), and \(\widehat{se}({\widehat{\beta }}_{kj})\) is the standard deviation of \({\widehat{\beta }}_{kj}\). Based on the GWAS summary statistics, we propose the following sCLC method.

Firstly, sCLC uses the LD score regression (LDSC)20,21 to estimate the correlation matrix among phenotypes, denoted by \({\varvec{R}}\). Specifically, consider the pair of phenotypes \(s\) and \(k\), the bivariate LDSC20 regresses the pairwise product of \(Z\) scores on the LD scores, the expected value of \({Z}_{sj}{Z}_{kj}\) is:

$$E\left( {Z_{sj} Z_{kj} } \right) = G_{g} l_{j} + \rho_{sk} ,$$

where \({G}_{g}\) is related to the genetic covariance between phenotypes \(s\) and \(k\); \({l}_{j}\) is the LD score of SNP \(j\) which can be obtained from the reference panel20,21; and \({\rho }_{sk}\) is the correlation between phenotypes \(s\) and \(k\). Therefore, the bivariate LDSC20 can be applied to each pair of phenotypes, and the estimated intercepts \({\rho }_{sk}\) are used to estimate the off-diagonal elements of \({\varvec{R}}\). When \(s=k\), it reduces to the univariate LDSC21 for each phenotype and the estimated intercepts are used to estimate the diagonal elements of \({\varvec{R}}\). In this procedure, all \(M\) SNPs are used to estimate \({\varvec{R}}\), and the LD scores for SNPs can be obtained from the reference panel, such as the 1000 Genome Project23. Moreover, LDSC can control potential confounders such as population stratification, unknown sample overlap, cryptic relatedness, and so forth20,21,22.

Secondly, similar to CLC18, we use the hierarchical clustering approach with similarity matrix \({\varvec{R}}\) and dissimilarity matrix \(1-{\varvec{R}}\) to partition the original \(K\) phenotypes into \(L\) disjoint clusters (\(L=\mathrm{1,2},\dots ,K)\). The agglomerative hierarchical clustering starts with each phenotype as a singleton cluster (\(L=K)\) and then successively merges pairs of clusters that have the smallest distance (highest similarity) until all clusters have been merged into a single cluster that contains all phenotypes (\(L=1)\)24. Because we consider a single SNP \(j\) and multiple phenotypes at a time, the notation \({{\varvec{Z}}}_{{\varvec{j}}}\) can be simplified by \({\varvec{Z}}\). After applying the hierarchical clustering method to partition the original \(K\) phenotypes into \(L\) disjoint clusters (\(L=\mathrm{1,2},\dots ,K)\), we define a \(K\times L\) matrix \({\varvec{B}}\) with the \({(k,l)}^{th}\) element equals 1 if the \(k\)th phenotype belongs to the \(l\)th cluster, otherwise it equals 0. Then the CLC test statistic to test the association between the \(K\) phenotypes and a SNP with \(L\) clusters is given by:


where \({\varvec{W}}={{\varvec{B}}}^{T}{{\varvec{R}}}^{-1}\). \({T}_{CLC}^{L}\) follows a \({\chi }^{2}\) distribution with degrees of freedom \(L\) under the null hypothesis. We denote the p-value of \({T}_{CLC}^{L}\) by \({p}_{L}\) for \(1\le L\le K\).

Finally, we use Cauchy combination\(\mathrm{288,647}\) SNPs. We observed that all of the 72 phenotypes have extremely unbalanced case–control ratios, where the largest case–control ratio is 0.03937 for Gonarthrosis (M17.9) and the smallest case–control ratio is 0.000658 for Lumbar and other intervertebral disk disorders with myelopathy (M51.0). Therefore, we use the saddlepoint approximation (SPA)36 to calculate the adjusted \(Z\) scores. For the \(j\)th SNP and \(k\)th phenotype \(\left( {j = 1, \ldots ,M, k = 1, \ldots ,K} \right)\), we calculate the score test statistic37 \({S}_{kj}={\sum }_{i=1}^{N}({Y}_{ik}-{\overline{Y} }_{k}){G}_{ij}\), where \({\overline{Y} }_{k}={\sum }_{i=1}^{n}{Y}_{ik}/N\). \({Y}_{ik}\) denotes the \(k\)th phenotype for the \(i\)th individual, \({G}_{ij}\) denotes the \(j\)th SNP for the \(i\)th individual (\(i = 1, \ldots ,N\)). The adjusted \(Z\)-score is defined as \({Z}_{kj}=sign({S}_{kj})\sqrt{{F}_{Chi}^{-1}(1-{p}_{kj})}\), where \({F}_{Chi}( )\) denotes the cumulative density function of \({\chi }_{1}^{2}\) and \({p}_{kj}\) is the p-value of \({S}_{kj}\) obtained using SPA36. Based on the adjusted \(Z\)-scores, we then apply LDSC to estimate the correlation matrix among phenotypes. We run the single-trait LDSC21 to estimate the diagonal elements for each phenotype, and the off-diagonal elements are estimated by the cross-trait LDSC20. Two phenotypes M79.6 (Enthesopathy of lower limb) and M67.8 (Other specified disorders of synovium and tendon) are excluded in this procedure because the estimators of their heritability are out of bounds. Therefore, there are a total of 70 phenotypes in the simulation studies and real data analysis. The phenotypic correlation matrix only needs to be estimated once for all SNPs. Finally, we apply our proposed sCLC method and the other five methods to test the association between each of 288,647 SNPs and 70 phenotypes, and the commonly used genome-wide significant level \(\alpha =5\times {10}^{-8}\) is considered.

Among all the six methods, sCLC identifies the largest number of SNPs (969), where Hom identifies 74 SNPs, SSU identifies 872 SNPs, Wald test identifies 654 SNPs, aMAT identifies 622 SNPs, and PCFisher identifies 585 SNPs. Figure 2A shows the Venn Diagram for five methods except for SSU, since SSU cannot control Type I error rates in our simulation studies. There are 33 SNPs identified by all five methods, and 318 SNPs only identified by sCLC. Figure 3 shows the Manhattan plot from the sCLC test results, in which 947 out of 969 SNPs are located in chromosome 6. To evaluate the 969 SNPs identified by sCLC, we first map those SNPs to genes, and we use the commonly used UCSC reference gene file ( Each gene has a position interval. A SNP can be mapped to a gene if its position is within the interval or 20 kb downstream or 20 kb upstream from the interval. These 969 SNPs can be mapped to 235 genes. From the results, we find that 746 out of 969 SNPs can be matched to the genes that have been reported to be associated with the Chapter XIII phenotypes in GWAS catalog. Moreover, among 318 SNPs only identified by sCLC, 229 SNPs can be mapped to the genes that have been reported to be associated with those phenotypes.

Figure 2
figure 2

Venn diagram. (A) The number of significant SNPs identified by the five methods. (B) The number of lead SNPs identified by sCLC, Wald, aMAT, and PCFisher.

Figure 3
figure 3

Manhattan Plot from the results of sCLC using multiple phenotypes based on the phenotypes on the UK Biobank XIII category. Each SNP ordered by the genomic position is represented in the x-axis and the association strength with the transformed p-values \(-{\mathrm{log}}_{10}\left(p\right)\) is represented in the y-axis.

However, SNPs within the same LD block are highly correlated and are more likely to be mapped to the same gene. For example, 205 out of 969 identified SNPs are mapped to gene TSBP1-AS1, which is associated with 10 phenotypes in the XIII category; other genes such as NOTCH4, HLA-DRA, and HLA-DRB1 also have many identified SNPs mapped on them. Hence, we are also interested in the independent lead SNPs associated with those phenotypes. We use the Functional Map** and Annotation (FUMA)38 platform to obtain independent lead SNPs and distinct risk loci. Here, the independent lead SNPs are defined as \({r}^{2}<0.1\) and distinct loci are \(>\) 250 kb apart. The 969 SNPs identified by sCLC are represented by 13 lead SNPs located in 8 distinct risk loci; the 654 SNPs identified by Wald are represented by 10 lead SNPs located in 6 distinct risk loci; the 622 SNPs identified by aMAT are represented by 10 lead SNPs located in 7 distinct risk loci; and the 585 SNPs identified by PCFisher are represented by 10 lead SNPs located in 6 distinct risk loci. Since the MHC region is excluded by FUMA38, Hom has no lead SNPs. Figure 2B shows the Venn Diagram of the lead SNPs for sCLC, Wald, aMAT and PCFisher. There are 5 lead SNPs identified by all four methods, and 4 lead SNPs only identified by sCLC. Table 2 shows the details of the summary statistics for all of the 18 independent lead SNPs identified by those four methods. The graying out rows indicate that the SNPs/matched genes have been reported in the GWAS catalog. There are 5 out 13 lead SNPs for sCLC that have not been reported in the GWAS catalog, which may provide us a new insight into the potential genetic factors of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue phenotypes. Among those 5 SNPs, SNP rs13107325 has the Annotation-Dependent Depletion (CADD) score39 greater than 20, which means having a high observed probability of a deleterious variant effect. In addition, we compare the p-values of the 13 independent lead SNPs obtained by sCLC with the minimum p-value (MinP) among 70 p-values for testing the association between a SNP and each of the 70 phenotypes. Table S5 shows the comparison results. There are 6 out of 13 SNPs (graying out) with \(\mathrm{MinP}>{5\times 10}^{-8}\), indicating that these six SNPs have no association with any of the 70 phenotypes by univariate association tests. However, by jointly analyzing the 70 phenotypes, sCLC identified these six SNPs indicating that these 6 SNPs have pleiotropic effects on the phenotypes.

Table 2 Summary statistics of the independent lead SNPs identified by sCLC, Wald, aMAT, PCFisher.

In order to better understand the biological meaning behind 235 mapped genes identified by sCLC, similar to Cao et al.40, we use DAVID functional annotation software for the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis41,42. There are 29 significantly enriched pathways identified by sCLC with FDR < 0.05 and enriched gene count > 2 (Fig. 4). From Fig. 4, we can observe that two related pathways significantly enriched, systemic lupus erythematosus (hsa05322; \(FDR=2.9\times {10}^{-32}\)) and rheumatoid arthritis (hsa05323; \(FDR=3.7\times {10}^{-7}\)). Especially, there are 32 genes enriched in the systemic lupus erythematosus pathway, including eight genes in HLA-family (HLA-DMA, HLA-DMB, HLA-DOB, HLA-DQA2, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DRA, HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQB1), 20 genes in the four core histones (H2A(6): H2AC6, H2AC13, H2AC14, H2AC15, H2AC16, H2AC17; H2B(6): H2BC3, H2BC4, H2BC13, H2BC14, H2BC15, H2BC17; H3(4): H3C3, H3C10, H3C11, H3C12; H4(4): H4C3, H4C11, H4C12, H4C13), as well as four genes (C2, C4B, C4A, TNF). For the rheumatoid arthritis pathway, sCLC identifies 104 SNPs mapped to 11 genes that are enriched in this pathway, including HLA-DMA, HLA-DMB, ATP6V1G2, HLA-DRA, LTB, TNF, HLA-DOB, HLA-DQA2, HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQA1, and HLA-DQB1.

Figure 4
figure 4

The KEGG pathway enrichment analysis is based on the genes identified by sCLC and the KEGG database. The pathways in red denote the pathways that are related to the diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.


In this paper, we propose a multiple-phenotype association test strategy called sCLC which is based on GWAS summary statistics. Through a variety of simulation studies and an application to the UK Biobank XIII category summary statistics, we observed that sCLC is a valid and powerful approach. Specially, sCLC detected some novel signals associated with the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue phenotypes, which provides more evidence to show that those diseases are potentially affected by genetic factors. The sCLC method is also computationally efficient. Since the estimation of the phenotypic correlation matrix \({\varvec{R}}\) is independent of the association test for each SNP, we only need to estimate \({\varvec{R}}\) once by using LDSC for all SNPs. In real data analysis with 288,647 SNPs and 70 phenotypes, after estimation of \({\varvec{R}}\), the running time of sCLC on a computer with 4 Intel Cores @ 3.60 GHz and 16 GB memory is about 4 min 40 s. sCLC as well as many other multiple phenotype association methods, such as the compared methods in this article, test the null hypothesis that a given variant does not contribute to any of the analyzed phenotypes. Therefore, a genetic variant will be identified by these methods even if it is associated with only one phenotype. Hence the identified genetic variants by these methods may not be pleiotropic variants and further analyses are required to interpret the possibility of pleiotropy43. This is a limitation of the proposed method in identifying pleiotropic effects. Recently, some methods43,44,45 are proposed to evaluate pleiotropic effects. For example, Schaid et al.43 proposed a new statistical method to evaluate pleiotropy using a sequential testing framework. This approach can determine the number of phenotypes associated with a genetic variant and which phenotypes are associated, while accounting for correlations among the phenotypes. SHAHER44, a novel framework for analysis of the shared genetic background of correlated phenotypes, can identify genetic factors common for all analyzed phenotypes and specific genetic factors for each phenotype using genetic correlations between phenotypes. PolarMorphism46 is a summary-statistic-based framework to map and interpret pleiotropic loci in a joint analysis of multiple phenotypes. It identifies horizontally pleiotropic SNPs by converting the trait-specific SNP effect sizes to polar coordinates.

On the other hand, the hierarchical clustering approach in sCLC is applied to cluster multiple phenotypes based on the phenotypic correlation matrix \({\varvec{R}}\). Therefore, the phenotypes in the same cluster may be affected by non-genetic factors, which may influent the power for disease variant discovery. Instead of using the phenotypic correlation matrix, the genetic correlation matrix among multiple phenotypes20,21 can also be used in the hierarchical clustering. Furthermore, considering only the phenotypes with a significant non-zero heritability in the estimation of the genetic correlation matrix may also improve the statistical power in the multiple phenotype association studies. Therefore, we would like to consider using the genetic correlation matrix estimated by the LDSC regression20 or using network-based approaches to cluster phenotypes based on shared genetic architectures in our further work47.