Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 29 September 2020.

This Article contains errors in the Discussion section.

“The 137Cs concentration, 1.3 × 103 Bq/g fresh weight (fw), in the artificial diet can be converted to the 137Cs ground deposition of 9 MBq/m2, which was relatively high-level contamination area within the Fukushima’s exclusion zone (Fig. 1).”

should read:

“The 137Cs concentration, 1.3 × 103 Bq/g fresh weight (fw), in the artificial diet can be converted to the 137Cs ground deposition of 90 MBq/m2, which was higher than high-level contamination area within the Fukushima’s exclusion zone (Fig. 1).”

In the Materials and methods section under subheading ‘Low dose-rate exposure and internal exposure’.

“The concentration was set at 1385 Bq/g fresh weight (fw), which can be converted to 137Cs ground deposition of approximately 9 MBq/m2 when the radiocesium is distributed within 5 cm from the soil surface and 1.3 g/cm3 soil density (Fig. 1)40.”

should read:

“The concentration was set at 1385 Bq/g fresh weight (fw), which can be converted to 137Cs ground deposition of approximately 90 MBq/m2 when the radiocesium is distributed within 5 cm from the soil surface and 1.3 g/cm3 soil density (Fig. 1)40.”