
Experimental studies and mathematical models suggest that carcinogenesis is likely a result of different combinations of a small number of carcinogenic mutations (hits)1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Mathematical models estimate that the number of such hits varies from two to eight1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Yet, our collective computational and experimental efforts and the accumulation of cancer genomic data have failed to identify, for most cancers, the specific combinations of mutations triggering carcinogenesis.

Current computational efforts to find carcinogenic mutations generally focus on identifying individual “driver mutations”, based on mutational frequency and signatures9,10,11,12. These driver mutations have been shown to be associated with an increased risk of cancer. However, they can not generally cause cancer by themselves. For example, 72% of women with an inherited BRCA1 mutation are likely to get cancer by age 80. However, even for women with the BRCA1 mutation, none are likely to get cancer before age 20, and 28% of them may never get cancer13. The Li Fraumeni syndrome is another example where germline P53 mutations is associated with early onset cancer predisposition (e.g. soft tissue and bone sarcomas). However, cancer penetrance is less than 20% for children while approaching 80% by age 70, indicating that multiple hits are required for carcinogenesis14,15,16,17. The relationship between most other known genetic markers and increased cancer risk is far weaker18,19. The limited early cancer incidence in individuals with germline mutations suggests that additional genetic defects acquired over an individual’s lifetime are necessary for carcinogenesis. Therefore, current computational approaches focused on identifying individual genes that are cancer drivers, cannot find the specific combinations of mutations responsible for individual instances of cancer. Several factors, other than genetic mutations, have also been implicated in carcinogenesis, such as epigenetic modifications20, tumor environment21, and adaptive evolution22. However, carcinogenesis is primarily a result of genetic mutations23.

The goal of this work is to develop a method for identifying combinations of genetic mutations that are most likely responsible for individual instances of cancer. This goal is fundamentally different from identifying the most frequent driver mutations, and represents the first computational study to specifically identify multi-hit combinations. Our approach consists of first identifying likely combinations of genes with carcinogenic mutations. We then present a method, based on the mutational profile of these genes, for identifying likely carcinogenic mutations within these genes. Although it is theoretically possible to search for combinations of individual mutations using our method, the problem becomes computationally intractable, since most genes contain hundreds of somatic mutations. In addition, in the much larger set of somatic mutation combinations many carcinogenic combinations will be rarely represented, further increasing the challenge of identifying these combinations. Therefore, we chose to first identify combinations of genes with somatic mutations, and then present an approach for identifying likely carcinogenic mutations within these genes.

We mapped the problem of finding these combinations to the extensively studied weighted set cover (WSC) problem24. Finding the optimal solution to the corresponding WSC problem is computationally intractable due to the exponentially large number of possible sets of multi-hit combinations. However, there exist approximation algorithms for finding near-optimal solutions24,25. We adapted one such algorithm to find a set of multi-hit combinations that maximizes the number of tumor samples that contain one of these multi-hit combinations while minimizing the number of normal samples that contain any of these combinations. The number of candidate set covers is an exponentially large quantity due to the large number of possible combinations. We applied the above algorithm to find a set of 2-hit combinations using somatic mutation data from the cancer genome atlas (TCGA). For the 17 cancer types with at least 200 matched tumor and blood-derived normal samples in TCGA, the algorithm identified a set of 197 2-hit combinations. For a separate set of Test samples, these combinations were able to differentiate between tumor and normal samples with 91% sensitivity (95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 89–92%) and 93% specificity (95% CI = 91–94%) on average, for the 17 cancer types. The results are consistent across different randomly selected Training and Test sets. Despite this high accuracy, our analysis of the results shows that many of the 2-hit combinations are likely to be two-gene subsets of three or more-gene combinations. We discuss how carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic mutations within the gene combinations can be distinguished. We also discuss how the multi-hit combinations can be used to develop targeted combination therapy.

Identifying gene combinations is important for two reasons. First, it brings us closer to the understanding of carcinogenesis and the complexity of cancer biology. Second, the identification of the specific combination responsible for a given instance of cancer can help us design more effective combination therapies for treating the disease. Combination therapies can be more effective than single target treatments; however, most current therapeutic combinations have been based on trial and error26,27. Identifying the precise combination of genomic anomalies responsible for individual instances of cancer provides a more rational basis for designing combination therapies.

In the Methods section, we present our approach for finding genes with mutations responsible for cancer. We describe the map** of the problem to the weighted set cover (WSC) problem and the WSC approximation algorithm used to identify the multi-hit combinations. In the Results section, we show that our approach can identify a set of multi-hit combinations that can differentiate between tumor tissue and normal tissue samples with over 90% sensitivity and specificity. This result is robust to different randomly selected training and test sets. We discuss how these combinations can be further analyzed to distinguish carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic mutations within genes and how they may be used to design targeted combination therapies.


We implemented a weighted set cover algorithm to identify 2-hit combinations of cancer causing genes with mutations using a randomly selected Training set of tumor and normal tissue samples (see Methods). The set of combinations distinguish between tumor and normal tissue samples with over 90% sensitivity and specificity. This result is robust to different Training and Test set partitions of the available tumor and normal tissue samples. Although the identified combinations contain many genes previously implicated in cancer, our approach has also identified several potentially novel cancer genes. Our results suggest that some of the combinations identified are 2-hit subsets of 3+ hit combinations.

A set of 2-hit combinations can differentiate between tumor and normal tissue samples with high accuracy

We implemented the weighted set cover algorithm described in Methods, for identifying a set of 2-hit combinations with the goal of maximizing accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) in differentiating between tumor and normal samples. Using a randomly selected Training set (see Methods), we identified a set of 2-hit combinations for each of the seventeen cancer types with at least two hundred matched tumor and blood-derived normal samples.

When tested against a separate randomly selected Test set, the identified set of combinations were able to differentiate between tumor tissue samples and normal tissue samples, for their respective cancer types, with greater than 90% specificity and sensitivity on average. Table 1 shows the sample sizes, sensitivity, and specificity for the Training and Test sets for each of the seventeen cancer types. Sensitivity varies from 83% to 100% and specificity varies from 86% to 100%, depending on cancer type.

Table 1 2-hit combinations can differentiate between tumor and normal tissue samples with over 90% sensitivity and specificity.

The number of combinations identified varies from 8–20 for the 17 cancer types (Table 1). In total, 197 combinations were identified (Tables S2S18). The top three 2-hit combinations are summarized in Fig. 1. The combinations include 256 unique genes with 138 genes occurring in more than one combination.

Figure 1
figure 1

Top three 2-hit combinations for 17 cancer types. See Table 1 for abbreviations for cancer types. Each line in the center of the Circos plot connects the two genes in a 2-hit combination. This plot was generated using RCircos43.

Results are robust to different Training and Test sets

To test the robustness of the above results, we randomly re-partitioned the available samples into two more alternative Training and Test sets. Figure 2 shows specificity and sensitivity of the algorithm across the seventeen cancer types considered here, for three different sets of partitions. The average difference in sensitivity between any two pairs of train-test partitions is less than 4.2% and the average difference in specificity is less than 4.1%. The largest difference in sensitivity is 12% (BLCA) and the largest difference in specificity is 13% (KIRP). In addition, the most frequently occurring combinations in the tumor samples were the same between any two train-test partitions for 14 of 17 cancer types, representing 65% of tumor samples (Fig. 3). However, there were significant differences between the less frequently occurring combinations with only 39 common combinations, out of 197 total combinations, across the three sets of combinations for the three training-test partitions  (Fig. S2). Clearly, the samples included in the Training set affect the set of combinations identified. This is to be expected since 42% of the combinations occur in less than 5% of the samples for each cancer type (Fig. S4). Different partitions of the tumor samples will result in different sets of these rare combinations being included in the Training set, resulting in different combinations being identified. In addition, since the approximation algorithm used here identifies a near-optimal solution, changes in the Training set can result in different near-optimal combinations being selected by the algorithm.

Figure 2
figure 2

Sensitivity and specificity is robust across three different random training-test partitions of available samples. The average difference between any two pairs of partitionings is less than 4.2% for both sensitivity and specificity across all seventeen cancer types. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.

Figure 3
figure 3

Occurrence of the 2-hit combinations identified in tumor samples, for three representative cancer types. Figure S3 shows the distribution for all seventeen cancer types. The top combination occurs in 65% of tumor samples, on average, while 42% of the combinations occur in less than 5% of the samples. Total percentage exceeds 100% because samples can contain multiple combinations.

The combinations identified include novel cancer genes

The genes comprising the 2-hit combinations identified above fall into three categories. (1) Confirmed cancer genes based on the Catalog of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) database28. (2) Non-COSMIC genes that have been implicated in cancer based on experimental evidence. (3) Genes that have not been experimentally implicated in cancer. Table 2 summarizes, from Tables S2S18, the 31 genes that comprise the top three most frequently occurring 2-hit combinations for each of the cancer types studied. Of these genes, nine are confirmed cancer genes (e.g. APC, IDH1, KRAS, PTEN, RB1, and TP53), thirteen have been experimentally implicated in cancer (e.g. HLA-C, IGHG1, and KCNB1), and nine have not previously been implicated in cancer (e.g. TUBBP12).

Table 2 Genes in the top three most frequently occurring 2-hit combinations.

The genes in the last category have not been extensively studied, and represent potentially novel cancer genes. For example, TUBB8P12 (Tubulin Beta 8 Pseudogene 12) occurs in the top three 2-hit combinations in 15 of the 17 cancer types. However, TUBB8P12 has not been previously identified as frequently mutated in cancers. There are two possible reasons why we have identified TUBB8P12 as a potential cancer gene while previous bioinformatics studies have not. The first reason is that, we considered low frequency somatic mutations, identified using matched tumor and blood derived normal samples, that were not included in many of the previous studies9,12,S5 shows the distribution for all seventeen cancer types. 64.5% tumor samples contain multiple combinations, suggesting that the 2-hit combinations might represent subsets of three or more hits.