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Extended Data Fig. 8: Glutamate-induced microglia–neuron interactions. | Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 8: Glutamate-induced microglia–neuron interactions.

From: Microglial Gi-dependent dynamics regulate brain network hyperexcitability

Extended Data Fig. 8

a, Location of microglia process contacts onto jRCaMP1b-expressing neurons in the whisker barrel cortex of MgWT mice (images shown in Fig. 2d). Each data point represents the average percentage of all microglia–neuron contacts quantified in an individual mouse. Data are mean ± s.e.m. n = 6 mice. AIS, axonal initial segment. b, Number of microglia in the FOV during in vivo 2P time-lapse imaging of microglial motilities and neuronal activity in awake MgWT and MgPTX mice. Data are mean ± s.e.m. n = 8 mice per genotype. Not significant, (P = 0.114) by two-tailed unpaired t-test. c, Correlation analysis of intraneuronal Ca2+ accumulation and number of microglia in awake MgWT and MgPTX mice. n = 8 mice per genotype. R2 = 0.0059; deviation from zero = not significant (P = 0.856) by linear regression analysis (dotted red line). d, Gene expression of metabotropic (Grm) and ionotropic (Grin) receptors and glutamate transporters (Slc) in MgPTX microglia compared to MgWT microglia. Data from microglia from n = 3 mice/genotype. Dotted lines indicate 1.5-fold change threshold levels. *P = 0.0245; n.s., not significant by unpaired two-tailed t-test. e, In vivo 2P time-lapse imaging of focal (arrows) glutamate uncaging-induced neuronal Ca2+ transients (jRCaMP1b, red) and directed microglia motilities (green) in the cortex of awake MgWT mice. Scale bar, 25 µm. Representative images are shown for n = 3 mice.

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