Extended Data Fig. 2: Single cell RNA sequencing UMAP plots of cells from replicate recipients of single Vwf-tdTomato+ P-HSC or Vwf-tdTomato− Multi-HSC. | Nature Immunology

Extended Data Fig. 2: Single cell RNA sequencing UMAP plots of cells from replicate recipients of single Vwf-tdTomato+ P-HSC or Vwf-tdTomato Multi-HSC.

From: Alternative platelet differentiation pathways initiated by nonhierarchically related hematopoietic stem cells

Extended Data Fig. 2

Batch corrected UMAP plots of LINcKIT + cells replenished by a single transplanted Vwf-tdTomato+ P-HSC (7 recipient mice; P1-7) or Vwf-tdTomato Multi-HSC (8 recipient mice; M1-8). Colors indicate molecularly defined HSCs (red), MkPs (blue), and other cells (green). Mice used for RNA sequencing do not overlap with mice in Supplementary Tables 13.

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