Extended Data Fig. 3: CMTM4 mediates IL-17RC glycosylation. | Nature Immunology

Extended Data Fig. 3: CMTM4 mediates IL-17RC glycosylation.

From: CMTM4 is a subunit of the IL-17 receptor and mediates autoimmune pathology

Extended Data Fig. 3

a, Immunoblotting analysis of samples isolated via immunoprecipitation with IL-17RC antibody or control isotype antibody from lysates of wild-type or Cmtm4−/− ST2 cells. b,c, Immunoblotting analysis of samples isolated via immunoprecipitation with IL-17RC antibody from lysates of wild-type or several Cmtm4−/− ST2 cell lines (b) or Cmtm4−/− ST2 cells expressing Myc-CMTM4 or EV (c). d, Immunoblotting analysis of samples isolated via immunoprecipitation with IL-17RC antibody from lysates of wild-type or Cmtm4−/− ST2 cells treated or not with proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (10 nM) for 24 h. e, Immunoblotting analysis of samples isolated by Flag immunoprecipitation from lysates of Cmtm4−/− ST2 cells transduced with expression vectors coding for indicated Myc-tagged members of CMTM family together with the expression vector coding for SF-IL-17RC. f-j, Immunoblotting analysis of samples isolated by Flag immunoprecipitation from lysates of wild-type or Cmtm4-/- ST2 cells expressing SF-IL-17RA (f), SF-IL-17RB (g), SF-IL-17RD (h), SF-IL-17RE (i), or SF-TNFR1 (j) and treated or not with PNGase F. *, unspecific band. Data are representative of four (a), three (bd), or two (ej) independent experiments.

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