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Extended Data Fig. 6: Replicating the measurement of in vivo phase diagrams with four additional affinities. | Nature Chemical Biology

Extended Data Fig. 6: Replicating the measurement of in vivo phase diagrams with four additional affinities.

From: Designer protein assemblies with tunable phase diagrams in living cells

Extended Data Fig. 6

Phase diagrams measured for nine affinities. Five affinities come from replicating experiments shown in Extended Data Fig. 5, and four are new. Concentrations correspond to those of the binding sites (not of the dimer and tetramer complexes). The red line highlights the diagonal, where the concentrations of binding sites of dimer and tetramers are equal. The grey dotted lines show the lower limit of concentrations that can be reliably estimated. Affinities and mutations are indicated above. The N34V, R38T, double N34V/R38T and triple D33L/N34V/R38T mutants were added later to further investigate the out-of-equilibrium effect. The same number of randomly selected cells were plotted in all panels (n=4000) to allow comparing the density of points across plots.

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