Extended Data Fig. 4: Mmp25 mutagenesis and organotypic requirement in zebrafish blood vessels. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Mmp25 mutagenesis and organotypic requirement in zebrafish blood vessels.

From: A brain-specific angiogenic mechanism enabled by tip cell specialization

Extended Data Fig. 4

a, Sequences of WT mmp25a and the mmp25aulb26 mutant allele. b, Sequences of WT mmp25b and the mmp25bulb27 mutant allele. c, Time-course analysis of the number of CtA and ISV angiogenic sprouts on one side of WT and mmp25a/b−/− embryos (n ≥ 4 embryos from 3 independent experiments). d-i, Comparison of the develo** vasculature in WT and mmp25a/b mutant Tg(kdrl:EGFP) zebrafish (n ≥ 10 embryos or larvae from 3 independent experiments) during venous intersegmental vessel sprouting (vISV) at 36 hpf (d), caudal vein plexus angiogenesis (CVP) at 28 hpf (e), sub-intestinal vein (SIV) sprouting at 34 hpf (f) and 3.5 dpf (g), liver vascularization at 3 dpf (h), and formation of the myelencephalic choroid plexus (mCP) irrigating vessels at 54 hpf (i). DLV: dorsal longitudinal vein. PCeV: posterior cerebral vein. Arrowheads point at angiogenic sprouts. In all panels, data represent median ± .two-tailed Mann-Whitney test.

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