
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) have been investigated in photonic-crystal nanoslabs (PCNSs) and metasurfaces5,6, single-particle resonators7 and hybrid systems8, with applications in sensing9,10, lasing11,12 and nonlinear optics13,14. However, as with all other resonators, the achievable cavity enhancement is fundamentally limited by cavity losses and input coupling. The single-resonance intensity enhancement between the local field Eloc and the input field Ei can be written as:

$$G=\frac{{\left|{E}_{{\rm{loc}}}\right|}^{2}}{{\left|{E}_{{\rm{i}}}\right|}^{2}}\approx {\kappa }_{{\rm{i}}}^{2}\frac{{Q}^{2}}{{V}_{{\rm{eff}}}}=\frac{{Q}^{2}}{{Q}_{{\rm{r}}}{V}_{{\rm{eff}}}}=\frac{{Q}_{{\rm{r}}}^{2}{Q}_{{\rm{a}}}^{2}}{{Q}_{{\rm{r}}}{\left({Q}_{{\rm{r}}}+{Q}_{{\rm{a}}}\right)}^{2}{V}_{{\rm{eff}}}}.$$

In this equation, κi is the input coupling coefficient. Because it depends on the radiation channel, the coupling becomes \({\kappa }_{{\rm{i}}}=\sqrt{2{\gamma }_{{\rm{r}}}}\), with γr = ω/(2Qr) radiative loss15, where ω is the angular frequency and Qr is the radiative quality factor (Methods section ‘TCMT: critical coupling for an isolated mode’). The intrinsic quality factor Q = (1/Qa + 1/Qr)−1 combines radiation channel loss (1/Qr) and non-radiative loss (1/Qa), which encompasses all dissipation channels (finite sizes, imperfections and material absorption), with Qa being the non-radiative quality factor. The normalized effective mode volume Veff measures the local field superposition with the material of interest. Although Q measures the storable energy of the resonator, Qr also defines the coupling between external drive and resonator, enabling optical energy pum**. When the radiative loss becomes negligible (diverging Qr), the storable energy becomes limited only by unavoidable non-radiative losses. However, when Qr → ∞ (ideal BICs and other dark states), no far-field light would couple with the resonator, resulting in G → 0. A trade-off maximizes the cavity enhancement in equation (1) at the critical coupling condition, in which radiative coupling balances non-radiative dissipation (Qr = Qa)15,16 (Methods section ‘TCMT: critical coupling for an isolated mode’). Coupling strategies for BICs at present are mainly based on perturbing the ideal geometry and constructing quasi-BIC resonators with broken symmetry8,13 and finite Qr. However, real structures exhibit greatly reduced Qr on the order of 102 (refs. 5,9), and quantifying balance with non-radiative losses is challenging.

In this work, we show that a Friedrich–Wintgen (FW)2,17,18,Full size image