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Extended Data Fig. 6: LMX1A expression distinguishes the two downstream lineages of the RLSVZ. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: LMX1A expression distinguishes the two downstream lineages of the RLSVZ.

From: Failure of human rhombic lip differentiation underlies medulloblastoma formation

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, (Top left) In situ hybridization (ISH) showing MKI67 expression. In-set highlights the develo** cerebellum, and the RL is indicated by the black box. (Other images) Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)–stained midsagittal sections of the develo** human cerebellum. In each, the rhombic lip is indicated by the black box. Scale bars: 500 µm. b, GFAP expression in the develo** human RL at 17 PCW. Scale bar: 100 µm. The RLVZ and RLSVZ are physically divided by a vascular plexus, as indicated with white asterisks. c, ISH showing spatially resolved RNA expression of HBEGF in the develo** human cerebellum at 17 PCW. Scale bar: 50 µm. HBEGF foci are enriched along the RL vascular plexus. d, KI67 expression in the develo** human RL at 19 PCW. Scale bar: 100 µm. e, H&E–stained midsagittal sections of the 9-month postnatal human cerebellum. Scale bar: 500 µm. The RL is only present during gestation and disappears around birth. f, g, ISH showing spatially resolved RNA expression of CBFA2T2 (f) and CBFA2T3 (g) in the develo** human cerebellum at 14 PCW. Scale bars: 100 µm. h, i, ISH showing spatially resolved RNA expression of Cbfa2t2 (h) and Cbfa2t3 (i) in the develo** mouse cerebellum at E15.5 (Left) and E16.5 (Right). Scale bars: 100 µm. We do not observe a similar expression pattern of either gene in the mouse RL as we do in the human RL, and note an enrichment of expression in the EGL, similar to humans. j, ISH showing spatially resolved RNA expression of LMX1A in the develo** human cerebellum at 11, 14, and 17 PCW. LMX1A is highly expressed in both the RLVZ and RLSVZ, but LMX1A expression is only retained in UBCs migrating away from the RL and is completely absent in GCPs that migrate to the EGL. Data presented in d is a representative image from three independent experiments with similar results, data in remaining panels were not performed in replicates.

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