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Extended Data Fig. 4: The CBFA polyprotein complex contains multiple known and novel G4 MB driver genes. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: The CBFA polyprotein complex contains multiple known and novel G4 MB driver genes.

From: Failure of human rhombic lip differentiation underlies medulloblastoma formation

Extended Data Fig. 4

a, Western blot showing successful expression of the TurboID-CBFA2T2 fusion protein when the TurboID construct is fused to the N-terminal of CBFA2T2, but not to the C-terminal. b, Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of novel CBFA2T2 interacting proteins. Each node represents a protein and edges between the proteins represent known or novel PPIs. Edges in red represent known interactions between CBFA2T2 interacting proteins, and edges in green represent known interactions with CBFA2T2 that were recapitulated in our TurboID screen. Proteins are grouped with dashed lines if they contain known interactions between each other. c, Significant CBFA2T2 prey proteins enriched in each indicated biological process. GLI2 is a SHH oncogene and has been recently shown to maintain GCP proliferation and identity, implicating the CBFA complex82. d, Enrichment map of biological processes (GO:BP) enriched in CBFA2T2 prey proteins by TurboID. Each node represents a significantly enriched pathway and edges represent shared genes between nodes. Nodes are grouped and labelled with a common biological theme. Significance was assessed using G:Profiler83 with FDR correction. e, Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of CBFA2T2 TurboID proteins and G3/G4 MB driver genes (Fig. 1a) using STRING41. Edges between CBFA2T2 and diamond-shaped nodes are not drawn for simplicity. Connectivity significance was assessed by STRING, p < 0.1e−16.

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