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Extended Data Fig. 3: Additional latitudinal and bathymetric plots of diversity indices. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Additional latitudinal and bathymetric plots of diversity indices.

From: Contrasting processes drive ophiuroid phylodiversity across shallow and deep seafloors

Extended Data Fig. 3

a, High levels of family-level richness extend into temperate regions and mid-bathyal depths. b, Phylogenetic radiations are concentrated in upper tropical habitats and Antarctica. c, The pattern of normalized mean phylogenetic pairwise distance between cells is similar to relative phylogenetic diversity (Fig. 1c). d, The frequency that observed phylogenetic diversity exceeded null models (in which randomized species are present in each cell while retaining cell species richness). e, f, Simpson’s phylogenetic beta diversity (Fig. 1f) factored into latitudinal (e) and bathymetric (f) components.

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