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Extended Data Fig. 2: Gold nanoparticle lines assembled inside nanochannels over macroscopic areas. | Nature Materials

Extended Data Fig. 2: Gold nanoparticle lines assembled inside nanochannels over macroscopic areas.

From: Mechano-tunable chiral metasurfaces via colloidal assembly

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, Representative scanning electron overview micrograph. b, Polarized photographs of a particle chain substrate illuminated with linear polarization perpendicular/parallel to the particle chains. The excitation of transversal/longitudinal plasmon mode allows only the complementary colour (magenta/green) to be transmitted (cf. Supplementary Fig. 4). c, Scanning electron micrographs measured at the spots indicated in b. The filling rates were calculated from zoomed in micrographs where single particles could be resolved (see Supplementary Fig. 3 for calculation). Only far away from the initial particle front (left edge) the filling rate decreased (S3). The scanning electron micrographs show material contrast (ESB detector) to capture particles as bright pixels. Scale bar in a and c, 2 µm. Scale bar in b, 2 mm.

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