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Extended Data Fig. 6: Phenotypic variations in carpel development, in the progeny of DkRAD-ox x pSyGI-SyGI lines. | Nature Plants

Extended Data Fig. 6: Phenotypic variations in carpel development, in the progeny of DkRAD-ox x pSyGI-SyGI lines.

From: Reinvention of hermaphroditism via activation of a RADIALIS-like gene in hexaploid persimmon

Extended Data Fig. 6

a, Half of the stigma exhibited restoration of normal development. The area on the left (highlighted with a pink asterisk showed the pSyGl-SyGl phenotype with shrunken stigma. b, Weak restoration of stigma development. c-d, Carpel development was severely repressed in pSyGI-SyGl plants in flowering stage (Akagi et al. 2018) (c), while DkRAD overexpression restored the carpel development, often resulting in overgrowth (d). Cp, carpel; Pe, petal; Sg, stigma; St; stamen. e, Characterization of gynoecium development and carpel length in the 4 independent DkRAD ox. x pSyGI-SyGI lines.

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