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Extended Data Fig. 2: myo-Inositol supplementation to the Arabidopsis DNA demethylation mutants restored root association with B. megaterium YC4-R4 (Related to Fig. 2). | Nature Plants

Extended Data Fig. 2: myo-Inositol supplementation to the Arabidopsis DNA demethylation mutants restored root association with B. megaterium YC4-R4 (Related to Fig. 2).

From: DNA demethylases are required for myo-inositol-mediated mutualism between plants and beneficial rhizobacteria

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, Quantification of root-associated bacteria from plants that were grown in sterile growth medium, treated with YC4-R4 and colonization rate was recorded at 14 DAT. The boxplots show representative data from three independent experiments (n = 30 biological independent samples). Whiskers represent the min to max data range, the median is represented by the central horizontal line. The upper and lower limits of the box outline represent the first and third quartile. Sets of data were compared by t-student test by two-tailed way and 95% confident intervals (p < 0.05), in which * means statistical differences. In all data sets described above, error bar means SD. b, Visualization of root-associated bacteria from plants that were grown in sterile growth medium and were treated with YC4-R4 at 5 DAT. The green arrows point to example spots where bacteria are present. This experiment was carried out three times with similar results (n = 5 biological independent samples).

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