
Liquid crystals (LCs) consist of rod- or disk-like molecules, which can self-assemble into well-defined mesoscopic structures with long-range orientational order1. This ordering can be locally frustrated due to topological reasons, leading to regions called topological defects2,3,4. These regions are shown to segregate foreign molecules and particles in the system, leading to defect-based applications in, for example, directed self-assembly of molecules and colloids5, photonic devices6, biosensing7, and material transport8,9,10. The capability of engineering defects in LCs is important for the abovementioned applications. Existing defect manipulation methods include magnetic and electric field actuation9,11,12, optical control13,14, active stresses15,16, curvature imposed by boundaries17,18,19, patterned substrates20,21,22,23,24,25,26, and chemical interactions5,\(\Psi={12}^{\circ}\) when \(H/L=0.3\) (C), \(H/L=0.7\) (D) and \(H/L=0.9\) (E) (colored by angle \(\beta\)). In (E), the 1st group of disclinations is near the top surface, and the 2nd group defect is generated close to the bottom surface. F Defect state diagram in terms of \(H/L\) and \(\Psi\), blue dotted line for \({\Psi=12}^{\circ}\) and red dotted line for \(H/L=0.43\) (Fig. 2E, F). G Periodic, helical topological structure of the C-state (colored by angle \(\beta\)). H Topological structure of the S-state and W-state (colored by angle \(\alpha\)). IK Corresponding POM images for the S-, C-, and W-states at \(\Psi\, \approx \,{12}^{\circ}\) showing good agreement with the simulation. Using confocal microscopy to scan the cell from top to bottom, we observe L disclination lines (the first group) close to the top substrate and M the disclination lines (the second group) appearing near the bottom substrate. N, O Two 3D rotation views of the sample to visualize the two groups at the same time. \({z}_{c}\) is the spacing between the two groups in the scanning process, \({z}_{c}=40{{{{{\rm{\mu }}}}}}{{{{{\rm{m}}}}}}\). N When the two groups of disclinations are visualized from the cell top at the same time, the bright lines are the first group disclination lines, close to the top substrate. O Viewing the sample from the cell bottom. Both groups of lines are shown due to the scattering effect, and the second group of lines close to the bottom substrate is in gray because of lower contrast. P 3D colloidal assembly in the W-state. Scale bar: 50 μm.