Venous leak or veno-occlusive dysfunction (VOD), a common etiological factor contributing to approximately 75% of erectile dysfunction (ED) cases, has traditionally been a complex condition to manage effectively [1]. Recent advancements have seen the development of the ** or leaves it on for extended periods, it can lead to penile ischemia and potentially severe clinical consequences. Management of penile constriction injuries involves the immediate removal of the constricting device to restore blood flow and prevent further tissue damage.

Further research and multicenter trials will be necessary to confirm the potential of this tool and its impact on men affected by ED. The development of the **alla® device, however, highlights the progressive shift in ED therapeutics, aiming not merely to manage ED symptoms but to address the underlying cause and potentially restore erections to their pre-pathological state. Such advancements signal a promising era in ED therapeutics, with the potential to improve patient outcomes and quality of life.