Correction to: Neuropsychopharmacology (2017) 42, 1049–1057; doi:10.1038/npp.2016.289; published online 25 January 2017

Following publication, the authors reported errors in Table 1. These included an incorrect F-value and p-value for the middle frontal gyrus cluster significant in the MID whole-brain drug by group interaction contrast. There were also typographical errors and inconsistencies in the abbreviations used to indicate the placebo session. A revised Table 1 is provided with the corrections underscored.

Table 1 Results from ROIs and Whole-Brain Analyses for the MID (Top Two Subtables) and GNG (Bottom Two Subtables) Tasks

The following additional small errors were found in the Results section.

Page 1052, ‘MID fMRI’, second paragraph under ‘Effects of group and drug: whole-brain analysis’, the figure displaying the drug effect within the middle frontal gyrus is Supplementary Figure S5, not S3 as stated.

Page 1052, ‘MID fMRI’, second paragraph under ‘ROI analysis’, for the substantia nigra region of interest, the F-value for the exploratory main effect of group comparison using the placebo data should be 4.01, not 5.03. However, the stated associated p-value of 0.022 is correct. (Note that the F-value of 5.03 given earlier in the paragraph for the ventral striatum comparison is correct).

Page 1052, ‘GNG fMRI—Effect of Task’, under ‘ROI analysis’, the statistics for the main effect of group within the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) should be ‘(F(2,70)=4.45, p=0.015)’, not ‘(F(2,)=4.71, p=0.012)’. The p-value for the trend effect within the left IFG should be 0.036, not 0.024. The errors in these GNG ROI statistics appear only on this page; they were presented correctly in the original Table 1.

Page 1055, last paragraph above ‘GNG’, ‘GSK898809’ should be ‘GSK598809’.

These errors do not alter the conclusions of the report. The authors apologize for any inconvenience.