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Extended Data Figure 4: Co-binding analysis. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 4: Co-binding analysis.

From: Dissecting neural differentiation regulatory networks through epigenetic footprinting

Extended Data Figure 4

This figure relates to Fig. 4 in the main text. a, Gene expression levels reported as z scores for core network transcription factors and epigenetic modifiers with and without a known DNA binding motif. b, Illustration of predicted significant co-binding relationships (P ≤ 0.01, enrichment ≥ 1.5) of core factors (rows) with more stage-specific or pro-neuronal/glial factors (columns). Colour coding indicates whether binding is stage specific or occurs at multiple stages. c, Overlap of predicted binding sites in dynamic putative enhancer regions based on H3K27ac for OTX2 in NE and ERG. d, Gene set enrichment analysis results for predicted OTX2 binding sites in dynamic putative enhancer regions at the NE and MRG stage.

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