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Extended Data Figure 2: Epigenetic dynamics and transcription factor footprints. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 2: Epigenetic dynamics and transcription factor footprints.

From: Dissecting neural differentiation regulatory networks through epigenetic footprinting

Extended Data Figure 2

This figure relates to Fig. 2 in the main text. a, Median TPR (red), FPR (blue) and PPV (black) for n = 46 transcription factors with matching motif for H3K27ac footprints (n = 27,292) in K562 cells as a function of confidence in predicted binding (−log10 P value). True positives were defined as predicted binding events overlap** with peaks determined by ChIP-seq and false positives accordingly. The entire set of positives was defined as all transcription factor ChIP-seq peaks for a particular factor that overlapped with any H3K27ac footprint. b, Top, decomposition of H3K27ac dynamics into 7 distinct modules based on PLS regression. Colours indicate median epigenetic enrichment level of gene regulatory elements assigned to each module for each cellular state for H3K27ac. Bottom, selected gene set enrichment analysis results for gene regulatory elements associated with each module. c, Connectivity matrix showing the association strength of each of the factors listed in Fig. 2b with each of the 7 modules identified by the partial least square (PLS) regression.

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