
Since 1990, the global demand for electricity has increased twice as much as the demand for energy overall, and the demand for electricity is expected to further increase by more than two-thirds over the next 20 years. Energy storage/conversion technologies have therefore become a crucial research topic as we seek to make society sustainable. In particular, electrical energy storage is critical not only for supporting electronic, vehicular and load-leveling applications but also for efficiently commercializing renewable solar and wind power. Rechargeable Li-ion batteries with an output energy exceeding 90% have emerged as one of the most effective electrochemical energy-storage technologies, and these batteries power most modern-day electronic devices.1 Despite substantial research to enhance Li-ion batteries for high-power applications, aspects such as their availability, cost and safety still remain to be fully addressed.2 The controversies surrounding the accessible global lithium reserves and the anticipated energy demand may greatly impact the cost of Li-ion batteries in the long term.3 Although advancing Li-ion battery technologies for electric vehicle applications is attractive, the quest for alternative energy sources for smart grid-scale storage applications has recently gained significant momentum. Rechargeable sodium and potassium batteries offer tremendous potential because they utilize inexpensive, abundant and environmentally benign sodium/potassium elements.4, 5,

Figure 7
figure 7

Electrochemical studies of Zn/Mg insertion in amorphous FePO4. The initial voltage-capacity curves of (a) zinc and (b) magnesium cells cycled between 1.8–0.5 and 1.7–0.4 V versus zinc and magnesium under current densities of 10 mA g−1 and 5 mA g−1, respectively. Active material loading for the cells was 2.5 mg cm−2.