Correction to: aBIOTECH

In the article by Shi et al., published online on December 06, 2019, the figure of the stepwise activation of ZAR1 unexpectedly resembled Fig. 1 of the article of Adachi et al. (Adachi H, Kamoun S, Maqbool A. Nat Plants, 2019, 5(5):457–458). To avoid any confusion, the authors replaced Fig. 1 with a revised version and amended the figure caption.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The stepwise activation and proposed working model of ZAR1. In the absence of AvrAC and PBL2, ZAR1 binds an ADP and forms a complex with RKS1 (resting state). Upon pathogen infection, the effector AvrAC secreted by Xanthononas compestris pv. compestris (Xcc) uridylates PBL2, enabling the uridylated form of PBL2 (PBL2UMP) to be recruited by ZAR1–RKS1 complex through direct interaction with RKS1. Binding of PBL2UMP promotes ADP release and primes the ZAR1–RKS1–PBL2UMP complex in an intermediate state (priming state). After binding of ATP/dATP, the tertiary complexes undergo a structural remodeling and form a pentamer called resistosome (activation state). The resistosome is proposed to disturb the integrity of plasma membrane (PM) through the funnel-shaped structure formed by the very N-terminal helixes (α1) of ZAR1 proteins (membrane insertion)