
Images captured in hazy weather often have blurred edges, reduced contrast, and shifted color due to the scattering effect of floating practices in the environment. The obvious image degradation caused by haze can significantly affect the performance of computer vision systems, such as object detection [1,2,3], image segmentation [4], and classification [5]. Single image dehazing aims to recover the haze-free image from the degraded input. As a long-standing research problem in the vision community, it has attracted more and more attention in the computer vision and graphics community.

Mathematically, the haze process can be described with the physical scattering model, which is formulated as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} X\left( \mu \right) = Y\left( \mu \right) T\left( \mu \right) + A\left( {1 - T\left( \mu \right) } \right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(X\left( \mu \right) \) and \(Y\left( \mu \right) \) indicate the hazy image and the corresponding haze-free version. \(T\left( \mu \right) \) and A denote the transmission map and the global atmosphere light. Specifically, the transmission map \(T\left( \mu \right) = {e^{ - \beta d\left( \mu \right) }}\) can be expressed with the depth map \(d\left( \mu \right) \) and the medium extinction coefficient \(\beta \) that reflects the haze density.

Given a hazy image X, recovering its haze-free version Y is a challenging ill-posed problem. Existing methods always estimate the transmission map \(T\left( \mu \right) \) and the global atmosphere light A with various priors, such as the color attenuation prior [6] and the dark channel prior [7]. Unfortunately, statistical priors do not always hold for hazy images of the real world, leading to limited performance in a complex practical scene [8]. Furthermore, these prior-based methods always suffer from nonconvex optimization problems with high computation overhead [9].

With the advent of deep neural networks [10], learning-based methods have achieved excellent performance. Supervised methods either utilize the neural network to estimate global air lights and transmission maps [11, 12], or generate clean images with the large-scale paired dataset [

Fig. 1
figure 1

Visual comparison of dehazing results for real-world haze images. Only sky regions of the proposed method are blue and visually pleasing

Compared with state-of-the-art dehazing methods, the proposed method can effectively recover haze-free images with vivid color. As shown in Fig. 1, only the sky regions of the proposed method are blue and visually pleasing. The contributions of the proposed method are summarized as follows:

  • We propose a joint dual-teacher distillation and unsupervised fusion framework for unpaired real-world hazy images. Considering that there are no ground truth for real-world hazy images, two synthetic-to-real dehazing networks are explored to generate two preliminary dehazed results with different distillation strategies.

  • We propose an unsupervised fusion scheme with a single generative adversarial network to refine preliminary dehazing results of two teachers. Unpaired clean images are enhanced to overcome the dim artifacts. Furthermore, to alleviate the structure distortion in the unsupervised adversarial training, we constructed an intermediate image to constrain the output of the fusion network.

  • Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the real-world hazy images, in terms of no-reference image quality assessment and the parameters.