1 Introduction

HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) has become the de-facto technology for delivering video over the Internet with high Quality of Experience (QoE) [6, 47]. In HAS, multiple versions are generated from an original video at the server in order to adapt to the network. Each version is then divided into temporal segments of the same duration. To retrieve the video content, the client sends HTTP requests which fetch the most suitable versions for the next segments based on an adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithm. The ABR algorithm can rely on client parameters such as buffer status and/or network parameters such as throughput.

There are two open research issues of existing ABR algorithms. Firstly, they sometimes lead to video quality variations while adapting the video quality to the network condition (i.e., throughput). When the throughput is unfavorable, ABR methods have to decrease the segments’ quality, resulting in quality switches between segments. These quality switches negatively impact the client’s QoE [15]. Most ABR algorithms aim to request higher video quality versions when the throughput increases. However, they often ignore improving the quality of already buffered low-quality but not yet played-out segments even though the throughput may be enough to sustain more than one segment delivery at the same time. Meanwhile, a trace containing video streaming information collected from Akamai’s video content delivery network (CDN) shows that almost 36% of the sessions suffer at least one downward variation in video quality [8]. Secondly, many state-of-the-art ABR algorithms start a streaming session (i.e., perform the startup phase) with the lowest-quality segments to quickly ramp up the buffer and, as a result, decrease the startup delay. However, clients may quickly terminate a streaming session if the initial video quality is not good enough [12].

We propose the H TTP/2-B ased R etransmission technique (H2BR) [33], which replaces already buffered low-quality video segments with higher-quality versions while avoiding adversely affecting the performance of the underlying ABR algorithms. H2BR scans the buffer to detect the segments with lower qualities than adjacent ones. Higher-quality versions are determined based on the buffer occupancy and the estimated throughput. To make the retransmitted segments arrive at the client on time and reduce the request overhead, we exploit certain HTTP/2 features, including: (i) multiplexing, (ii) stream priority, (iii)server push, (iv) stream termination. The client can send multiple requests to download segments concurrently with the multiplexing feature. Stream priority helps the client control the bandwidth allocated for simultaneous segments by assigning proper PRIORITY weights to these segments. To reduce the number of requests, the server push feature is utilized, in which the client retrieves several segments sequentially with a single HTTP GET request. Finally, stream termination terminates retransmitted segments with high probabilities of arriving after playout time or when the buffer level is at risk.

The experimental results from our prior work [32, 33] show that H2BR is able to improve the client’s QoE. In this article, we address two open issues: (i) H2BR was evaluated with different packet loss rates and buffer sizes for a scalable video coding format only in [32]. In [33], only segment duration for non-scalable video coding format was considered. However, a client can encounter different input parameters’ values for either video coding format in real-world environments. For example, a video can be streamed to the client with a large or small buffer over a network in which the packet loss rate is low or high. Therefore, we take into account the impact of all of these parameters on H2BR for both non-scalable and scalable video coding formats. In addition, various sets of video representations (termed “bitrate ladders” in the following) will be evaluated as the video can be encoded into different bitrate ladders based on the service provider and video content [2]. (ii) H2BR was compared to the related work in only some specific configurations in [32, 33].

The objective of this work is to enhance the QoE of ABR algorithms by replacing low-quality segments in the buffer.The contribution of this paper is three-fold:

  • H2BR retransmission technique: We leverage the HTTP/2 features to enhance the QoE by upgrading low-quality segments stored in the buffer. These HTTP/2 features include server push, multiplexing, stream priority, and stream termination.

  • Comprehensive evaluation: To fully assess H2BR’s performance, we conduct various experiments with different experimental configurations that reflect real-world streaming scenarios. In addition, detailed comparisons between H2BR and existing related work are drawn.

  • Guidelines on using H2BR: We summarize our findings as guidelines for the H2BR usage in various streaming scenarios, including different video formats, bitrate ladders, ABR algorithms, and packet loss rates.

The remainder of the article is structured as follows. Section 2 provides background and related work. The details of the H2BR approach are given in Section 3, followed by the experimental setup in Section 4. Evaluations and guidelines on using H2BR in various scenarios are given in Sections 5 and 6 . Section 7 concludes the article and highlights future work.

2 Background and related work

2.1 HTTP/2-based video streaming

HTTP/2 was released in 2015 by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) [5]. It was issued as a higher performance alternative over its predecessor HTTP/1.1 and evaluated in the context of HAS by Mueller et al. [27]. HTTP/2 provides some key features for HAS such as server push, stream priority, multiplexing, and stream termination. Server push allows the client to retrieve multiple segments with the same quality by sending a single request. Using the stream priority feature, the client can request the server to spend more resources on pushing more important segments when some segments are delivered in parallel by the multiplexing feature. The client indicates the higher-priority segments by setting a higher PRIORITY weight (i.e., integer values between 1 and 256) for the stream delivering them. The throughput allocated to concurrent segments is proportional to the PRIORITY weight. Finally, the stream termination feature allows the client to terminate a stream immediately by sending the server an RST_STREAM frame associated with that stream [5].

The server push feature was first exploited by Wei et al. [50]. The authors implemented a k-Push strategy to reduce latency in live streaming by sending requests indicating the required video quality and a fixed value of k – the number of consecutive segments to be delivered in response to a single request. However, the fixed number of pushed segments may result in stalls when the buffer is low and the throughput drops, as the client is supposed to receive all of the requested segments before switching to a lower quality version. To address this issue, Nguyen et al. [28] proposed an adaptive method of varying the value of k based on a cost function as a weighted sum of buffer cost and request cost. The request cost is a linearly decreasing function of k, whereas the buffer cost is proportional to k.

Stream priority and stream termination have shown to be useful in video streaming as well. The methods proposed in [29, 31] utilize stream priority to control the arrival time of different tiles in 360 videos. Tiles belonging to the same segment are downloaded simultaneously, and visible tiles with higher qualities are assigned higher priority weights so that the server uses more bandwidth to deliver these tiles. In case some tiles cannot be downloaded before their playout deadlines, stream termination will be used to terminate them. These heuristics can cope with the high bandwidth requirement of 360 videos. Similarly, the work in [30] makes use of stream priority and stream termination to address the viewport estimation errors. Recently, Yahia et al. [53] have presented a client-based algorithm for low-latency video streaming that uses stream priority to manage the video frame delivery, and stream termination to discard some frames when throughput becomes unfavorable. Stream termination is not only utilized for 360 video streaming but also works efficiently in the live streaming context for conventional videos by canceling a segment request if its download may lead to stalls in the future [21].

Compared to the above methods, H2BR focuses on enhancing the video quality of segments already stored at the buffer of the client and operates complementary to existing ABR algorithms rather than making a decision on the bitrate of the next segments to be requested.

2.2 Non-scalable and Scalable Video Coding (SVC) in streaming

In non-scalable video streaming, different versions of a video segment are encoded independently. Each quality version is represented by a single file as shown in Fig. 1(a), and the client chooses a quality version to watch by downloading the corresponding file (or portions thereof) from the server. This strategy leads to increased storage costs and bandwidth usage in the CDN due to the redundancy that exists among those versions [35]. Moreover, non-scalable video streaming does not allow the client to upgrade the video quality after sending segment requests, which may result in an unnecessary low-quality video because of wrong quality decisions.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Non-scalable and scalable video coding formats

On the other hand, SVC reduces this redundancy and integrates all quality versions into a single bit stream with the ability to extract a specific version. A quality version with the minimum requirements is encoded as a base layer (BL). One or more enhancement layers (ELs) are encoded using the BL as the reference layer. ELs with lower resolutions or qualities can be used to encode higher ELs in addition to the BL. Figure 1(b) illustrates the quality versions in SVC videos. This video quality structure enables the client to add the ELs based on the network conditions so that the video quality can be gradually improved. This will avoid the negative impact of wrong quality decisions of non-scalable video streaming [37]. Additionally, in terms of service delivery, SVC implies lower storage than non-scalable coding [19]. A robust rate adaptation algorithm for scalable video streaming has been proposed in [13]. To overcome the end-to-end delay caused by requesting multiple layers per segment in scalable video streaming, parallel and pipelined downloading of segment layers has been proposed by Bouten et al. [10]. An interest packet control for Named Data Networking (NDN) has been proposed in [36], which reduces unused data packets in scalable video streaming. The performance of scalable video streaming with respect to spatial and quality scalability options is compared to non-scalable video streaming using various encoder implementations in [14].

In this article, we use the video compression standard HEVC, one of the most popular video codecs according to Bitmovin’s Video Developer Report 2020 [9], for non-scalable videos. For the SVC videos, SHVC [43, 54], the latest scalable video coding format, is used in this article.

2.3 ABR algorithms and retransmission techniques

ABR schemes have been studied extensively in the literature [6]. These approaches can be classified into (i) bandwidth-based (e.g., [25, 28]), (ii) buffer-based (e.g., [16, 46]), and (iii) hybrid (e.g., [18, 34]).

In the bandwidth-based schemes, the client merely relies on the measured network bandwidth (or throughput) to select suitable quality versions. The works in [24, 25, 39] measure the throughput as the downloaded segment’s size divided by the download time of that segment. Zhang et al. [56] propose an ABR algorithm, namely piStream, for clients in LTE networks. PiStream estimates the available throughput with a resource monitor module working as a physical-layer daemon. Miller et al. [26] introduce the LOLYPOP ABR algorithm which predicts throughput on different time scales such as 1 second and 10 seconds for the purpose of improving QoE and obtaining low latency. Probe AND Adapt (PANDA) [23] estimates the available bandwidth accurately and tries to address fairness issues by reducing bitrate oscillations in a shared link.

Buffer-based ABR approaches select the video representation based on the buffer occupancy at the client. BBA [16] maps the instant buffer level to an available quality level by an increasing linear function. However, BBA requires a large buffer to avoid throughput fluctuation. Spiteri et al. [46] introduce the BOLA ABR algorithm that takes into account the buffer level, playback utility and playback smoothness to determine the suitable quality level for the next segments. Sieber et al. [45] propose an SVC-based adaptation algorithm called bandwidth-independent efficient buffering (BIEB). BIEB aims to maximize video quality while decreasing the number of quality oscillations and avoiding stalls. BIEB attempts to maintain a stable buffer occupancy before increasing the quality (via enhancement layers). However, BIEB does not consider bitrate switches or stalls in the QoE model during peak times when dynamic cross traffic occurs in the network. Yadav et al. [52] introduce an M/D/1/K queue model for a DASH client to calculate the expected buffer occupancy given a bitrate choice, network throughput, and buffer capacity. Considering a diverse set of scenarios, the authors evaluate QUETRA and show that QUETRA leads to better QoE than the existing algorithms.

In the hybrid adaptation methods, the client makes the quality level decision based on both available throughput and current buffer occupancy. SARA [18] splits the buffer size into three regions and selects the suitable video quality based on the available throughput and the region to which the current buffer level belongs. Recently, the work in [34] considers three cost factors of downloading a segment of a specific video quality, including buffer cost, quality cost and throughput cost. Downloading a high-bitrate segment results in high buffer cost and throughput cost because of long delivery time but low quality cost due to high quality. The video quality with the lowest total cost, which is a weighted sum of the three costs, will be selected. Zhou et al. [57] investigate the problem of providing smooth video bitrate switching over multiple servers due to their various bandwidths. They propose a block-based ABR method considering both the bandwidth of multiple servers and the buffer occupancy information. The main objective in this work is to avoid buffer overflow and underflow; however, the authors do not consider other metrics such as switching frequency and amplitude factors. In contrast, in H2BR we provide a retransmission technique that can work on top of ABR algorithms to upgrade the buffered segments and improve the QoE. An Adaptation and Buffer Management Algorithm (ABMA) is proposed in [51]. Using the measured segment download time, ABMA improves the bit-stream switching. ABMA copes with short-term bandwidth variations through tuning the client buffer size. Batalla et al. [3] improve the performance of ABMA in terms of computational cost. However, the authors do not investigate the impact of their approach on the user-perceived quality. Belda et al. [4] introduce an ABR scheme named Look Ahead that considers the bitrate variability of quality versions. Although Look Ahead avoids stalling events, it suffers from low average video quality due to a conservative process of selecting the quality versions for the next segments.

Though the above ABR algorithms show promising results to some extent, they still suffer from the time-varying fluctuation of the throughput. Once they download a low-quality segment, the viewer has to watch it even though the upcoming throughput may be favorable. This negatively impairs the QoE of the viewer. Our idea to solve this research issue is to replace low-quality segments by high-quality ones (i.e., to redownload segments) when the throughput can afford additional segments besides the next segments. However, this strategy raises another question: “How to deliver those segments effectively to assure the QoE improvement?” When low-quality segments are about to be played soon, the redownloaded segments need more throughput to arrive at the client before their playback time. Otherwise, the next segments should be devoted more throughput so that the buffer is filled faster to avoid stall events.

We address the aforementioned question by proposing H2BR, which leverages HTTP/2 features, especially multiplexing and stream priority to control the throughput allocated to multiple segments. H2BR detects low-quality segments in the buffer and replaces them with higher-quality versions (named retransmitted segments) while downloading the next segments concurrently. This enables the end user to watch a higher-quality video.

To show that H2BR can work efficiently on top of various ABR algorithms, in this paper we use four ABR schemes in our experiments: (i) for non-scalable video streaming, AGG [28], BBA [16], and SARA [18]; (ii) for scalable video streaming, Backfilling [37]. These approaches are selected as they belong to various classes of ABR algorithms classified in [6] (i.e., throughput-based, buffer-based, hybrid, and scalable), and are straightforward to implement.

AGG [28] is a throughput-based algorithm and aggressively – hence, the name AGG – selects the maximum bitrate that is lower than the estimated throughput for the next segment to be requested. The experimental results in our previous work [33] showed that the AGG algorithm could provide a relatively high overall QoE score when integrated with the proposed extension component H2BR for delivering non-scalable videos. To exploit this approach for scalable video streaming, the client selects the maximum number of layers for the next segment with the total bitrate lower than the estimated throughput. Then, layers of this segment are fetched one by one starting from the BL to the top EL. This process is repeated for the next segment after all layers of the current segment are downloaded. Figure 2 demonstrates the modified AGG approach for scalable video streaming. There are four segments in the buffer. The first and third segments have two layers (one BL and one EL), and the others have one layer. These layers are downloaded in the order from layer #1 to layer #6, and each of them corresponds to a single request from the client.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Modified AGG for scalable video streaming

BBA [16] is a buffer-based ABR algorithm that uses an increasing function f(Bi) to map the buffer level Bi to a corresponding bitrate. The buffer size is split by two thresholds, r and cu (r > 0 and cu > 0), where r represents the size of the reservoir and cu denotes the size of the cushion. If the current buffer is less than r, then the next bitrate is the minimum one. When the current buffer is more than r + cu, the next bitrate is the maximum one. Otherwise, the value of the function f(Bi) is used to determine the next bitrate.

As a hybrid ABR algorithm, SARA determines the next bitrate as the result of the buffer and the estimated throughput constraints. This algorithm divides the buffer by three thresholds, I, Bα, and Bβ (I < Bα < Bβ). If the current buffer is smaller than or equal to I, the minimum bitrate is chosen. When the current buffer is larger than I but not greater than Bα, the bitrate is conservatively increased by one level. In case the buffer is between Bα and Bβ, the next bitrate is higher or equal to the current quality version, based on the estimated throughput and current buffer level. Otherwise, the best suitable quality version for the throughput is chosen as the next bitrate, and the client waits for a period to send the next request to avoid unnecessary video downloads if the client suddenly quits the video.

In the Backfilling algorithm [37], the client checks the number of the BL segments in the buffer. If the buffer contains all BLs, the adaptation algorithm upgrades the quality of the segments starting from the segment with the last playout time by downloading its next EL. Otherwise, the BL of the segment with the earliest playout time is downloaded first. Figure 3 presents this approach when the buffer size is five segments. After downloading all the BLs of these segments, the approach starts to download the first EL of the fifth segment, then turns to the fourth segment with its next layer. When the first EL of the first segment is completely downloaded, the second EL of the fifth segment will be fetched, and so on.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Backfilling for scalable video streaming

3 The proposed HTTP/2-based segment upgrading approach: H2BR

In this section, we introduce a method to measure the network condition when the data from multiple segments are delivered simultaneously, followed by an in-depth description of the H2BR technique. Even though H2BR is originally designed for the non-scalable video coding format, we will show that it is able to work efficiently for scalable videos with some minor enhancements.

3.1 Throughput measurement

The traditional client-side throughput measurement determines the throughput T based on the segment size S of the last segment divided by its download time, i.e., the period from sending an HTTP GET request (at time t0) to completely receiving the segment (at time t) as shown in (1).

$$ T = \frac{S}{t^{*}-t^{0}}. $$

However, when the server pushes multiple segments simultaneously, (1) merely measures the average throughput allocated for one segment and does not reflect the whole available throughput capacity. To deal with this problem, we propose to divide the amount of the data downloaded between two consecutive end times of segment downloads over this period. Therefore, the throughput T will be computed as

$$ T = \frac{D^{t_{n}}_{t_{n-1}}}{t_{n}-t_{n-1}}, $$

where tn is the n-th time that the client completely downloads a segment, and \(D^{t_{n}}_{t_{n-1}}\) is the amount of the data downloaded between tn− 1 and tn. \(D^{t_{n}}_{t_{n-1}}\) can be inferred from DATA frames, and the END_STREAM flag provides tn. If there is a negligible period between tn− 1 and tn, (i.e., when tntn− 1τ, where τ denotes the segment duration), computing (2) is skipped at timestamp tn.

3.2 H2BR for non-scalable video streaming

Currently, most of the ABR algorithms try to optimize the QoE by considering the bitrate of the next segments and ignoring the segments located in the buffer [6]. In this section, we introduce the H2BR technique, whose overview is depicted in Fig. 4, to improve the QoE by replacing low-quality segments currently stored in the buffer with higher-quality versions. This technique is executed by an additional component, namely the Retransmission module, as illustrated in Fig. 5. The notations used in our H2BR approach are described in Table 1.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Overview of the proposed retransmission technique H2BR

Fig. 5
figure 5

The Retransmission module and other extensions at the client

Table 1 Notations used in our H2BR algorithm

This proposed component fetches the information from the ABR algorithm, Playout buffer, and Throughput estimation to determine which segments at what bitrates and priority weights should be retransmitted. In the end, the client sends a NEXT request to get the (multiple) next segments and, if needed, a RETRANSMISSION request for retransmitted ones.

The process of the proposed technique is described as follows. Given that \(\mathcal {V}\) is the set of quality versions, the last downloaded segment is segment i, and the current buffer after the download of segment i is Bi. Let Te denote the estimated throughput. The ABR algorithm component provides the bitrate of the next segments, \(R^{\mathcal {N}}\), and the number of the next segments, \(k^{\mathcal {N}}\). The Retransmission module determines the following parameters: (\(R^{\mathcal {R}}\), \(k^{\mathcal {R}}\)), (\(P^{\mathcal {R}}\), \(P^{\mathcal {N}}\)) and j. \(R^{\mathcal {R}}\) is the bitrate of the segments to be retransmitted, \(k^{\mathcal {R}}\) is their number, and j is the index of their first segment, which means the retransmitted segments are {\(j, {j+1},..., {j+k^{\mathcal {R}}-1}\)}. \(P^{\mathcal {N}}\) and \(P^{\mathcal {R}}\) are the PRIORITY weights of the next and retransmitted segments, respectively. The retransmission is triggered when the estimated throughput Te is larger than the bitrate of the next segments \(R^{\mathcal {N}}\), and the current buffer Bi is higher than a threshold Bt. Afterwards, all the segments which are being stored in the Playout buffer will be scanned to search for gaps, which are defined as lower-quality segments compared to their adjacent ones, and the proposed component groups all the same-quality consecutive segments together. Let Gn denote the n th group in the buffer and \(\phi _{G_{n}}\) and \({\Phi }_{G_{n}}\) denote the smallest and largest indices of segments in group Gn, respectively. The group that segment i belongs to is indicated by g(i). An example is given in Fig. 4. The buffer consists of four segments, and both segments (i − 3) and (i − 2) belong to the group 0, thus g(i − 3) = g(i − 2) = G0. The (i − 1)th and i th segments with different quality versions are put in groups G1 and G2, respectively.

In our proposed method, \(R^{\mathcal {R}}\), \(k^{\mathcal {R}}\) and j must satisfy three conditions. First, segment j needs to completely arrive in the client before its playout time to ensure it can be decoded. The available download time of segment j can be computed as

$$ {t^{a}_{j}} = {t^{p}_{j}} - t^{c}, $$

where \({t^{p}_{j}}\) denotes the playback time of segment j, and tc is the time of the currently played segment. The throughput assigned to deliver retransmitted segments, \(T^{\mathcal {R}}\), must be high enough to download segment j within period \({t^{a}_{j}}\), but less than the estimated throughput Te so that the next segments can also be delivered. \(T^{\mathcal {R}}\) is represented by

$$ T^{\mathcal{R}} = \frac{R^{\mathcal{R}} \times \tau}{{t^{a}_{j}}}. $$

Second, the estimated buffer Be after downloading all the next and retransmitted segments must be higher than a threshold Θ to avoid effects on the next-bitrate decision of the ABR algorithm component. Θ is chosen based on the current buffer Bi and buffer thresholds used in the ABR algorithm. As an example, assume that the current buffer level is equal to 15 s and, if there were no retransmission, the future buffer level would go down to 12 s. However, the retransmission could reduce this to 8 s since more time is needed to download retransmitted segments. In case the ABR algorithm chooses a lower-quality version when the buffer level falls below 10 s, for instance, the retransmission negatively affects the decision of the ABR algorithm. Therefore, in this case, Θ is set to 10 s to prevent this effect. The estimated buffer Be is based on the current buffer. Right after (\(k^{\mathcal {N}} + k^{\mathcal {R}}\)) segments are completely downloaded, only the \(k^{\mathcal {N}}\) next segments contribute \(k^{\mathcal {N}}\times \tau \) seconds to the buffer. Meanwhile, the buffer is drained by the download time of (\(k^{\mathcal {N}} + k^{\mathcal {R}}\)) segments, which is \(\frac {k^{\mathcal {N}}\times \tau \times R^{\mathcal {N}} + k^{\mathcal {R}}\times \tau \times R^{\mathcal {R}}}{T^{e}}\). Therefore, Be is determined as follows:

$$ B^{e} = B_{i} + k^{\mathcal{N}}\times\tau - \frac{k^{\mathcal{N}}\times\tau\times R^{\mathcal{N}} + k^{\mathcal{R}}\times\tau\times R^{\mathcal{R}}}{T^{e}}. $$

Third, as our objective is to fill the gaps, the bitrate of retransmitted segments does not need to be too high; it is sufficient to be in the range of qualities (bitrates) of the adjacent groups of segment j. Let \({R^{l}_{j}}\) and \({R^{h}_{j}}\) be the bitrates of the lower-quality and the higher-quality adjacent groups, respectively. Besides, the number of retransmitted segments is not more than the number of segments in group g(j). Therefore, (\(R^{\mathcal {R}}\), \(k^{\mathcal {R}}\)) and j are determined to satisfy the following constraints:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \begin{cases} T^{\mathcal{R}} < T^{e} \\ B^{e} \ge {\varTheta} \\ {R_{j}^{l}} \le R^{\mathcal{R}} \le {R_{j}^{h}} \\ k^{\mathcal{R}} \le {\Phi}_{g(j)}-\phi_{g(j)}+1 \end{cases} \end{array} $$

If there are multiple pairs (\(R^{\mathcal {R}},k^{\mathcal {R}}\)), we will prioritize the one having smaller g(j) and larger \(k^{\mathcal {R}}\). If both the NEXT and RETRANSMISSION requests are sent by using merely the HTTP/2 multiplexing feature as in SQUAD [8], the data belonging to each request will utilize half of the whole capacity of the network. This could result in unfairness when the retransmitted segments need more throughput because of their larger data amount or limited available time for delivery. Therefore, finally, the Retransmission module determines the PRIORITY weights for the next and retransmitted segments to make sure that the retransmitted ones are assigned enough throughput \(T^{\mathcal {R}}\). These parameters are based on

$$ \frac{P^{\mathcal{R}}}{P^{\mathcal{N}}} = \frac{T^{\mathcal{R}}}{T^{e}-T^{\mathcal{R}}}. $$

Our general technique is summarized in Algorithm 1. It should be noted that, according to RFC 7540 [5], \(P^{\mathcal {R}}\) and \(P^{\mathcal {N}}\) are integers between 1 and 256. We propose to determine the integer pair (\(P^{\mathcal {R}}\), \(P^{\mathcal {N}}\)) according to Algorithm 2. Firstly this algorithm sets the bigger parameter to the maximum value, i.e., 256, then the other parameter is straightforwardly calculated based on (7). If they are equal, both are set to 1. The PRIORITY weights \(P^{\mathcal {R}}\) and \(P^{\mathcal {N}}\) are added in the Weight field of the HEADERS frames [5] that open the streams.

Algorithm 1
figure a

HTTP/2-based retransmission technique.

Algorithm 2
figure b

Determination of priority weights.

During the retransmission period, the Retransmission module monitors the instant buffer status and the time remaining before the retransmitted segment is played out. If it detects the current buffer is less than a certain threshold Bl or the remaining retransmission time is less than a pre-defined threshold tl, all the retransmitted segments that have not fully arrived in the client will be terminated by an RST_STREAM frame of HTTP/2 sent from the client. This frame includes an error code to indicates the reason why the stream is terminated. The list of error codes can be found in [5]. In our case, we use the code CANCEL with the value 0x8 to express that the stream delivering retransmitted segments is no longer needed. To avoid frequent termination of retransmission, both Bl and tl should be small, but Bl must be high enough to minimize the risk of playout stalls and to start a new retransmission session quickly. Therefore, in our experiments we set tl = 0.1 s, Bl = B/4, and Bt = B/2, where B denotes the buffer size. The values of parameters of the H2BR and ABR algorithms in our experiments are defined in Table 2, and the buffer size is changed as shown in Table 5.

Table 2 Parameters used in the experiments

An example of the performance of H2BR in a cascade network trace according to [7] is illustrated in Fig. 6. It can be seen that when the throughput becomes more favorable (from second 120 on), our proposed method can re-download many better-quality segments to substitute for low-quality ones stored in the buffer to provide higher video quality.

Fig. 6
figure 6

An example of H2BR ’s performance

3.3 H2BR for scalable video streaming

As shown in Fig. 2, there might be some quality gaps in the buffer while streaming scalable videos. To cope with this issue, some ELs can be downloaded to fill those gaps with some specific conditions. For example, as shown in Fig. 7 in which there are four segments in the buffer, if the throughput that delivers the BL of segment 4 (#6) is high enough to sustain another additional layer (i.e., #7 of segment 2), then the client should download both layers to solve the gap issue. This idea can be applied by our proposed method H2BR.

Fig. 7
figure 7

H2BR in modified AGG algorithm for SVC-based HAS

To deploy H2BR for scalable video streaming, instead of retransmitting segments, H2BR additionally downloads higher layers for the segments that cause quality gaps. As a high layer is rendered to be displayed only when all of its lower layers are available at the client, H2BR needs to download the one-level-higher layer to upgrade the low-quality segment. Thus, the \(R^{\mathcal {R}}\) is simply the bitrate of the next enhancement layer. Besides, because each request only includes the information of one layer of a segment, the server push feature is not suitable in this case. Consequently, the number of the next layers \(k^{\mathcal {N}}\) and the number of retransmitted layers \(k^{\mathcal {R}}\) are both set to 1. In other words, H2BR does not use the server push feature in scalable video streaming (i.e., \(k^{\mathcal {R}}=1\)), and \(R^{\mathcal {R}}\) is straightforward to determine.

4 Evaluation setup

In this article, we consider the performance of H2BR in two experimental setups to answer the aforementioned research questions, respectively:

  • H2BR under different conditions to evaluate the impact of individual parameters (i.e., bitrate ladders, segment duration, packet loss rates, and buffer sizes) on the performance of our proposed method.

  • H2BR under a given configuration compared to related work.

4.1 Bandwidth trace

In the previous paper [33], we evaluated H2BR’s performance in a low-throughput network. Therefore, in this paper, we use a higher-throughput network trace collected in [48] on a bus ride, as illustrated in Fig. 8. The average bandwidth in this trace is 19822 kbit/s with a standard deviation of 11240 kbit/s, and the maximum bandwidth is 64143 kbit/s. It should be noted that our test sequence (see later) has the maximum bitrate of 20000 kbit/s and, thus, it is challenging to deliver this video over such an unstable network (cf. high standard deviation).

Fig. 8
figure 8

Bandwidth trace [48]

4.2 Buffer size

For AGG, we consider the buffer size of 20 s as the default value, which is similar to [20, 47]. Because the throughput-based AGG algorithm is not affected by the buffer size, we use this algorithm to assess the impact of different buffer sizes from 10 s to 20 s on the performance of H2BR. For the BBA and SARA algorithms, the buffer size should be higher since they rely on this parameter (see Table 5).

4.3 Test sequence

We encode the RaceNightFootnote 1 video with four different bitrate ladders as shown in Table 3 for both HEVC and SHVC. The HEVC Test Model (HM version 16.10) was used to encode the video in non-scalable format and the SHVC Test Model (SHM version 12.4Footnote 2), which is implemented on top of HM version 16.10, was used to encode the video in the scalable format.

  • Bitrate ladder 1 conforms to YouTubeFootnote 3 and includes four quality versions. Different segment durations of 1 s, 2 s, 4 s, and 6 s, and the frame rate of 30 FPS are being used.

  • Bitrate ladder 2 is based on the recommendation of Apple [1] with 12 quality versions.

  • Bitrate ladder 3 consists of 19 quality versions according to the dataset of Zabrovskiy et al. [55].

  • Bitrate ladder 4 indicates the bitrate of each layer of segments separately (from BL to EL3). The average VMAF value of an EL is calculated when that layer is accumulated with lower layers.

Bitrate ladders 2, 3, and 4 are divided into segments with 2 s length. The first three bitrate ladders are used to investigate the impact of the bitrate ladder on the performance of H2BR. Bitrate ladder 4 of SHVC will be used to compare to HEVC Bitrate ladder 1 because the client downloads the same amount of data for the same quality version. For example, to have a 2 s segment at the quality version 2 (Fig. 1), the client has to fetch from the server one 5400 kbit/s segment in case of the HEVC video, or request the layers BL and EL1 with the bitrates of 1800 kbit/s and 3600 kbit/s, respectively, in case of the SHVC video. The streaming session in our experiment is 300 s long. Since the RaceNight video is too short (12 s), it is repeatedly downloaded until the end of each session like in [47]. We used bitrate as a representative metric to evaluate the quality of segments. Because a fixed bitrate ladder is used, i.e., we encode all videos into a fixed set of representations, the performance will be similar across different content types [7].

Table 3 Video bitrate ladders

4.4 Testbed

Our testbed consists of an HTTP/2 server running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on an Intel Core i7 16GB RAM system and an HTTP/2 client running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on an 8GB RAM virtual machine which are connected to each other by the host-only network. The DummyNet tool [40] is deployed at the client to emulate the network conditions mentioned in Section 4.1. At the client, three different ABR algorithms are implemented for HEVC video streaming: (i) throughput-based AGG [28], (ii) buffer-based BBA [16], and (iii) hybrid SARA [18]. The k-Push technique [28] is implemented to decrease the number of requests issued by the ABR algorithms. We compare the performance of these algorithms with and without the extensions provided by H2BR and by SQUAD’s retransmission technique [49]. In the context of streaming SHVC videos, the modified AGG (AGG-M) approach described in Section 3 and the Backfilling approach [37] are deployed. These algorithms are compared to our proposed method, which is AGG-M integrated with the H2BR technique, namely AGG-H. The compared methods and their acronyms are listed in Table 4.

Table 4 Compared methods and acronyms

Three evaluation scenarios consisting of nine tests are considered in this article (see Table 5): (S1) The first scenario focuses on the impact of segment duration which is in the range of 1 s to 6 s. (S2) The second scenario considers the ability of the protocol to deal with head-of-line blocking [44] in the presence of packet loss which is set to a range from 0% to 5% based on [42]. The 2 s segment duration is used in this scenario since this is widely used in the literature on HTTP/2-based streaming [21, 27, 53]. (S3) In the third scenario, the impact of the buffer size is investigated with the segment duration of 2 s and without packet losses. Each test is repeated ten times for accuracy, and the figures in the next sections show the average values.

Table 5 Experimental scenarios and configurations while using Bitrate ladder 1

Please note that DummyNet can only approximate the behavior of a real network. Most of these approximations are due to the limited granularity and the precision of the system clock [40]. Because of this slightly stochastic network behavior, each experiment is repeated ten times for accuracy, and the figures in the next section show the average values.

4.5 Performance metrics

To evaluate the performance of the compared methods, we consider the common metrics that characterize the QoE. They are listed in Table 6.

Table 6 Performance metrics

It should be noted that for number of switches, only downward switches are considered since they have a negative effect on the client’s experience than upward switches [11]. For the HEVC video, we consider the QoE score computed by the extensionFootnote 4 to the ITU-T P.1203 Model [17] implementation [38, 41]. The received QoE score is the result of a map** function for HEVC video streaming that supports bitrates up to 40000 kbit/s, and video resolutions up to 4K with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) < 0.034. Although ITU-T P.1204 originally supports HEVC and 4K videos, it was validated for video sequences of short durations, e.g., 8–10s. We use the extension of the ITU-T P.1203 model, which was validated not only for supporting HEVC and 4K videos but also for videos with 1–5 minutes duration [17], which is the most suitable QoE model for our streaming scenarios.

5 Analysis: H2BR’s performance in different configurations

In this section, we analyse the experimental results of H2BR in different configurations of HAS shown in Table 4. Both scalable and non-scalable video streaming are considered.

5.1 Non-scalable video streaming

First, we analyze H2BR’s performance in the context of non-scalable video streaming. The results of these experiments are as follows:

  • Impact of ABR algorithms: H2BR is able to provide the most improvement when the throughput-based AGG algorithm is deployed at the client. The average video quality is increased by an average of 11.7% in Scenario 1 (Fig. 9(a)) and 8.7% in Scenario 2 (Fig. 10(a)). When the SARA algorithm is used, these improvements are only 0.9% and 0.3% in Scenario 1 and 2, respectively. As the AGG’s buffer is well filled, H2BR is able to re-download segments successfully so that the gaps are eliminated. Up to 70 segments (out of 300 segments of the video) in T1 as shown in Fig. 9(c) are replaced by higher qualities, which results in a decrease by an average of 36.0% in the number of switches as shown in Fig. 9(b)(left plot). Therefore, the ITU QoE score is improved the most for the AGG algorithm by an average of 10.3% and 4.9% in Scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. With the hybrid ABR algorithm, SARA, H2BR can only re-download a few segments such that SARA’s performance is not significantly improved. This is because SARA only decreases the bitrate of the next segments when both the buffer and throughput are relatively low; then, the H2BR cannot be triggered. Regarding BBA, H2BR provides modest improvements. Even though this ABR algorithm relies on the buffer level, H2BR may detect enough throughput to deliver retransmitted segments when the buffer is low (but larger than Bt), the next bitrate RN is also low, and the estimated throughput is favorable. From the above observation, we recommend that H2BR should be implemented on the clients using throughput-based ABR algorithms in all cases. Other ABR schemes can make use of H2BR in some specific scenarios that will be shown in later sections.

  • Impact of segment lengths: In Fig. 9, it can be seen that H2BR provides the best performance in T2 (2 s segments) with an improvement in average video quality by 6.9%, the number of switches by 9.5%, and the QoE score by 6.9% for all of the ABR algorithms. Figure 9(c) shows that longer video segments lead to significantly fewer successful segment retransmissions for the AGG and BBA algorithms, but slightly affect this metric for SARA. For example, in the T1 experiment, H2BR is able to successfully re-download 70 1-second segments on average in the AGG client, whereas this figure is only 12 6-second segments in the T4 experiment. However, there are around 70 seconds of the video whose qualities are upgraded in all experiments except T3. In the SARA client, no matter how long the segment duration is, no more than four segments are retransmitted completely. As explained before, when there are low-quality segments in the buffer, the buffer level and the throughput are also too small for H2BR to retransmit these segments. We can see that HTTP/2 features are exploited profitably when the video segments have 2 s segment duration.

  • Impact of packet loss rates: H2BR is negatively affected by packet losses as shown in Fig. 10. When the packet loss rate increases, the average video quality, the number of successful segments, and the ITU QoE score deteriorate; there are more switches as well. This is because when there is a lost packet in a stream, the data transfered in its parallel streams is stopped for the TCP transport layer to recover. Therefore, the measured throughput is lower and fluctuates more severely, which results in worse bitrates and more switches at the client. As a result, H2BR cannot re-download segments or decides to re-download segments while the measured throughput is small, which leads to more terminated segments (Fig. 10(c)). Especially, H2BR cannot re-download any segments for the SARA algorithm if the packet loss rate is higher than 1%. We recommend that H2BR should be used when the network has a favorable packet loss rate such as less than 1% to avoid downloading additional data without QoE improvement.

  • Impact of buffer sizes: As shown in Fig. 11, the larger the buffer size, the higher the improvement provided by H2BR. When the buffer size is large (20 s, i.e., T2), H2BR achieves the best results (highest ITU QoE score) with an improvement in average video quality by 14%, the number of switches by 13%, average video instability by 29%, and ITU QoE score by 13%. This is because, with larger buffer size, there are more segments stored in the buffer, which increases the opportunity for H2BR to detect the quality gaps and retransmit low-quality segments with more available download time. It can be inferred that the client should provide enough buffer capacity (e.g., 20 s for AGG) for the purpose of achieving the best benefits of HTTP/2 features with H2BR.

  • Impact of bitrate ladders: From Fig. 12, we observe that, with more quality versions of the video, the improvements provided by H2BR decrease in the AGG and BBA clients. For example, with Bitrate ladder 1 (i.e., four quality versions), the average video quality is increased by 14% in AGG and 6% in BBA. For Bitrate ladder 3, this figure is improved by only 7% in AGG and only by 1% in BBA. The reason is that more quality versions mean the AGG approach can choose higher qualities. If the segments with these qualities need to be re-downloaded, H2BR needs more throughput; this decreases the chance of triggering retransmission and fewer segments are re-downloaded (Fig. 12(f)). Regarding the BBA algorithm, this buffer-based method uses a function to map the buffer level to the quality version. Therefore, if the video has few quality versions (i.e., Bitrate ladder 1), a large range of buffer levels maps to one quality version. When H2BR finishes retransmitting some segments, it does not affect the bitrate selection of this ABR algorithm despite a lower buffer occupancy. Consequently, H2BR is able to eliminate more downward switches, and the video quality is more stable when the video has fewer quality versions (Fig. 12(b) and (c)). In contrast, H2BR enhances SARA’s performance if the video has many quality versions. For Bitrate ladder 3 (i.e., 19 quality versions), H2BR improves by 4% in the average video quality, 3% in both the QoE score and VMAF, and 18% in video instability because of more retransmitted segments, as shown in Fig. 12(f). This is because when the buffer is high enough to trigger retransmission, SARA also wants to download the next segments with high quality, which leaves little throughput for H2BR. Therefore, if the video has more quality versions, H2BR has more chance of finding a suitable low bitrate that fits with that remaining throughput. We conclude that buffer-based ABR algorithms like BBA can use H2BR when the clients download video with a few quality levels, whereas hybrid schemes like SARA should use H2BR when the video is encoded into many quality versions.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Performance of H2BR in non-scalable video streaming over HTTP/2 for Scenario 1

Fig. 10
figure 10

Performance of H2BR in non-scalable video streaming over HTTP/2 for Scenario 2

Fig. 11
figure 11

Performance of H2BR in non-scalable video streaming over HTTP/2 for Scenario 3

Fig. 12
figure 12

Performance of H2BR in non-scalable video streaming with different video ladders in T2

5.2 Scalable video streaming

Figures 1314, and 15 compare the performance of our proposed method with that of the modified AGG algorithm, AGG-M, in scalable video streaming with different scenarios. The following results are obtained.

  • Impact of segment lengths: Fig. 13 shows that our proposed method AGG-H outperforms AGG-M for each segment duration with an improvement in the average video quality of 15.4%, the number of switches of 81%, and the average video instability of 64.8%. However, it is seen that longer segments decrease gradually the performance gain of AGG-H when compared to AGG-M. For example, the average video quality rises by 23% (from 3.0 to 3.7) in T1 (i.e., 1 s segments) whereas this gain is only 10% in T4 (i.e., 6 s segments). This is because with longer segments, the video has fewer video segments, and the client more slowly adapts to the fluctuation of the network but might also cause the switches to become more severe. Consequently, there are fewer downward switches (Fig. 13(b)), and higher average video instability (Fig. 13(c)) in AGG-M. For AGG-H, as explained before, longer segments mean the requirement of more download time that decreases the chance of additionally downloading layers. Therefore, fewer downward switches are eliminated and also more average video instability emerges. From these results, the segment duration in the scalable video needs to be short (e.g., 1-2seconds) to achieve the best quality from H2BR.

  • Impact of packet loss rates: As illustrated in Fig. 14, packet losses, evidently, negatively affect the performance of our proposed method. The higher the packet loss rate, the smaller the performance gain yielded by H2BR. In T2 (i.e., a packet loss rate of 0%), AGG-H is able to bring 16%, 83%, and 74% improvements in average video quality, number of switches, and average video instability, respectively. The corresponding gains in T7 (i.e., a packet loss rate of 5%) are 17%, 20%, and 19%. As explained above, higher packet loss rates lead to more throughput oscillation and reduction, which challenges AGG-H to improve over AGG-M’s results. Regarding the decrease in the number of switches and video instability of AGG-M in T7 when compared to T6, these are attributed to the serious reduction of the throughput such that the chosen video quality is between 1 and 2 (the average video quality is 1.5 as shown in Fig. 14(a)). However, it can be clearly seen that H2BR utilizes HTTP/2 features efficiently for scalable video streaming even when the network has a high packet loss rate (e.g., 5%) with an average quality improvement of 17%.

  • Impact of buffer sizes: Fig. 15 shows the performance of the compared methods in the tests T2, T8, and T9 with buffer sizes of 20 s, 15 s, and 10 s, respectively. Similar to non-scalable video streaming in the previous section, shorter buffer sizes result in more switches and higher average video instability in AGG-H. However, our proposed method still outperforms AGG-M.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Performance of approaches in scalable video streaming for Scenario 1

Fig. 14
figure 14

Performance of approaches in scalable video streaming for Scenario 2

Fig. 15
figure 15

Performance of approaches in scalable video streaming for Scenario 3

5.3 Guidelines

In this section, we have evaluated H2BR in various streaming scenarios. The main findings and guidelines on H2BR can be drawn as follows: (i) If the client implements a throughput-based ABR algorithm, H2BR should be integrated for every streaming scenario to enhance the QoE. (ii) We recommend applying H2BR for buffer-based ABR schemes only when the videos have few quality levels. (iii) For hybrid ABR methods, H2BR is profitable if the videos are encoded at many quality levels. (iv) For the purpose of exploiting HTTP/2 features effectively, the segment duration should be 2s, and the clients should allocate large buffers. (v) H2BR gains remarkable QoE improvement in the context of scalable video streaming in all considered scenarios.

6 Analysis: H2BR’s performance compared to related work

In this section, we compare H2BR with state-of-the-art approaches in scalable and non-scalable video streaming.

6.1 Non-scalable video streaming

In the context of non-scalable video streaming, Table 7 compares the performance of H2BR and the SQUAD method [49] with different bitrate ladders and in combination with different ABR algorithms in test T2. The main observation is that H2BR provides better results than SQUAD in almost all cases.

Table 7 Performance metrics for different bitrate ladders in the T2 experiment

For the AGG algorithm, our proposed method (i.e., AGG-H) provides the best performance in all three bitrate ladders. For instance, with Bitrate ladder 1, AGG-H achieves an average video quality of 3.5, VMAF of 97.5, and an average QoE score of 4.3, compared to 3.2, 95.3, and 3.9, respectively, of AGG-S, and 3.1, 94.2, and 3.8 of AGG-N. This is attributed to much more successful segment retransmissions with higher qualities by H2BR. There is an average of 34.3 segments successfully re-downloaded by the proposed method, compared to 14.1 segments by SQUAD for Bitrate ladder 1. Moreover, as AGG is a throughput-based method, retransmissions do not much affect the bitrate decisions on the future segments of AGG; thus, more successful segments mean higher overall quality. Nevertheless, H2BR provides these better results at the cost of more wasted data (nearly 46 MB, more than 2.5 times of SQUAD). Although the number of switches in H2BR is higher than that of SQUAD, it still appears reasonable with a decrease by 13% to 34% in the number of switches and 15% to 29% in the video instability when compared to AGG-N in all cases of bitrate ladders.

With the BBA client, both H2BR (i.e., BBA-H) and SQUAD (i.e., BBA-S) retransmission techniques cannot remarkably improve the performance of the original ABR algorithm (i.e., BBA-N) when the video is encoded with many quality versions (i.e., Bitrate ladders 2 and 3). Although multiple segments are retransmitted (up to 60 segments in H2BR and 49 segments in SQUAD with Bitrate ladder 3), the results are relatively unchanged. As explained before, this is attributed to the negative impact of retransmission on the buffer occupancy, which is used for the future bitrate selection of BBA. This issue abates in Bitrate ladder 1 where the changes in the buffer level because of retransmissions hardly distort the chosen bitrates of the original BBA. Therefore, BBA-H achieves the best results with the average video quality of 3.6 (6% higher than the others), the average QoE score of 4.3 (nearly 5% higher than BBA-S and 8% higher than BBA-N), and the average number of switches of 1.6, compared to 1.8 and 2.0 of BBA-S and BBA-N, respectively. We conclude that the retransmission technique should not be used in buffer-based ABR schemes while delivering videos that have many (e.g., 12) quality versions.

Regarding the SARA algorithm, H2BR (i.e., SARA-H) can yield the best performance in all bitrate ladders, and the more quality versions the video has, the better performance H2BR can achieve. With Bitrate ladder 1, the results of using retransmission and not using retransmission are nearly the same. SQUAD (i.e., SARA-S) could not retransmit any segments, and H2BR can successfully download a maximum of two segments to replace the low-quality ones. However, when the video has more quality versions (e.g., Bitrate ladder 3), H2BR shows the best improvement over the original SARA (i.e., SARA-N) owing to the average of about 14 segments completely retransmitted and 3.6 MB video data replaced, whereas SQUAD could hardly re-download segments. The average video quality and average video instability of our proposed method are 16.5 and 0.49, respectively, compared to 15.9 and 0.59 of SARA-N. Although SARA-H suffers from a longer stall duration (2.5 s), its average VMAF is significantly higher at 89.7, compared to 86.7 of SARA-N.

6.2 Scalable video streaming

When the videos are encoded with the scalable format, Table 8 summarizes the performance of our proposed method AGG-H and two reference approaches (AGG-M and BF). AGG-M is the AGG algorithm modified to be compatible with the SVC streaming scenario, and BF stands for the Backfilling approach [37]. Meanwhile, AGG-H is the modified AGG integrated with the H2BR technique. It can be seen that AGG-H provides the best video quality. Owing to an average of 63.6 layers additionally downloaded, AGG-H enhances the performance of AGG-M by 14% in average video quality, 60% in average number of switches, 60% in average video instability, and 3% in average VMAF, with a reasonable number of stalls and stall duration. Moreover, compared to BF, our proposed method is able to achieve 39% fewer switches on average (from 19.3 down to 11.8), and 50% less average video instability (from 0.4 down to 0.2) with a slightly higher average video quality and average VMAF.

Table 8 Performance of the SVC-based ABR approaches in all experiments

7 Conclusions and future work

H2BR is a retransmission technique that leverages HTTP/2 features to enhance the QoE. The proposed H2BR approach scans the buffer to detect lower-quality segments compared to the adjacent ones and determines higher-quality versions based on the buffer occupancy and the estimated throughput. Our proposed approach makes the retransmitted segments arrive at the client on time and diminish the request overhead by leveraging the following HTTP/2 features on top of existing ABR algorithms: server push, stream priority, multiplexing, and stream termination. These features enable H2BR to upgrade the quality of segments which are worse than their neighboring segments while avoiding adversely affecting the performance of the underlying ABR algorithms. We intensely analyze the performance of H2BR in different scenarios, varying parameters related to the network (i.e., packet loss rate), the client (i.e., buffer size and ABR algorithm), and the video (i.e., segment duration and the number of quality versions). From the experimental results, we found that H2BR is able to improve the video quality of the existing ABR algorithms by up to 17% and 14% in scalable video streaming and non-scalable video streaming, respectively. H2BR also outperforms the retransmission technique SQUAD by more than 10% higher QoE. Furthermore, H2BR significantly enhances the quality of videos when the client integrates a throughput-based ABR method with a suitable buffer size (around 20 s), and at a favorable packet loss rate (no more than 1%). In the case of a buffer-based ABR algorithm, bitrate ladders with a small number of quality versions are important for H2BR to bring benefits for the client. In contrast, our proposed method is able to improve the QoE for the hybrid ABR algorithm when the video is encoded into many quality versions. We also observe that H2BR provides more improvements for scalable video than for non-scalable video with, on average, 14% in average video quality, 62% in the number of switches, and 57% in average video instability, compared to 9%, 15%, and 13% for the non-scalable video, respectively.

We also provide recommendations on how to utilize H2BR effectively as follows. Firstly, H2BR is beneficial when using a throughput-based ABR algorithm in any scenario to achieve better QoE. Secondly, when the HAS client uses a buffer-based ABR scheme, H2BR should be used if that client is watching a video with few quality levels, such as less than 12. Thirdly, hybrid ABR methods should trigger H2BR when the video has many quality levels (e.g., 19 levels). Finally, the segment duration should be 2 s to make H2BR obtain the best performance.

Future work includes implementing H2BR in conjunction with multipath TCP (MPTCP) where the retransmitted segments and next segments can be downloaded via separate interfaces, e.g., a cellular network and Wi-Fi, to eliminate the interference of H2BR with the original ABR algorithms.