1 Introduction

The target of unit commitment (UC) is to reduce the operation cost of power systems while ensuring high power supply reliability (Egbue et al., 2022). For many years, UC has been regarded as one of the most important control process of power systems. Nowadays, with the concern of environmental issues, renewable energy generation has received great attention. For example, the wind power installed capacity in China has reached 26GW in 2019, accounting for 44 percent of newly installed global capacity (Zhu et al., 2022). However, renewable generation like wind power and photovoltaic (PV) power usually shows strong intermittence and randomness, which brings significant uncertainty and challenge to the economic and reliable operation of power systems (Yuan et al., 2021).

In order to solve the above problem, scholars mainly use point forecast, interval forecast, probabilistic forecast and scenario generation to handle the uncertainty of renewable power, and adopt stochastic optimization (SO) and robust optimization (RO) to solve the UC problem. Stochastic unit commitment (SUC) takes numerous possibilities of uncertain information into account, and the solution aims to make the overall performance of the objective function best under various scenarios. Liu et al. proposed a SUC model for electric-gas coupling system and used the improved progressive hedging (PH) algorithm to accelerate the optimization of SUC (2021) (Liu et al., 2021). Asensio et al. added a CVaR constraint to the traditional SUC model to effectively quantify risks and make reasonable decisions according to risks (2016) (Asensio & Contreras, 2016).

Generally, SO can reduce the cost of power generation on the premise of improving the reliability of system operation, but it may not guarantee system reliability under extreme situation, which makes the risk of SUC solution difficult to measure. Therefore, RO is introduced as a better way to alleviate the above shortcomings. Based on the analysis of power systems under various uncertainties, the UC schedule generated by RO performs well in the worst case (Chen et al., 2022). In the literature (Gupta & Anderson, 2019), robust unit commitment (RUC) method based on the feature sorting algorithm used in the traditional pattern recognition problem was proposed, which is flexible on the basis of considering all cases. Lee et al. considered both unit and transmission line failure rates, then used N-K criterion to establish a generation cost minimization model in the worst scenario (Lee et al., 2015). However, RO tends to pay more attention on low probability events, making the generated schedule too conservative (Lin et al., 2021).

By contrast, distributionally robust optimization (DRO) combines the characteristics of SO and RO, and has attracted great attention in recent years (Bian et al.,

\(\underline {P}_{g}(\overline {P}_{g})\)

Minimum (maximum) generation bound


Upward (downward) reserve capacity


Wind power capacity

\(W_{jt\omega }^{*}\)

Wind power production in scenario ω

\(\hat {f}_{l}\)

Day-ahead network power flows


Transmission capacity limits


Ambiguity set

B. Variables



On/off status of unit g at hour t


Status indicator of unit g at hour t for the startup process


Status indicator of unit g at hour t for the shutdown process


Setting value of power output by unit g at hour t


Amount of upward (downward) reserve capacity of unit g at hour t


Wind power dispatch under scenario j at hour t

\(\hat {f}_{lt}\)

Network power flows

\(\hat {f}_{lt\omega }\)

Real-time power flows

\(p_{gt\omega }^{+}\)

Upward reserves of unit g at hour t under scenario ω

\(p_{gt\omega }^{-}\)

Downward reserves of unit g at hour t under scenario ω

\(\omega _{jt\omega }^{spill}\)

Amount of wind power production under scenario ω at hour t

\(l_{nt\omega }^{shed}\)

Allowable load shedding at each node