Ethical Theory and Moral Practice

The original version of the article did not contain the acknowledgement.

Acknowledgements: I am especially grateful to Axel Gosseries, Serena Olsaretti, Anca Gheaus, and Daniel Halliday for their helpful comments on previous drafts of this paper. The article also benefitted greatly from discussions with Kevin Hartmann, Juan Olano, Andrés Salazar Abello, Niko Väänänen, Jens Tyssedal, Gregory Ponthière, Pietro Intropi, Pierre André, Amaël Maskens, Vincent Vandenberghe and Bruno Verbeek. I would also like to thank editor-in-chief Emanuela Ceva, who handled the paper, and two anonymous reviewers, whose comments helped significantly improve the manuscript. I acknowledge the financial support of the ARC research project’ SAS Pensions’ at UCLouvain (ARC No 18-23088).

The original article has been corrected.